Versatile Mage

Chapter 2071: White wolf feast

Mo Fan is not far from them, just follow these two people.

At a glance, Babbitt saw Mo Fan, who had a dark breath on his body, and his mouth was scornful.

"Is you going to kill my little baby?" Babbitt stared at Mo Fan, calmly asked.

Babbitt gently patted the back of the black diamond Kashajia with his hand, and even the hand slipped unconsciously to her waist position. He knew that this is a sensitive point of Kashajia. Just touch it here, no matter what. She is willing to do it.

Kashaga is 20 years old, and Babbitt has been teaching her for twelve years, so no matter what aspect, no woman is more comfortable than her.

Someone wants to kill her? ?

Even if she specializes in selling young and beautiful European women to the local lower house in the hands of the remote aristocrats, how can we blame her, she also fell into her own hands.

She is so pitiful, and so smooth to her own mind, who is going to kill her is not dead with him Babbitt!

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, there is me." Babbitt Qing Qing beat Kashajia, looking at her flustered face, Babbitt's extra pain, but could not help but bow her head and kiss her forehead.

Putting his lips together, Babbitt suddenly smelled a stinking smell. How could his little baby have such a pungent smell?

Babbitt opened his eyes, and the whole man suddenly shrank back, and the little baby in the fierce arms pushed away.

Kashaga’s face is black, dry and wrinkled, and looks like an 80-year-old woman, where is the 20-year-old youthful look! !

"Mr. Babbitt..." Kashaga fell to the ground and looked at Babbitt with a puzzled look.

She didn't seem to notice the change in her body. When she reached out and found that her white and tender hands became as terrible as the old dead branches, she was more like being hit by lightning.

"What happened to me, what happened to me!!" Kashaga screamed in horror.

Not only her arms, her face, her young body is also aging, a minute of time has spanned for decades...

The black gas overflowed from her skin, and at the same time took her youth. Finally, she turned into a black and thin body. Compared with the exquisite appearance of the previous, the heart of Babbitt was twisted. The same!

Twelve years, he is not as many as twelve years old, and there are so many girls in his hands. In the end, he did not grow into Kagash. Only Kagame is his most satisfying masterpiece, and she Just turned into the most ugly and disgusting appearance in front of myself! !

"The darkness is dying, and her body has already become corrupted." Miss Yuri standing on the side stared at the body of Kagash, and said calmly.

"I don't like the difference between the two, what is the heart, what the body should be." Mo Fan walked forward, too lazy to see the black diamond Kashajia's body.

She has already played her value and there is no need to keep her life.

"Do you know who I am??" Babbitt suppressed his inner anger and asked with a calm face.

"I only know that you are her home. Right, you tell me about my purpose. I am too lazy to repeat the same thing." Mo Fan glanced at the black-faced man.

The black-faced man has already been scared to death, and Kashajia has already fled here, how is it still dead!

Moreover, he is very clear about why Kagash died, and he knows that he will definitely end up with her, just to make him fear that the other party has to keep his life.

"Tell him, or you will die or die after the explosion!" Mo Fan said to the black face.

The black-faced man is shaking all over the body, and there is a big problem in the pronunciation. Holding a moment that can live for a moment, he said to Babbitt: "Mr. Babbitt... This gentleman asked me to seek assistance from my superiors. If I didn't do that, I killed me, so I went to Miss Kagartha. He...he killed all the magicians around Miss Kagartha and asked Miss Kagartha to come to you for help, and told Miss Kagame. The same thing."

After listening to Babbitt, the whole person is like a volcano that is about to erupt! !

This guy is tormenting his little baby! ! !

"What you said just now, you heard it, you are Babbitt, what is the position of black jewelry? Forget it, I don't care what position you are, you can go now, and seek your superior protection within one day, if Your superior can keep you, you can survive... Hey, repeat it yourself in the end," Mofan said.

"What do you think of yourself, the archangel of the Holy City, the trial **** of this world? You know how much power we have in Crete, even if it is a gangster with a knife and robbery in the black alley, what he obtained One third of the money must be handed over to us. You are a little dark mage, can you compete with our entire black ornament!!" Babbitt roared.

"Hands cover the sky, probably describe your current situation. Very good, I am not interested in small characters." Mo Fan said.

"Give me a kill, no... give me alive to catch him, to live." Babbitt ordered his own men.

Soon, those seemingly well-dressed businessmen came round and round, and they all had magical breaths, just like a beast that spurted out of the nostrils, in all directions.

"Do you know why I want you to be alive?? I will let my people from different countries bring you all the people around you in a week, and then start from the most alienated to the closest. Kill them one by one, and you can witness the whole process, and finally die in pain in despair, giving you enough time to regret the black dress will be the opposite of my bite!" Babbitt said with a facial expression.

"When he first bumped into me, he said the same thing. You are more specific, more visual, and it is a superior." Mo Fan pointed to the black-faced male.

The black-faced man has already repented in the intestines now, why should he be in front of a person like the devil, in fact, he is a black-and-white guild elite member who does not have that talent, but Mr. Babbitt... If the other person is ordinary People, or low-level magicians, should be able to do it.

I hope that Babbitt will kill this demon youth and end this cycle of nightmares.

"Give me a catch for him!" Babbitt angered again.

In the face of the magical atmosphere surrounded by the sea, Mo Fan performed exceptionally calmly.

"In fact, I also have pets, not women. It is a group of people who specialize in eating body and soul and stinking. It was originally prepared for the black chapel, but you are also in line with the standard." Mo Fan has a moonlight In the winding, gradually formed a constellation!

"Summon the beast tide - the white wolf feast!"

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