Versatile Mage

Chapter 1792: Vacuum zone

"It's a disgusting earth magic, especially the hill shield. Even if I use a stronger devastating magic, it just has to put the **** hill shield up, I can hardly hurt it." Mo Fan Said.

Mofan himself is very annoyed to deal with this kind of skin-thick creature. The Wuyinyan troll actually needs some effort to get it done without using any skill to stand there and attack Mofan. But if you add it to the earth magic, it is estimated that dawn does not want to kill it.

"I will help you create a soil vacuum zone that will make the soil elements thin, so it will be difficult to display the soil magic," Wenxia said.

"Is it a battle?" Mofan asked.

"Yes!" Wenxia nodded.

"That's good, there is no earth magic, it's much easier to deal with it!" Mofan said.


This is a time-delay method, which means that it takes some time to form. Wenxia is actually very good at arranging this special forbidden zone, otherwise she will not complete the ban on the city.

The so-called soil vacuum zone is actually different from the forbidden zone. She is a magician of several soil systems who use their magic energy and some auxiliary utensils to be stuck in a pentagram position and quickly take away. Specific elements of the area!

This magical array is like an evacuation machine. It separates an area and turns it into a place similar to a magic vacuum.

Of course, it is difficult to make a vacuum without an element, but it is not impossible if several powerful soil magicians join forces to separate a single soil system.

There are just four deputy generals under Wenxia’s hand. The mage named Fangdi gave the former group to the rescuers of the Magic Association and immediately rushed back to the battlefield. The five of them stood on the five-pointed star. Point……

Mo Fan is also introducing the Wuyinyan troll into the vacuum of the pentagram at this moment, like a trap tailored for the Wuyinyan troll.

The Wuyinyan troll did not put these people around in the eye too much. In order to catch Mofan, he stepped into the vacuum of the pentagram.

"The Spirit of the Earth Spirit Vacuum!"

Wen Xia led other adjutants to display the connection method. You can see that a deep dark light was shot in the direction that Wen Xia’s arms were open, and they were shot to the deputy military and Fang Di.

The two men's arms were opened like Wenxia, ​​showing the angle of the five-pointed star. As the dark light arrived, they also ran out of dark light from the other arm and arrived at the arms of the other two adjutants.

The last two adjutants’ arms and arms were right, and like the finale of the star map, the entire five-pointed star vacuum glowed out, and the enclosed land was isolated from the city. .


There is no wind, but it feels like stepping into a whirlpool. Mo Fan is also a soil mage. He can clearly feel that the earth element elves are disappearing quickly!


The Wuyinyan trolls also noticed something wrong. For it, the earth element is the field where it is arbitrarily galloping. The elements are thin and its own power is weakening!

"Mofan, this magic vacuum zone can't last too long, you have to solve it as soon as possible... Also, don't let it run out of the five-pointed star!" Wenxia loudly said to Mo Fandao.

"Reassured, I will not give any chance to this guy who wants to destroy the public property!" Mofan replied.

The Wuyinyan Troll is not a low IQ creature. After realizing that he has stepped into a trap against the power of its soil, it immediately turns around and leaves the place.

There is no limit to the freedom of the pentagram vacuum zone. It is very difficult to turn such a rich earth air into a thin vacuum. The rest of the nature depends on Mofan himself.

"I still want to run??"

Mo Fan had already prepared, and in the process of fighting with the Wuyinyan Troll, he constantly invaded his dark matter into the ground and the body of the Black Silver Rock Troll.

"I haven't used Shadow Magic for a long time, just look at the strong nightingale!" Mofan said to himself.

It will be late at night, and the night will make Mofan's nightingale invade faster. With the appearance of Mofan, the commercial street area, which was originally dominated by him, is immediately shrouded by a layer of darker matter. It’s up.

Dark nights, such as fog forests, will spread and grow.

The earth has also become a huge black magic pool. The vacuum of the five-pointed earth system itself has drawn away the earth elements contained in the air. The surface of the Wuyinyan troll’s foot is covered with a deep layer. The bottom of the black mud, can be said to completely isolate the Wuyinyan troll against the soil!

"Give me a stop!" Mofan waved his hand.

Under the black magic pool, a pair of huge and powerful arms of the Kong Wu emerged, just firmly grasping the legs of the Wuyinyan troll.

The Wuyinyan troll struggled forward, and the legs were more like being nailed around. When it turned around to look at it, it was discovered that it was just grabbing its legs and not letting it walk. A huge shadow of your own.

Obviously inky, why is there a shadow?

Why does this shadow have power and can bind it!

The power of shadow is not to be able to break free by brute force. Mo Fan had heard that the defense of the soil system was actually some fear of dark invasion and corrosion, and then the Wuyinyan troll could no longer use the earth magic to knock himself back. At the same time, Mo Fan just has enough room to display a real dark magic!

"Rebel Shadow Lord!"

Such a huge body, Mo Fan to use the nightingale to create a strong and powerful rebellious shadow is somewhat difficult, but the enhanced nightingale did not disappoint Mo Fan, just banned the Wuyinyan troll Within a few seconds, the Dark Magic Pool slowly floated a burly shadow like the Wuyinyan Troll! !

The Wuyinyan Troll stood there and saw a silhouette and appearance almost exactly the same as the Shadow Demon, and there was a bit of fear in the eyes...

The rebellion is as tall as the Wuyinyan troll. The difference is that its body is composed entirely of dark shadows. It is full of terrible evil spirits. It doesn’t wait for Mofan to issue orders. This rebellion is already The pace was opened, and both hands held a long shadow heavy spear and smashed toward the Wuyinyan troll body! !

The Wuyinyan troll was horrified and uneasy, and he managed to break free from the **** under his feet. The same evil shadow was killed, and the shadow of the spear was stabbed. The body was safe and sound, and the spirit and spirit brought by the look. The pain of the soul has made the Wuyinyan trolls even stand still. !

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