Versatile Mage

Chapter 1793: I have a lot of people

"What is that?" On the big bell tower on the stone fort, the chief commander Xie Qinghua glanced through the dark area and saw two huge giant shadows, which felt like a black-silver troll. Killed another Wuyinyan troll, and the horrible screams kept echoing in the city.

"Report, two black silver rock trolls have been wiped out!" An intelligence soldier ran, hurriedly said.

"The stunned hundred people who were sent up just now came from a black silver rock troll that was destroyed before." The military policy said.

"We are in the city, but we can kill the Wuyinyan trolls, but there are only three or four people. Lu Bin is leading the brownstone mage, and is trapped by a large group of granite rock beasts. Which big master is the righteous man!" Xie Qinghua Said.

"The newspaper is the student with the Wenxia officer, Fan Mo." The intelligence soldier said.

“That youth?” Xie Qinghua vaguely had some impressions. She remembered that the guy was very opinionful about his decision. “It’s not very likely, how can the youth repair be so high!”

Xie Qinghua just finished these words, the black curtain gradually sank, and even the black magic pool faded like the tide.

Xie Qinghua only picked up a light-eye mirror at this time, looking at the edge of the enchantment.

At this time, she just saw the Wuyinyan troll slammed down, and the body infiltrated an unusual dark atmosphere. It was obviously killed by the power of darkness. When Xie Qinghua was surprised, a whole body also exuded the same dark power. The young man stood next to the body of the Wuyinyan troll, who was the young soldier of the intelligence soldier!

"It's him...but..." Xie Qinghua was stunned.

Domestic strength can reach this level, thirty is a young person, and never seen a black silver rock troll in his twenties!

"The chief commander, there are two black silver rock trolls, we still have hope!" The military policy said with some excitement.

"Yes, yes, we still have hope." Xie Qinghua said.

The only Master of the Yucheng Superclass, himself, Wen Xia, Lu Bin, now seems to have emerged as a magician with amazing fighting power, and even two black silver rock trolls.

A super-order is a vitality in a city that needs to be guarded. Xie Qinghua is also in a state of turmoil at this time. Yes, there is hope, there is hope in Yucheng...

"The general commander, Wen Xia and the young man seem to be rushing to the red-black-black rock trolls!" said the military policy.

"Is this young man a possession of the demon? We may not be able to kill the Black Silver Rock Trolls by sending a whole high-ranking regiment. He seems to be destroying the Black Silver Rock Trolls alone!"


For the military and Yucheng, Mo Fan’s appearance is simply a drop in the gods. Mo Fan, who is immersed in the battlefield, is not a stranger to this kind of battle. He is like a real warrior, and he will be black and silver in the black mountains. The trolls are killed one by one, and the morale of all the soldiers is also rising.

In the battlefield, this high level of creatures gives the mages a strong pressure. Don't look at the number of rock geeks in this city. If there is no black silver rock troll, you will feel the dawn!

"Sir, our soldiers seem to have cleaned up all the rock geeks in the magic store." Duan Junjun said.

"Very good, it seems that there are no black silver rock trolls, and the soldiers will not dare to kill."

"Isn't it, in exchange for the fact that I saw a big monster standing in the battle, and when I stared at the star map and the constellation, I might be defeated by the momentum of it. Thanks to the Mofan brothers. , sir, where did you find such a super strong??" Fang Di said.

Even killing two black silver rock trolls, several Wenxia's subordinates have some joy on their faces, the most important is the increase in self-confidence.

"He followed a group of study members to study here, it should have just awakened the earth magic soon." Wenxia looked at the back of Mofan's fast speeding, and the corner of his mouth floated.

When entering the city, Wen Xia knew that Mo Fan was very strong, but the strength of this guy was beyond the expectation of Wen Xia. When he thought that he actually used him as a bait, he thrilled to kill the first black silver rock troll. And he really agreed to feel a little bit of laughter.

"Just in front, this guy I handled it alone, you rushed to the next location, and disposed of the granite rock beasts for me, I will arrive later." Mo Fan said to several people behind him.

Mo Fan probably glanced at it and found that there was a large group of granite rock beasts hiding around the black and silver rock trolls in the residential community. Mo Fan really didn't want to waste time with those granite rock beasts, so let the text first Xia they went to deal with it.

The black-silver troll in front of him is a lone ranger, who alone dominated the central square and is competing with some brownstones.

The brownstone masters were not strong enough. The magic used was equal to scratching the black and silver rock trolls and killing them several times. Instead, two brown rock masters fell into the mouth of this guy and used it. Strengthen the strength.

"Are you alone no problem?" Wenxia said.

"A person?? No, no, no, I am a lot." Mo Fandao.

Wen Xia was puzzled for a while.


Wenxia took a few subordinates to rush to the residents' buildings. The high-rise buildings here will be less, and the flats are mostly low, which is not conducive to the Master hiding.

Moreover, the number of Gangshi rock beasts can stand at each small crossroads. I want to come to this guy as a big head in the black silver rock troll.

All the way to the residential building sliding, Wenxia still could not help but look back.

He said that he is not alone? ?

What does this mean?




Suddenly, on the central square where Mo Fan was located, a loud wolf rang out over the top of the city. Wen Xia looked there and was surprised to find a white wolf flying in the moonlight. ! !

"How come more so many devil wolves without any reason? And their rank is not low." The deputy army said strangely.

"At the command level, they are all leading levels!"

"Where is it..."

"I just saw the glory of the door of the Dimension!"

"Summoning!!" Wenxia officer suddenly remembered something.

Wen Xia also watched the World University Competition. She suddenly remembered that Mo Fan also had a strong magic system, which was the summoning department, and that he was summoning a group of devil wolves.

After arriving at the heights, Wen Xia looked back again, and suddenly found that there were hundreds of white wolves in such a large central square. Among them, the higher-level white moon wolf surrounded the black silver rock trolls. Launched a hunting attack!

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