Versatile Mage

Chapter 2069: Despite asking for help

The black-faced man was horrified to display the light shield and squatted his eyes. He thought that there were terrible magicians lying nearby, and people like them were stared by some European sacred forces. The normal thing.

However, he can kill his younger brother to the violent body without he being aware of it. Can such a powerful person really cope with it?

"Your eyes should look at me." Mo Fan approached the black-faced man.

The black-faced man didn't think it was the three people in front of him, but when his eyes touched Mofan's eyes with silvery cold eyes, his heart beat fiercely.


Another burst of sound, one of the golden-haired brothers standing on the other side of the black-faced man suddenly burst open, and the bones and meat pieces flew, just because Mo Fan glanced at the guy!

"Their death method is not chosen, but you have." Mo Fan continued.

After saying this, he glanced at the other one of the Golden Retriever brothers. The space was compressed rapidly in that area. The Golden Retriever man had used body magic to transform himself into plaster, but in the face of absolute power, Nothing at all.

He did not flesh and blood, but gypsum powder, the broken head flew in front of the black-faced man, until this time the black-faced man realized that the person who killed the three younger brothers around him was this one. Small handyman of fruit! !

However, how is this possible!

"You...what are you!!" The black-faced man was finally scared. He thought of a possibility that the other party was the trial organization that was intentionally lurking here!

"But the people who live here are not acquainted with the people you want to kill," Mofan said.

"How is it possible, how long have you been tracking us, bastard, we are black members, you know the motto of our black dress, offending us a black member, it is a crime to offend the entire black dress, no matter what the organization does not want to The world is living safely. Boy, you have relatives, friends, and families. Today, you killed me, then wait for the revenge of our black-eyed desperate, waiting for you to hold the body of the people around you. At that moment, you will realize what a black dress will be!” said the black-faced man.

"Great, your black ornaments will be more corporate than blue and red. You can go." Mo Fan said to the black-faced man.

"Can I go?" The black-faced man felt that he had got it wrong, and he was a bit stunned.

"Well, I thought of a more interesting way of dying. The role like you, in the black guild, should only be errands. I will give you one day now, even if you go to the person above you for help. I will kill you after one day, and at that time I hope that you will continue to maintain your not afraid of death concept," Mo Fan said.

The black-faced man didn't understand much what Mofan said, but he would not hesitate if he could escape.

Even with the roll, the black-faced man fled all the way, along the cobblestone road that went to the hotel, he could also see a trace of blood left by Xia Bai along the way.

It’s a stupid guy, not to save a partner.

That guy is also an idiot, so he left himself.

It is easy for him to kill himself. It seems that the motto of the black-and-white society still plays a role. Even those judges have to measure their family members. The black-and-white people are pervasive, not just a group of people who are desperate. There are still many people who have faces in this society!

Running and running, the black-faced man suddenly found a shadow behind him.

The shadow actually got out of the ground, climbed like a mummy, and held a dagger in his hand and pointed the tip to his back!

"Damn, damn!!"

The black-faced man realized that the other party had not let go of himself, and his mind echoed the words that Mofan had just said.

Do everything you can to find someone who can save your life, and come back in a day!

"No matter who you are, you are looking for death!" said the black-faced man.


The black-faced man did not leave the island of Crete. If he had no plane in a day, he would have a hard time getting out of Greece, but it doesn’t matter. They will have penetrated into many places in Greece, and Crete will be able to The people who help themselves.

A towering minaret building, the black-faced man ran to the top of the building, which seemed to be holding a more important meeting, and people wearing expensive suits were coming out from inside.

Not long after, the meeting room was empty, and there was a neutral-sex woman with a flower bow tie. The woman was a cyan-brown alternating hair, curled very delicately, and two shiny black diamond stud earrings her earlobe Modified more attractive | people.

A clean and neat suit, even without long hair fluttering and stout, this bow tie woman is full of charm.

"Don't tell you, don't you meet me like this!" The bow tie woman yelled.

The black-faced man looks a little embarrassed. He nervously said with a bit of stuttering: "Black diamond sister, we are in trouble, that person is very powerful. After we completed a stalking task, it suddenly appeared. ”

"Which organization is it," said a woman named Black Diamond.

"I don't know, but he let me go, saying that it is for me to ask for help... I am followed by a weird shadow, I will die at any time, black diamonds, I beg you to save me!" said the black-faced man. .

"You don't even know the identity of the other party and ran to me. You stupid, don't know that the other person is deliberately letting you go, and then lead me out!" The black diamond woman angered.

"I know, but I didn't choose."

"He is where people are now, I will immediately check people, it is best to control the people around him first." Black diamond woman angered.

"he is……"

"I am here." Mofan's voice sounded strangely in this magnificent conference hall.

The black diamond woman was obviously higher, she turned her face to the position of the glass window. There was only a fuzzy shadow on the glass window, but as the mirror appeared to be twisted, the confused shadow was directly from the mirror. I walked out and lived in this big conference hall.

"Damn!!" The black diamond woman is even more angry, and the beautiful face is a bit awkward.

The black-faced man actually got such a big trouble for himself!

Fortunately, there are still a few masters around her. They are the bodyguards of the black suits standing next to her. They are not ordinary fighting bodyguards. They are all elites in the guild. They are magicians, just to prevent sudden changes. The situation has happened.

"I don't care who you are, I don't have a relationship with this guy!" said the black diamond woman.

"It doesn't matter, I will give you a day's time, you can do everything possible to ask the people above you for help." Mo Fan said coldly to the black diamond woman.

The voice just fell, and the guild elites around the black diamond woman suddenly made a neat scream, and fell to the ground with great surprise.

The black diamond woman and the black-faced man immediately turned their heads and scared to almost fall to the ground.

Those guild elites were all cut off by their own shadows! !

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