Versatile Mage

Chapter 1797: Disobedient contract beast

"Fortunately, there is no right center to be picked up, or it will be tortured to death by these injuries." Mo Fan's heart has a lingering voice.

The effect is very slow, and the burning pain is not only slowed down, but the blood loss has made Mofan feel dizzy, which is very influential.

Taking advantage of the shadows, Mo Fan temporarily dive into a safe place. The black and silver cymbal trolls seem to know the position of Mo Fan's escape. The eyes glanced at this indifferently, but did not pursue it.

Obviously, the real purpose of the black and silver cymbal troll is the nucleus of the enchantment. If Mofan uses the shadow magic and space magic to escape, it is a waste of time, and this human being is seriously damaged, and no longer needs to pay attention.

"Mo Fan... You are all right!" Wen Xia found Mo Fan, who was hurt all over the body, and hurriedly asked.

"I still can't die. It seems that you have to build a capital in the city of Yucheng to annoy this mountain king. At least three times more military power is needed to defend it down." Mo Fanchuan said with anger.

Mo Fan has been to the west, and knows the hard work of the obsessed military officer from Man’s sister to build a safe city. Although the city was originally a war city, it has certain defense facilities and local garrison personnel. You can promote the city to the capital of the element at once, and set up such a powerful capital enchantment. Those demons in the mountain caves will never sit idly by...

The attack of this demon is also considered to be a long-term plan. There are no seven or eight super-class mages, and there is no elite army of more than 5,000 people. It is impossible to keep it.

"We also want to have three times more power, but..." Wen Xia heard Mofan's words, and the feeling of sadness surged.

Being able to dispatch so many people is already the limit. Nearly 20,000 kilometers of coastline, which coastal fortress does not need military power to guard, which base city does not need enough patrols to fight everywhere, there are only so many people who give them to the city. Even if they knew that this would cause great disparity in the battle after the enchantment was established, they had to make this attempt...

"Don't cry, I haven't died yet." Mo Fan saw Wen Xia's eyes full of wetness, a look of grievances and unwillingness, and hurriedly advised.

"I am not because of you, I just think that the city will become a city of monsters, and may need to send more troops to help us, and feel the groundless!" Wenxia said.

"...Whether there are unbeaten battles, we have to fight and win over and over again, and we have long unified the earth. How can we survive in the cracks of the demon empire? You are just one of the many defeats, relax your heart. Mofan said.

"I would rather die, and don't become one of the defeats!" Wenxia said.

"Wow, don't be so tempered!" Mo Fan was scared a little, and hurriedly said, "You see you, great years, people are beautiful... There are still many wonderful things in life that are not enjoyed, why bother to use yourself Dedicated to a battle that is difficult for the strong man, staying in the green hills, not afraid of not having a firewood, and then, you are also responsible for the shadows that may be caused by me, how can we sacrifice sacrifices."

Wen Xia listened to Mo Fan's nonsense words, and wanted to laugh and laugh, why this person is full of injuries, and the mood to say these dirty words.

"Hey, don't rush to death. I can see if I can get a grandmother. If she takes a shot, she should have a little hope." Mo Fan sighed, from Wen Xia's eyes, the firm Mo Fan I know that this woman will definitely defend the city, and I want to solve the black and silver cymbal trolls. I have to find a way to make Xiaoqiao|hip... oh, little Apache shot.

Mo Fan didn't have much confidence, because a beautiful snake snake was self-proclaimed and honorable. It was because of the negligence of Mo Fan's side that he fell into the trap of human insidious and deceitful.

Wenxia, ​​according to Mo Fan, went to the central square to find a girl who looked good like a fairy. Sure enough, next to a water-spraying statue in the square, Wen Xia found a t-shirt with a waist. girl.

The t-shirt is short, and the slender waist and white slender waist is exposed to the air. With a pair of jeans with a low waist effect, the snake waist curve is almost obsessed with Wen Xia.

There was a mess near the fountain. There was a wreck of a black silver rock troll not far away. There were hundreds of ashes of magicians in the wreckage. The girls didn’t look at it, but they were extremely laid-back. Put it aside, such as the calf in the cold water of the fountain, humming the tune.

This girl looks as fascinating as the daughter of the gods in the serene picture. It is not like being in a battlefield where the ruins are ruined and smoked.


Wenxia led Apas to Mofan's side. After seeing Mofan's **** body and bruises, he immediately showed the color of surprise and concern. "The big brother, how have you been so heavy?" If you hurt, don't you want to die, will you die?"

"We have a contract. If I am not injured, would you not know? If you want to be cut off by an evil axe, you will be willing to give me over." Mo Fan was not angry.

"People don't know, people clearly handle the dark guy according to your master's instructions. Your little wolves are also very good, and how about others." Apas grievances The poor look of crying.

Wen Xia would not have seen the leisurely foot baths of Aps, she revealed this expression Wen Xia believed.

"You don't have a single family. I can't stand it. You have to kill the black and silver bronze trolls. You need a few pounds of lobsters to follow you," Mofan said.

"First of all, I am not a three-year-old child. Don't take a few pounds of lobster to stop me from doing this dangerous thing. Secondly, I can't deal with this guy. I look like a bad contract beast. Can help big brother. Of course, the small slaves will do it, but the things that can't be done are that they can't be done... You have to think that I am useless, let's lift the contract peacefully," said Apas.

Mofan heard these arguments from Apas and suddenly had a headache.

The true strength of Apas can be countered by Jiuyou. After Jiuyou is one of the eight emperors of the Emperor, the fighter in the monarch, dealing with a black and silver bronze troll is not a hand-to-hand thing. Mo Fan believes in the mystery of Apas, unless the sun rises together in four directions from southeast to northwest!

When Mo Fan was still in high level, the contractual relationship really suppressed the strength of Apas.

But Mo Fan is now super-order, even if the strength of Apa's peak will be affected by the contract, then Apas must also be a orthodox monarch Medusa.

You can't deal with a stupid and hard stone monster as a noble and powerful Medusa? ? ?

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