Versatile Mage

Chapter 2100: Ojos St.


The University of Ojos is located in a ridiculous place, and the nearest city, the city of Asia, is also 150 kilometers away.

It is such a place where the school is a remote school. Those who go to the mountains to study here are in a constant stream. In recent years, they have become the most famous magic university in the Americas.

The west side of Ojos St. Xuefu is the vast Pacific Ocean. It is only a dozen kilometers apart. These ten kilometers are not folds of mountains and steep cliffs, but a pure white beach.

From the coastline to the campus of the University of Ojos, all of them are white sand, like a pure desert of the Holy Spirit, almost a holy beach that all Americans yearn for purifying their souls.

On the other side of the other side of the University of Ojos, it is just the lengthy Andes.

The Andes are a bit like China's Qinling Mountains. It is like a boundary line that blocks the humid and warm climate of the Pacific Ocean on the other side of the mountain. On the other hand, it is the rhythm of rainwater circulation and four distinct seasons.

It is this special climate that makes the mad poppy forest grow freely here, but the Andes is five or six times longer than the Qinling Mountains. It is the world's longest mountain range, although it is probably in the climate. Only a few hundred kilometers, the problem is as complicated as the hundreds of kilometers of the Andes. Finding a poppy forest is equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack.

On the left is the sea, the rolling coastline and the holy white sand beach.

On the right is the mountain, the long mountain and the complex terrain.

Ojos St. Xuefu is in such an imposing situation. In the Americas, its influence is quite amazing. Probably even the American Magic Society’s Freedom Temple has a humble presence in front of the Ochos School. attitude.

Mo Fan is a very poor geographical person. Mu Bai and Zhao Manyan have heard about Ojos Sheng Xuefu, and if it is him, the first time he heard the name, he thought it would be a pheasant university.

"This Ojos St. School is equivalent to a European institution, but because Europe is too competitive, the ancient forests are countless, and the authority of European schools is authoritative, and it is impossible to reach a unique realm. Ojos St. The same, a superpower like the United States, every year is the best magical student of choice, this Ojos Sheng Xuefu, followed by Massachusetts, Harvard, California..." Zhao Manyan began to give Mo Fan this geography idiot to popular science.

"How can such a sturdy school not participate in the world school battle??" Mo Fan is different.

"The disputes of the world universities are all representative of the country. Ojos Shengxue is a student who recruits the whole America. They are even an independent kingdom and do not belong to any country." Zhao Manyan said.

"So a cow B, the extraterrestrial land that the heroes are vying for??" Mofan said.

"It’s really a bit of a taste. It’s said that the student certificate of Ojos St.’s school has all the green cards and become a citizen of the University of Ojos. Even the national laws and magic laws have been violated by Ojos University. The law imposes penalties." Zhao Manyan said.

"Really, I remember that a student from the University of Ojos returned to the United States to visit relatives, because the dispute and other people fought, and they broke a residential building, causing many casualties. The US government and the local magic association took the student. I have been arrested and I am going to judge it for a few hundred years. As a result, the director of the teaching department of Ojos Shengyuan went directly to the dignitary. The Freedom Temple was originally intended to suppress the temperament of the temple of Ojos, and know the local magic. The president of the association and the government official were all students of the minister. After being ministered into a grandson, the monk handed over the people to the Oxus School," Mu Bai said.

This is a news a few years ago, but it was quite sensational. At that time, all Americans regarded the passport of any country as the dung, and the student certificate of the Ojos St. University was the American theocracy citizen!

"Is this not sheltered?" Mofan said.

“It’s OK to say that it’s a cover. But Ojos’s school is indeed an independent country. Students who attend the school must sign their passports. They extradite the citizens of the crime according to international regulations, and there are no problems. Of course, They can't fully condone such things, and they will punish the same students. As for what punishment, it is hard to say..." Zhao Manyan said.

"I have to go to them to have a student ID," Mofan said. The identity of the University of Ojos is simply a gold medal for death!

The law is often used to restrain ordinary people.

Even a murderer who intentionally kills can transfer a person from a prison to a mental sanatorium by issuing a psychiatric medical certificate.

There are also many types of psychiatric nursing homes, some of which are more terrible than prisons, and some of which are a luxury resort. I will go to the luxury resort center for a transfer procedure, so the prisoner will only lose a little bit of freedom to contact with the outside world, and the days will be the same as the gods...

This kind of escape from mental illness is already a typical way that the public knows. The law book is so thick, there are countless rules and regulations, and there are countless subordinate regulations. How many ways to exonerate crimes is not known. That's why so many people have to break their heads and have to fight for power.

It is a lot of people who yearn for it, but as long as people are alive, they can't be smooth sailing. If they are alive, they will swallow their voices, but they will suffer from it. At that time, it is meaningless to scream for injustice to this world.

The University of Ojos can take criminals from all countries. As long as he is a student of the University of Ojos, this does not violate any international law. As for the innocent and affected residents, they want to say The blood of the blood is still needed, and the selfishness of the Ochos School is not heavy.


After a long journey, I finally arrived at the Temple of Ojos.

It was indeed ridiculous to go to the temple of Ojos, and the most important thing was that they didn’t even have a road. It’s a complete gesture of our modern magic school without any modern means of transportation.

When I arrived at the land of Ojos St., I walked into another world.

The green and neat lawns are covered, and the dense and tidy forests are hidden in the architectural styles of various countries. The magnificent sculpture spring pool has four or so at a glance, not to mention the top garden-style steps. The lake bridge, the cafe, and the viewing hall are distributed in a starry way, but it presents a luxurious overall beauty!

"Mom, our pearls are the same as the country, and they are like the country!" Mofan shouted at the moment when he entered the land of the University of Ojos.

Zhao Manyan has seen the extravagant world, but the luxury of Ojos Sheng Xuefu still brings him a lot of shock!

Is this really a school? ? ?

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