Versatile Mage

Chapter 1808: Quadruple effect

"This kind of nano-crystal seems to present the attributes of the soil system. Unfortunately, you lack a very important condition, otherwise I can make a very good thing for you!" said Fengzhou Long.

"What good thing?" Mo Fan asked immediately.

"Planting, like all kinds of species, spiritual species, and soul species, is nothing more than gathering the elements of heaven and earth. It has been born through countless years and some natural coincidences, since the items such as the magic weapon and the magic weapon are born. If the vessels can be evolved by swallowing, then why can't the more energetic things like species, spirits, and souls?" Fengzhou Long said.

"What kind of elements can be upgraded?" Mo Fan looked at Fengzhou Dragon, and he couldn't help but look at Fengzhou Dragon. The old Master of the Research Society is simply the creator of the magic world. It is no wonder that even Dean Xiao praised him. I have to deal with this old Feng.

"Well, although no one has been willing to come up with expensive Najing to do this implementation, I think my technology is completely achievable." Fengzhou Long said.

"Oh... you mean, your technique is just theory." Mo Fan had a headache.

"Yes, it can be achieved. I have encountered a person who is born with such a talent. It can let its own species devour other elements to achieve a higher level of evolution." Feng Zhoulong said

"There is such a metamorphosis of natural talent?" Mo Fandao.

"Unfortunately." Fengzhou Long said.

"What a pity you have, what do you say twice?" Mo Fandao.

"You are not a mage master. If you are a soil mage, I can use these broken crystals to create a soil seed for you. You don’t have enough debris in your hand to make a finished growth weapon, but It is enough to do soil seeding, you are a courageous person, I am also assured to do experiments on you." Fengzhou Long said.

Mo Fan hesitated for a while, wondering if he would tell Fengzhou Long that he was already a soil mage.

"Is this species so powerful that the power of its upgrade will be stronger than those of indigenous spirits and souls?" Mofan asked.

"Strong, of course strong, and not as strong as usual. You have to know that after the soul has replaced the spiritual species, some of the properties of the spiritual species disappeared directly, and even some effects are gone. In fact, whether it is spiritual or Soul species, some effect is quite large, because the replacement of the soul species and digest this, it is definitely a big loss. This kind of seeding is strong, every evolution, the original effect is not only retained, but also With the upgrade of the elements, it becomes more powerful. I know that the person with this natural talent, you know how much he will release a magic effect? ​​Triple! Even if it is a first-level magic, it has a full triple With effect, metamorphosis!" said Fengzhou Long.

A magic triple effect!

Mo Fan is really the first time I heard it!

In general, the comparison of the best souls will have the effect, just like the tyrant of Mo Fan, the effect is the tyrant of the ridiculous thunder. Other soul species are not effective.

And the meteor bonfire, the fire of the glory, they have the violent spread. The more the flight enhancement is the property of the soul, it is not the effect. The real flame effect will cause some special after the enemy attacks the enemy. Trauma or imprint.

"If I say that I am awakened by the natural soil system, does that mean that I will upgrade it to a spiritual species and it will be more effective, and then upgrade to a soul species, and then one more effect, so I After upgrading it to the soul, is it also a triple effect?" Mofan asked.

"Yeah, unfortunately..." Fengzhou Long sighed again.

"Don't be a pity, go, I will make this white mouse for you!" Mo Fan gritted his teeth and felt that he was selling it here at Fengzhou Long!

"No, no, you have to be a mage master. This property is earth, and other departments are definitely not successful." Fengzhou Longdao.

"Look at what this is." Mo Fan grabbed a hand and released a brown gold sand curtain.

Fengzhou Long looked at Mo Fan's hand and his eyes were straight.

" are super-order!!" Fengzhou Long exclaimed, "I still awakened the earth!!"

"Well!" Mofan nodded.

"Wait, the color of your soil magic...natural effect?" Fengzhou Long once again screamed, and he realized at this time that Mo Fan just said that "three effects, triple effect Hahaha, so we can achieve triple effect in the soul stage!!"

"Old Feng, I will hand it over to you in the next few days. It will happen soon after I have a big battle, which is related to the dignity of men. Can I win a big victory on that day? I will see what you have given me." Everyone said.

"What we lack in doing magic research is the scarce resources and absolute trust. The merchants are talking about sponsoring us, but they are not willing to take good things out. We are afraid that we will fail, and we will not accept the particles. Give me these expensive nano-crystals, I promise that you will be able to ride the mountains and rivers in the future!" Fengzhou Long said with a big smile. It is worthy of being the most satisfied white rat, what others dare not do, he dares!

"That is, when you helped me get the dark matter, I know that you are a reliable researcher... Oh, by the way, if the broken crystals are put on the market, what price?" Mo Fan asked Road.

"You can buy a 50 million piece. You have so many words here. You can buy a third- and fourth-tier city. Of course, the key is to know the goods, and more importantly, you have to make them into finished products... But then again, there is no such rare material, there is no finished product at all, how many pieces of domestic growth type magic and magic tools are there." Fengzhou Long said casually.

"Hey... Old Feng, I don't want to consider it again. It's like this. I think it was too excited." After listening to Fengzhou Long's double-team, Mo Fan almost didn't twitch!

You can buy a small city! !

No wonder even the Queen of Medusa, the Queen of Medusa, is so treasured, it turned out to be a treasure!

"Mo Fan, how can you go out and reincarnation, just not a top-ranking Lingyun, I don't believe in how Fengzhou Long is!" said Fengzhou Long.

"This money, I can buy the sky, I still have a triple effect with you... You don't know if I am in the super-order now, how much money is lacking." Mo Fan said with no anger.

"Mofan brother, can you be a little motivated, the sky is very powerful, but why don't you think about it, one day you will raise your soil element species to the heavenly level, and how strong your soil system is. ?? Fourfold effect!!"

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