Versatile Mage

Chapter 1812: Youth selection contest

The white-striped wolves grow their mouths one by one, and their tongues are scared. They are like old dogs who can't swim and fall into the deep water pool. They pull their limbs in the process of floating, but they always look for it. Not balanced.

Mo Fan looked up and smiled at the white-winged wolves who were all flying.

"Let's go." Mo Fan's finger moved and returned the order.

The white-striped wolves have not yet adapted to the reversal of gravity. When everything is restored as usual, they erect their hair and slammed down.


The white-striped demon wolf fell around Mofan like the shower, and took out a small bunker, and they fell to the ground and mourned again and again.

The old wolf looked at this scene in the distance, and the wolf eyes also straightened up: What is this gameplay, jump off the building machine! !

"Well, you take them back, every wolf sends a small reward back." Mo Fan said to the Feichuan wolf.

The magic power of the summoning system can be used to feed the summoning creatures. The small rewards are naturally these magical energies. For the white-striped demon wolves, these magical energies can even strengthen their claws, making them more powerful, even though they are tossed. Some times, those white-striped wolves were very happy after the reward, and the tongue spit out from the fangs. What do you have to do with sandbags next time, and even though they are called attentive, there is no dwarf wolf dignity!

Today's magic experiment, Mo Fan is very satisfied, it can be regarded as a higher level of understanding of the use of chaotic magic, but unfortunately the advanced speed of chaos magic is somewhat slow, if you can use chaotic vortex, then it is more perfect !

After leaving the training ground, Mo Fan was planning to return to the place where he lived, and did not know what was attracted to him. He looked up and glanced at the gleaming Guangzhou Tower.

"Mom, if you are fooled by you, Lao Tzu has to take you out from above, killing you in the face of the vast number of people in Guangzhou!" Mo Fan sighed, and the ghost turned his body and strode forward. The Guangzhou Tower has gone.

"呜呜??" Xiao Yanji is very puzzled, thinking that he has to buy chicken wings again, and happy to fly to Mo Fan's head, licking the tunes of milky milk.

Some people are doomed to be local tyrants, because they always think about making money for investment. Mo Fan is always a poor person. As long as his ambition does not reach the end, more money will be turned into the cornerstone of his cultivation. !

I thought that I left the Guangzhou Tower and left the brainless sales of the Fengzhou Dragon guy. I will calm down and feel that he is a neurotic concept. After calming down, Mo Fan still feels that the four effects are heart-warming!



In the city of Asuka, a youth selection is taking place in the center of the city. From the region to the cities, from the cities to the provinces, and then from the provinces to the base cities, this youth magic contest will almost always excel in the outstanding magical talents. In addition to the international school competition, which is more concerned about the world, the country is the most concerned about this youth competition.

The youth competition is actually a more socially influential magic selection, so that those who have good strengths have a chance to be famous. When the marine crisis comes, this selection of strong people will become more important. The magician who stands out from the crowd will, to a certain extent, be a key player in the base city of the bird.

Compared with several other relatively large base cities, Asuka City can be said to be a brand new development city. The city has changed from the original three-line seaside city to the most important fortress and city port of the East China Sea and the South China Sea. In the Battle City, you can see how much fresh blood is needed.

Of course, Van Snow New City, as part of the North District of the Bird City, Mu Ningxue was also invited to the judges of the finals of the Youth Selection Competition. Because it was the final, the Bird City was invited and it was difficult to shirk.

Youth is a rather vague definition.

The definition of the dispute between the world universities is actually very straightforward. It must be a student at the school. Those old fritters who do not graduate seriously are not allowed to participate.

The youth selection contest is actually no more than 40 years old, you can go to participate!

"Why don't you say that Snow Mountain does not participate in this youth selection contest? In the future, the bird market will come in many great characters and forces. Like this more authoritative and socially influential contest, if you don't take a decent snowy mountain. Name, if you want to speak at some conferences in the future, it will be a little difficult." At the same time, the judge from the Da Li family smiled and glanced at Muning Snow, sitting next to the central position, with a few Slightly ironic.

The Da Li family is now the opposite of the Flying Bird City.

The bird base city has developed vigorously, and at the same time, the two family forces have almost become a very attractive force in the country. Van Snow Mountain naturally needs to say that it has won the best port location and transportation hub in the northern part of the bird base city, plus its The nearby mineral material has become a very scary area for all families and families, including some governments and associations. Muning Snow has not been attacked by the group in the process of establishing Fanxue New City. It is in everyone. All of them want to take a look at the situation, and they will stabilize the snow mountain. The alliance of the Eastern family of the East and the Muh's family of the magical capital finally emerged and formed a party.

The Da Li family, they were originally the vassal family of the Mu's family. The Mu's family has now swept across the country and has become the leader of the nation's world. Like the scent of the bird market, how can they let go? . Their main force is in the Imperial Capital, and many times they are beyond their reach, so they strongly support the Da Li family in the city of Birds.

They want the Da Li family to kill the snow mountain and swallow the new snow city, but now the snow mountain is not the original small landlord. At the development strategy meeting of the bird base city, Fan Xueshan has the same votes as the parliamentary level!

In the youth selection contest, the top ten of the Da Li family masters accounted for three places. No one in Xueshan did enter the top ten. As far as this matter is concerned, the base city of the bird has already been discussed.

"Isn't the top ten selection not finished yet?" Muning Snow said calmly.

"I see, you still have to be the master of Fan Xueshan personally, otherwise the top ten of the youth selection contest is impossible to have your people. Unfortunately, as a family owner, everyone must personally do it, with those There is no difference in the power of a small force. The power of a person is limited, and there is not much that can be decided.” Li Wei’s smile is like chatting with Muning Snow. In fact, he has already competed against each other!

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