Versatile Mage

Chapter 1807: Whipping evil spirit


The demon is the Guangzhou Tower. I bought a grilled wing near the square below. Mo Fan took the elevator straight to the top of the association.

"Haha, Mofan, you finally know to come to visit me, come and come, I will show you some of my recent research results." Fengzhou Long saw Mo Fan holding a fragrant roasting wing and immediately greeted him. Fengzhou Long is not a polite person. He took a piece from the Mo Fan box and ate it.

"Is it difficult for you to make great progress in the study of fusion magic?" Mofan asked with an eyebrow.

"Oh, this is not the case, I want to be able to break through the world puzzle, I will become a great man, right, your shadow is still easy to use?" Fengzhou Long said.

"It's easy to use, killing invisible, tracking thousands of miles. Not long ago, my shadow has strengthened. I am here today. On the one hand, I want to see what you can do to make my dark matter change again. On the other hand, on the other hand. I got some things and thought of your identification here. I don't know if this thing has a scorpion." Mo Fan said to Fengzhou Long.

"I am looking for you, our research institute... Oh, our research institute will just get some cursing material. Although I haven't researched the real fusion magic, this curse can be your dark matter night. Combined, the price is not high, you give a billion, I immediately told people to change your dark matter to you." Fengzhou dragon reached out and was about to take a chicken wing from the Mofan paper box.

Mo Fan took the chicken-winged box away and escaped the guy's hand. He said, "You are a bandit, here, 1 billion, you have a mouthful!"

"Our research institutes also need research funding. Hey, our friendship is good, things can't be given to you in vain, or give you a discount, 800 million, this dark matter is called 诅挞, just like your nightingale. It belongs to a kind of infestation, infiltration and imprinting. It has a very hegemonic field effect, that is, whipping evil spirits! Whipping evil spirits is a cursing creature, it exists in the field, never dies, once In the area where it is located, someone is hostile to you or causes a direct attack. This whip evil spirit will come to that person with a certain probability and curse it." Fengzhou Long seems to be very respectful of this dark matter. There was a bit of light shining in my eyes, just like a salesman. I can’t wait for Mofan to buy it immediately.

"I am not a curse, are you sure that this thing can be integrated into my nightingale?" Mofan asked.

"Can, if you really want, I will help you with some compatibility, to ensure that your nightingale, shadow is strong against the sky!" Fengzhou Long said.

"800 million is too expensive." Mo Fan, after listening to Fengzhoulong's description, actually had a little bit of movement.

The dark matter of the nightingale is still lacking some real aggression and destructive power. Fengzhou Long is a reliable person. At the beginning, he also passed on this strange dark matter of the singer to himself. What he admires is definitely You can make your dark matter powerful, just the money...

It’s hard to get the money that Medusa’s tears finished in Cairo, and I’m going to go out. I came to the super-order, Mo Fan wants to keep some super-class magic tools, but I can go to Fengzhou Long here, and some of them will not move. .

"It's cheaper, you know that I am a poor man," Mofan said.

"This is already the price of the pro-son. This thing we developed soon, and someday there are members, military officers, and big elders who come around for a lap. If you say bad, you will take this thing away. You don't have to change hands. Selling a dozen or two billion, this project is mine. At that time, if you did not help me send me a gentleman, let me find some opportunities for integration, this thing will not be done, the perfect thing, The first thing I thought of was you." Fengzhou Long said.

"You said so... OK, I want it!" Mo Fan took a heart and bought it.

"Then you stay in Guangzhou for a few days, I will prepare for you, still the same, I will help you introduce it into your dark matter, let your shadow completely change!" Fengzhou Long said.

"No problem, then let me know when you are ready... Nothing, I will go first." Mo Fan was very busy.

Fengzhou Long nodded, watching Mo Fan's eyes look like his favorite white mouse.

"Mom, I almost forgot to come to you, why have you been fooled by eight billion!" Mo Fan took a few steps and folded back.

"You have repented, Mo Fan, my brother, Fengzhou Long, with personal guarantee, this thing is absolutely worth the money." Fengzhou Long said.

"No, no, I am here to show you something. I collected it from a very rare creature in the city." Mofan took out a bag, untied the rope and broke the inside. Jing presented to Fengzhou Dragon.

"These small pieces are not very eye-catching." Fengzhou Long reached out to touch the broken crystals. The expression on the face of Fengzhou Dragon changed in the next second, and the eyes could not help but open. "Mofan, where did you get these small Broken crystal???"

"Yucheng, I just said, you said that this thing is good or not." Mo Fandao.

"Good! This is definitely a treasure!" Fengzhou Long is not a famous magic researcher in China, and the spirit is a foggy thing, this guy actually identified it immediately.

"How to use?" Mo Fan asked immediately.

"Do you know the growing magic device?" said Fengzhou Long.

"This... knows that you can make the magic weapon and the magic tool become stronger by absorbing some things that match the quality of the magic weapon," Mofan replied.

How can Mofan not know the growing magic weapon? The little muddy hanging on his neck is the growing magic weapon. Without it, how can you have your own self today?

"This thing is the most needed material for the growth of the magic device. We call it Najing, which is roughly the meaning of absorption. You think that the magic weapon and the magic weapon are objects, and the objects are not like animals. It also has the ability to digest, but this nanocrystal is equivalent to adding a mouth to the magic tools and magic devices, so that they can 'eat' into things." Fengzhou Long said.

When I heard the description of Fengzhou Long, Mo Fan suddenly remembered those mud deformation monsters.

It stands to reason that the mud deformation monster should be a relatively low-level creature. They will have the ability to swallow people and quickly promote their strength. Is it because they have such nanocrystals in their bodies?

"Mofan brother, do you still have this thing?" Fengzhou Long was a little excited.

"For the time being," Mofan replied.

(End of this chapter)

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