Versatile Mage

Chapter 1811: Instant buoy




A bang, the flame of the flame hit the sand, but also the skin of the three wolves of the white wolf.

The three wolves were burned and jumped, and they hurriedly rolled on the ground. It was hard to extinguish the flames. As soon as the hair was ready to rise, the lightning that was ready to go was coming to the position where he was.

The three wolves hurried to jump to the side, trying to avoid this vertical squat, which knows that 霹雳 出现 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 一半 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂 垂Going up is like hitting this thunder yourself. You may not be able to stay in the same place.


The three wolves are crying. It is a true orthodox leader, and is known for his skill, sensitivity and speed. Why can't these seemingly basic magics escape?

Are these magics long-eyed, and why do they fly to where they run? ? ?

"Yes, you go back." Mo Fan felt almost the same, satisfied with the three wolves of the white wolf to return to the summoning plane.

The three wolves were relieved, and they went back to their wolves.

It’s terrible. The big leader is really terrible. Why do you have a full eleven in the white wolf, but you have to choose yourself! !

"If the white wolf can't avoid it, then many wind magicians should not be able to do it." Mo Fan said to himself.

During the practice, Mo Fan was very satisfied. He not only discovered a magical magical effect of Chaos Magic, but also learned a little trick when chasing the Three Wolfs.

Chaotic magic, like shadow magic, can apply a sequential imprint to a target.

The shadow mark is often used to track the position of the target, and the order imprint is similar to the application of a magnet to the enemy. When Mofan uses the other element skills, he also gives his skill a magnetic, then the magic will Fly to the target you want to attack, even if you make a change in the middle and make a dodge in advance, this order imprint will attract the magic!

This technique is very important. If Mo Fan is going to change the trajectory of magic deliberately, then you need to concentrate on judging the discovery that the opponent may evade, and then go to control the magic to track the attack. Master this technique. Mofan only needs to apply Two simple imprints, the rest is magic tracking yourself...

This is a difference between automatic and manual. The battlefield is changing rapidly. A deviation can lead to defeat. Mofan often does not have the time and energy to correct the accuracy of the skills. After all, Mofan is not like Heidi. use.

With this order imprint, Mo Fan feels that his magic accuracy can be upgraded to the MAX level at once, and there will be no jealousy in the future when he encounters a flexible enemy who is slippery and walks with wind.

"If the trajectory of magic can change in order, can this change?" Mo Fan suddenly thought of a good technique.

Close your eyes a little, and the strange light on your body shines again.

Xiao Yanji finished eating chicken wings at this time, and was a little sleepy, so he flew over and wanted to make up for Mofan's shoulders. Before Mofan told her to be diligently contacted her and left behind.

Xiao Yan Ji also has the ability of space system, her control is still stronger, and her ability to fly is very skillful.

She flew over from the stands, just passing through the dark eclipse of the eclipse around Mofan, flying and flying, Xiao Yanji's entire body suddenly floated up, the higher the height, the more unconsciously flew Mofan’s head is ten meters high.

Xiao Yan Ji is indeed a little confused, and he floated to a height for a while before he realized that something was wrong. He looked around Mo Fan and found Mo Fan’s father below...

Xiao Yan Ji also tried to fly down, but the higher the flying, the more Fei Yan Ji a burst of anger, the whole body flames will be detonated! !

"Let's go, I'm doing a magical experiment." Mo Fan looked at Xiao Yanji's stupid look and was teased again.

After the order was reversed, Xiao Yanji was immediately restrained by gravity and quickly fell on Mofan's shoulder. At the same time, the gravel floating around a large circle of Mofan also fell back to the ground.

Xiao Yanji’s face is puzzled and he seeks Mofan’s answer.

"I just reversed the order of gravity." Mo Fan explained.

"Hey!" Xiao Yanji seemed to understand and nodded.

Mo Fan never expected Xiao Yan Ji to understand, anyway, these words are no different from talking to myself.

Just now, Mo Fan really reversed the gravity. The order can be changed a lot. These need Mofan to study slowly. On the other hand, in addition to the track cutting and the rail printing, this gravity reversal is also very powerful. Ability!

There are two systems that can change gravity, and one is earth magic. By gathering a large number of soil elements to change the soil around the circle, the degree of gravity is strengthened. There is also space magic, space magic through the compression space, let gravity concentrate on a certain position, one can achieve gravity multiplication.

Chaos magic itself does not produce any power, it does change.

Gravity is originally facing downwards, then after the order of chaos changes, gravity can be reversed and become upwards, so that in addition to itself, other objects that are subject to order-gravity reversal will float.

"Old wolf, come out!"

Mo Fan finally called out the Feichuan wolf.

Feichuan’s wolf thought that he could escape from the robbery. He knew that he would call Mofan to be a sandbag. Fortunately, it had exchanged with the three wolves. I know that this experiment is all the first-level and middle-level magic. That hurts it is not big.

"Call some white wolves to come out together." Mo Fan said to the Feichuan wolf. When these words were spoken, Mo Fan opened the door of summoning again.

Feichuan wolf is doing, probably called a dozen white-spotted wolves, these white-striped wolves are more obedient, there are old wolves, let them do what they do.

"Let them stand in my circle, don't move." Mo Fan commanded.


Feichuan's wolf stunned a scorpion, and like the instructor's instructor, the thirsty command of the thirteen white-faced demon wolves was in the designated position.

Mo Fan saw that they were all in place, and the corner of his mouth floated.


Mofan Shi exhibited the high-level magic of the space system, and the brilliance of silver lingered around him.

The next second, with the silver constellation turning into countless dust, Mo Fan disappeared!

The white-striped wolves did not react. They suddenly found that Mofan’s figure appeared fiercely in the vibrating space, just between them. I don’t know why, when Mo Fan arrived in this area, the surrounding space seemed to A terrible change has taken place!


The dozens of white-faced demon wolves suddenly lost the land under their feet, and their bodies were seriously weightless!

Weightlessness should have been falling, but they all fell toward the top, and Mofan brought a new order to here! !

This feeling is tantamount to being hit by a powerful force and flying into the air, so I saw the mourning of the dozens of white-faced demon wolves, and the emptiness of the brush!

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