Versatile Mage

Chapter 1798: This time is not a bait

"The people say it is true. One of my strongest strengths is petrification, but you can see this guy... It was originally a stone, how do people make it petrify it? Then my mental attack, against pure elemental creatures is invalid. "Apars knows that Mofan doesn't believe it, so he explained the grievances."

The two reasons listed by Apas are not unreasonable. Mo Fan forced the contractor to order. Apas himself is not willing to play. She is perfunctory and does not use anything at all. Instead, it will appear between contracts. crack.

Maybe Abas would expect Mofan to impose an order on her, so that the contract would have a crack from Mofan, so that she would forcibly break the contract and not cause excessive damage to the soul.

"Mo Fan, the teacher may not be able to hold it." Wenxia whispered Mofan a word.

"Give me some more time." Mo Fan scratched his head. The seven-foot man can't cure your little goblin. It seems that he is too much for her. She lacks essential education. "Don't go around between us. You just say what you want." Willing to shoot."

"Remove the contract." Apas said.

"Wen Xia, I can't help, we will have a period later, I still have that sentence, stay in the mountains..." Mo Fan sighed and said to Wen Xia.

"It doesn't matter, you have helped us a lot." Wen Xia did not insist, although I don't know what powerful power this girl has, but since Mo Fan can't convince her, it can only be said that the fate of Yucheng is like this.

Wen Xia did not stay any longer. Now the black and silver gongs and trolls have triumphed all the way, and took the big bell tower stone castle. Although there is his teacher Xie Qinghua in the guard, she is also difficult to face such a flood. attack.

After seeing Wen Xia with a few lost, and looking at Mofan lying there, she couldn’t help but scream: "How can you have such a sense of justice, a contract for an element? What is not worthwhile!"

"You are not saying that you can't deal with the black and silver bronze troll?" Mofan raised his eyebrows and asked.

Apa whispered: "I can't deal with it myself, but I have a way to deal with it."

"How to deal with?" Mo Fan asked.

"What does this city have to do with me? I will not be sad for it to perish." Apas replied plainly.

"I can't do anything anyway, let's get out of here first." Mo Fan stood up and his body trembled a little.

He did his best, his injuries were so heavy, he was going to be black and silver and the trolls came again. The little life was definitely gone. Even if he wanted to take risks, it was estimated that Apas would not do it. The contract owner died, her soul would It’s so bad that it’s no different from death.

Therefore, Apas is also very difficult to do. Sometimes I hope that Mofan will be injured a few times, so that revenge will make you feel enslaved and you don't want Mo Fan to die.

"Don't fight for it anymore, or look at it again?" Apas saw Mofan to go, but he was a little anxious.

"Nothing to look good." Mo Fan got up and let Apas help him.

"Oh." Apas barely supported Mo Fan.

But at this moment, Mo Fan's hand quickly went to Artas.

Apas screamed, thinking that Mo Fan took the opportunity to dissatisfied with himself, but when she stared at Mo Fan with anger, she found Mo Fan holding a shiny brown thing in her hand.

"You!!" Apas immediately glanced at Mofan's angry and incomparable way.

"In our country, the red packets of the little mice are kept by the parents. If you collect these broken crystals, I will first confiscate them. Even the noble Queen of Medusa is regarded as a treasure. It should be sold. Let's have less money." Mo Fan eyes squatting on a line and handing the crystal into his own space bracelet.

"Ah, ah, you bastard, I want to poison you!" Apas rushed up, and the little snake tooth really bite into Mofan's arm.

Mo Fan didn't care if he had a face, just take a bite by the puppy.

"In other words, what is this, you let my wolves collect them for you. These mud deformation monsters can devour human magic to complete rapid evolution, is it related to this broken crystal?" Mo Fan looked at the hanging Asked a little Apas on his arm, ask?

Apas really wants to kneel down Mofan's arm, but the contract immediately issued a warning, so that Apas had to swallow this grievance.

A pair of snakes reveal a golden pink, arrogant and indifferent, I want to come here is the nature of Aps in Medusa... But the two snakes quickly dissipated, these means are useless to Mofan this guy!

Apas hates, hates why he had to swear to stick to Mofan, although he is a very interesting man, but this man is more poisonous than their Medusa snake venom! !

"Give it back to me!" Apas recovered some reason.

"You don't want to confiscate it first." Mo Fandao.

"This thing is very important to me," said Apas.

"Well, you have to kill the black and silver copper trolls, I will consider it." Mo Fan said.

Apas silver teeth have to be bitten, and finally took up a little advantage, so that Mo Fan can not take a chance to play, no one knows how to catch the small tail so quickly.

"I said, I can't do it. You can use the contract to identify whether I have lied," said Apas.

"You can control the people under it." Mo Fandao.

“The elements are hard to manipulate,” says Apas.

"I don't believe you have no other skills." Mo Fan continued.

"You can't use it now, unless your cultivation is higher. You are just a super-level entry. The baby in the monarchy is not counted. The contract is still suppressing me. What do you expect me to do?" One channel.

"You said there is a way," Mo Fan said.

"Yes!" Apas was quite reluctant, but when she thought of the broken crystals that Mofan had confiscated, she still said, "The elemental creatures also have souls, especially the more advanced elements, my mental control is not right. It is completely ineffective, as long as there is a medium that allows my mental strength to pass through its body and reach it directly to the magic crystal..."

"How to get through?" Mo Fan asked.

"It's very simple. This kind of creature sees a powerful human being and chooses to swallow it, so that it can be swallowed in," said Apas.

"It turns out that, well, you are going to let it swallow you up now. You can attack it with mental power when you enter it." Mo Fan said with joy.

Apas looked at Mo Fan, and his eyes were generally indifferent to seeing mental retardation.

"I can't let it devour it. The energy in my body is so huge that it swallows me. It will become a horrible monster that can level you half of the province, and I will be wrapped in mud, and people will Half coma, can you use mental power or problems," said Apas.

"What should I do? I said the same thing as I said." Mo Fandao.

Apas continued to stare at Mo Fan.

Mo Fan was puzzled. After a moment, he suddenly realized what he was, pointing his nose and squinting: "Do you want me to be a bait??"

"This time is not a bait, but it is really letting you swallow it in. You and my heart are connected. After you are swallowed, it is the spiritual chip that I implanted into the body of this black and silver bronze troll. You It doesn't matter if you lose your consciousness, I will control and destroy its spirit," said Apas.


(Chapter 3~)

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