Versatile Mage

Chapter 1791: Strange rock power

"This person... a little strong!" Wenxia's adjutants looked straight.

At the moment, these people are really giving people a hand, because in the face of the black silver rock trolls, they did not use half of the magic, it is entirely by the young man to kill it!

After a heavy flame of burning, the black silver rock troll body is more difficult to support, and as the Wenxia officer made up a strong drill mountain top, this black silver rock troll finally completely collapsed.

The wreckage under the collapse has piled up into a small hill. The magicians wrapped in gray dust are rolling out one by one. The weak people of such a large group, several adjutants are really not well handled.

"Fang flute, here is handed over to you, we rushed to the next location." Wen Xia left a subordinate.


There is not much time. There are three black-and-silver trolls in the enchantment. They find that after enchantment, they realize that this kind of thing will block the entry of their children, so they rely on their powerful rock power. Attacking the newly established city enchantment.

"There are those abominable guys who want us to perish." Wen Xia saw a black silver rock troll on the edge of the enchantment, the road of anger.

"Well... a big big guy!" Hou, the deputy army, said with some horror.

Compared with the previous black silver rock troll, the Wuyinyan troll that is attacking the enchantment is now ten meters higher. The luster on the body makes it feel that this guy is not a rock creature at all. Instead, it is a black metal troll that exudes mechanical power!

"What is it doing??" Wenxia said.

The Wuyinyan trolls suddenly went to a cascade park. The park is about 5 acres in size. The terrain is slightly higher than the street city. There are some small flowers and small waterfalls in the small forest. It is a beautiful park.

What is unexpected is that this Wuyinyan troll has a large hand and embraces. I don’t know where the power of the park has pulled the park from the heights! !

Huge soil breaks appeared in the place where the original park was located. The horrible Wuyinyan trolls directly held the park's terraced hills and used such a large piece of land to smash into the city's enchantment.

A large park became the weapon of the Ukrainian rock troll. Every time it was smashed, the park that had been pulled up was shattered.

This scene can be said to have shocked the entire Midtown, so how do they want to compete against such a magical power? ? ?

"This... this is too ferocious!"

"Can we really beat this guy?"

Compared with the power of the Wuyinyan trolls, their high-level magic looks weak as a prestige, and several adjutants suddenly have no courage.

Wenxia gnawed his teeth. The Wuyinyan trolls in front of him were stronger than the black-silver trolls before. Don't say that they were wiped out. It is very remarkable that these people can survive.

"Mo Fan, do we have to try to deal with the other two?" Wen Xia is also somewhat afraid.

"Just it, killing it, the other two are not enough!" Mo Fan rubbed his head, but did not talk much about it.

Wen Xia also wants to discuss the countermeasures with Mo Fan. I know that Mo Fan is brave than anyone. When everyone is shaken by the Wuyinyan troll, which is holding a large layer of ground, he greets him!


"I want to see how long you can lift!" Mofan used the momentary movement to jump directly to the park that was being lifted.

The Wuyinyan Troll is continuing to smash the park where it began to break. Suddenly a silver outline shrouded the entire park, and the invisible pressure sank on it, making the Wuyinyan troll slammed down. After sinking for nearly half a meter, it was almost impossible to step on this unreliable step.


The Wuyinyan trolls realized that there was a person on the top, and I don’t know why this person’s weight is similar to that of a small tree. When you step on the park, it just makes this layer nearly twice as heavy!

The park was getting more and more heavy, and the Wuyinyan troll had to throw it on the ground. Its eyes swept over, looking for the man who was the size of a small sparrow, and the angry void caught it. There is actually a rock spear!

The rock-bone spear was thrown at Mofan here, and Mo Fan immediately turned into a shadow bird, which was dissolved in the night, and the flying bone spear flew a kilometer away, and a set of smoke stood up. Near the commercial street, like an enlarged flagpole.

"Get up!"

Mo Fan fell on the big electric tower, and the eyes showed silver brilliance.

The invisible potential spread out, and the thoughts became inextricably scattered. They were scattered on the ruins of the broken stone buildings. Those buildings that had collapsed were subjected to some kind of buoyancy, and slowly rose into the air. The mind is controlled.

"go with!"

Mofan waved a hand, a large stone building, a floor, a stone pillar, a beam was applied with acceleration, and slammed into the body of the Wuyinyan troll.

These objects are not too light, and they are squatting on the Wuyinyan trolls, and they can't stand it.

I saw this Wuyinyan troll single-handedly slanting and hitting the ground. In the position about 50 meters in front of it, the hit area suddenly swelled up a hill shield, and the hill shield was in Wuyinyan. In front of the demon, the objects that Mofan used to manipulate and control are mostly turned into powder!


The Wuyinyan Troll raised his legs and took a step.

"Rumble rumble!!!!!"

This foot is stepped on, and there is a large group of earth beasts rambling under the ground, and a fan-shaped area is formed to arch the earth's stone, destroying and hitting any object on the ground, including Mo Fan.

Fan-shaped trampling spreads a wide range, Mo Fan has no place to dodge, and has to display the momentary movement to open a certain distance from this Wuyinyan troll.

Mo Fan originally wanted to give the Wuyinyan troll a shell wound between the contests, and then expand the wound to completely damage the Wuyinyan troll. Who knows the magic power of the earth used by this guy? Strong, forced to retreat.

The distance that Mo Fan retreats, the magic is not to reach the Wuyinyan trolls, but the Wuyinyan trolls can use the powerful soil Mofan to attack Mo Fan, which will only make Mo Fan very passive.

"The earth elements here are very rich, and their magic will become too strong." Wenxia officer said.

"I know that if my soil magic is high enough, I won't be beaten off by him." Mo Fan was a little angry.

He is now a soil magician, facing this level of creatures. The first-order earth magic and the middle-level earth magic are unlikely to produce enough damage.

"I will help you!" Wenxia said.

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