Versatile Mage

Chapter 2070: Chamber of Commerce

Shadow cut throat!

The black-faced man feels that his throat is cold, and the whole person looks as hard as he can.

The evil shadow of the group is still behind him, staring at him like a hangman, and waiting for the time of execution!

It’s a spike!

The guild elites around the black diamond sister can be several times stronger than their three younger brothers. How can they be so vulnerable to death, or die together!

The black diamond woman was scared of the soul. In the last second, she was glad that she had brought enough bodyguards. It was the elite of the guild. Even if those trial organizations came, these people could also block her. Block, give her a chance to escape. As a result, they were all dead in the next second, and they were still horrified by their own shadows.

Even a magic has not been displayed, even if it is to kill the chicken and kill the monkey, you have to chase it, and spend a few more knives, **** these elites will be so simple! !

"How do you feel that your time is abundant?" Mo Fan asked.

"What are you going to do!!" The black diamond woman shivered.

"Nothing, just take a look at your blacksmiths and see how deep your corporate background is. See what kind of strong people you hide in the black ornaments. You can make you so unscrupulous. It should be." Mo Fan sat on the table, calm and with a little easy-going to the black diamond woman.

"You... you are looking for death!!" The black diamond woman shouted.

"Even if it is, I hope that the people who ask you for help can kill me," Mo Fan said.


Crazy, downright madman.

Kagame has never seen such a crazy person in his life. The other party can kill himself, but he will leave himself.

At the moment when I saw the elite around me die, Kagasha thought in her mind that if she could go to the Crete Chamber of Commerce, she would be safe and sound, and who knew that she had escaped smoothly to the Crete Chamber of Commerce.

"You idiot, what did you do, provoked a guy like this!" Kagash said.

"I don't know. I just solved the order of Xia Bai according to the order of the top. Then the Oriental killed all three of my younger brothers and asked me to ask for help. So I arrived at you. "Black-faced men feel that their legs are soft.

When he was killed by his own, he still didn't realize how strong the opponent was. After all, he could do something to kill ordinary people after he was repaired by several younger brothers, but the elites of the guild were cut throat. The picture is really scared by the black-faced man! !

It turns out that this Asian who cuts his own fruit Sara is so horrible! !

"Can we survive? I have never seen such a terrible magician." asked the black-faced man.

"He is doing this to find death, he must be looking for death. Who is the person who sits in the Crete Chamber of Commerce, you don't know it!" said the black diamond woman Kagame.


The Crete Chamber of Commerce is located on a hill and a hill. Behind it is a very safe bay. The front two kilometers is the city's commercial street. It can be said to be a luxury class.

The Chamber of Commerce is very domineering, such as a small palace in ancient Europe, luxury cars are lined with open-air parking lots, and ladies wearing famous brands are everywhere.

"Thank you, I don't think it will take long. Mr. Babbitt will be the leader of the entire Aegean Chamber of Commerce." A woman in a velvet robes handed a glass of red wine and said with a smile.

"Where, I have to go a long way, not to mention the fact that the entire Aegean Sea is still in a state of war and the economy is very disordered. It is not an easy task to deal with the business of this period. But Miss Yuri can Being able to do business with the military like you is the most envious of all our businessmen," said the president of Babbitt.

When the two were saying this gracefully, a businessman with a rounded back coat rushed up. He grabbed the tie of President Babbit with his hand and screamed in anger.

"Bastard, you bastard, what do you want, I have already given you all of you, my daughter!!" The fat businessman yelled.

"Ah, isn't this the owner of the olive grove in Greenbud Island?" Yuri said strangely.

"The olive grove was destroyed, and the green bud island was sunk. The forest owner may have some spirits from time to time. It is true that anyone who encounters such a tragic thing will be able to understand this. Your daughter is dying of disaster. Die from the giant, please be awake," Babbitt said calmly.

"You are a hand-in-the-mouth bastard. Don't think that I don't know the identity in your back. I will announce it now, you can't eat it!" The forest owner shouted.

"Hehehe, although you announced, the Crete Chamber of Commerce, is already my own." Babbitt smiled proudly.

"I will report it to the military and report it to the Knights' Court. I will send it to the Holy Sepulchre. You must not die. You must not die. You, Cretan, are not the thieves of your gangsters. You will all suffer. Retribution!!" the forest owner called.

The smile on Babbitt's face gradually disappeared, and he gave the next person a look.

"It's better for me to handle it on your behalf, a self-righteous fat pig. It is sure to happen when the drunk driving falls into the cliff." Yuri said with a smile.

"There is work."

Yuri turned around, and the seemingly slender and petite arm burst out with a very amazing power. He gave a two-pound adult to the mountain cliff.

"It's a pity that a good car." Yuri smiled shallowly.

She swayed, and the land beneath the parking lot suddenly stretched out a stone hand, and took a luxury car and threw it directly under the cliff.

The forest owner tumbling under the cliff, and the car screamed and smashed him.

"Miss Yuri, your repair should be able to stand out from the Aegean Magic Association. Even the Knights of the Parthenon are not worth mentioning in front of you?" Babbitt said.

Yuri is about to continue to be a guest, but just to find out on the mountain road, there are two stumbling figures running towards here, watching them look like they are missing, just like there is something behind them.

"It's Kashaga, Mr. Babbitt, your favorite little lover. But she seems to be in trouble, her face is very bad." Yuri said.

The black diamond Kashajia fled to the front of Babbitt, the face has been ruined by tears, ugly like a female madman living on the street.

"Mr. Babbitt, we are in trouble!!" Kashaga said in a panic.

"Don't be nervous, let me tell you slowly. There is nothing wrong with my Babbitt here!" Babbitt said calmly.

"Someone wants to kill me, someone wants to kill me, he is behind, just behind me!!" Black Diamond Kashaga said.

"Yes, just behind you? It's really interesting. He may not know the true face of the Cretan Chamber of Commerce!!" Babbitt grinned.

Chamber of Commerce?

This chamber of commerce is just a skin bag! !

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