Versatile Mage

Chapter 2101: Folk style

"Go out, go out, didn't you see the warning sign written on it, you yellow skinned Asians are really annoying, even if you are in a strange place you can follow the rules, here is not your mountain field, Tucun Wacheng, I can think of everything." A short-spirited short-skinned girl with a broom sweeping the leaves, very angry to drive away Mo Fan, Mu Bai, Zhao Manyan three.

Mo Fan glanced at his dress. Although he said that he needed work, they changed their makeup according to Mu Bai’s way, making them look more like a teacher of thirty-year-old, but they were not used by students. Let's treat it?

"This classmate, we are not coming to visit." Mu Bai said very seriously.

As usual, as long as the woman Zhao Manyan is absolutely the first to speak, there is only one situation he will choose to ignore, that is, the other party is really worthy!

His Zhao Manyan is so superficial and cheesy, not a pretty woman, looking too lazy to take a look.

"Take you what you are doing, Ojos St. Xuefu is not a tourist attraction. You guys are just walking around the beach, don't want to sneak in!" Broom girls speak like machine guns, and the speed is amazing.

"Hey, don't talk to this ugly head, I am starving to death, let them find a few female students wearing beachwear to accompany us to dinner." Zhao Manyan said very impatiently.

"You say who is ugly, you are a golden head!" The broom girl pointed angrily at Zhao Manyan.

"You **** who said that the guns, did not see me standing next to the face of the guy with the same white wall." Zhao Manyan pointed to Mu Bai said.

"Zhao Manyan, you are afraid of wanting to die!" Mu Baizheng was maiden, and he always talked to the girl about what he was doing.

Mo Fan was too lazy to look at the nonsense of this kind of dog-eye, and took out the temporary certificate issued to them by the University of Ojos.

"Ah? Are you a student? The seniors are embarrassed. After all, most of the students will not enter the University of Ojos from here. There are always tourists who don’t have long eyes..." When they see the documents, the girls are brooms. Big eyes.

"You are awkward, trouble to see clearly." Mo Fan impatient.

The student ID and the teacher's ID are the same, with a colorful luster, but the inside is different.

The broom girl opened her eyes and scared almost lost the broom, looking at them three with disbelief.

"Guide... Mentor! Sorry, sorry, sorry..." The broom girl almost scared and cried.

"You are a handyman at the University of Ojos, and the students are not, who gives you the temper that you are used to." Mo Fan puts on the seriousness.

"I really am sorry." The broom girl is really scared.

Offended the seniors, the most martyrdom, and offended the mentor is to be directly expelled, the status of the students of Ojos Shengxue University has been the same as the prince in the eyes of the world, the mentor is simply the emperor!

"You give us the way, and walk around in the school, forgive you," Mo Fan said.

"Ah?? I can learn to punish me. I have to sweep all the leaves here with a broom. When the sun goes down, there can be no one..." said the broom girl.

“Is the tutor important, or is it important for the school sister?” Mo Fan asked.

"Guide... Mentor."

"That's still doing something, leading the way!"


The students of the Ojos St. University do not take this route, because this road does not lead to the apartment, nor to the restaurant, it is nothing more than the college made to visit the passengers but not allowed to enter.

Ojos Sheng Xuefu allows visitors to visit, need to reserve a place, complete passport, no criminal record, enough assets...

Even so, the appointment on the day should be scheduled for the second year, so the FIT can only be seen from the outside.

Following the broom girl, the three of them were not in a hurry to report to the mentor department who received them. They did not really come to be teachers. The goal was still the Black Holy See. They wanted to go shopping at random, for the entire Ojos Church. After some conceptual understanding, go to the mentoring department, so as not to report, you must start social activities, and the degree of freedom is reduced.

“The original is a mentor from the Chinese government. We come to our school for academic exchanges. This is the case. Our Ojos Shengfu University is the most famous in the world of plants. The small and small plant experiments in the Andes are small. There are probably more than a hundred bases, and the small scale should be like ten football fields..." The broom girl’s speed is fast, and it is just a short time to tell the information they want to know.

Mu Bai heard this sentence, and some of his mouth was pumping.

This school is a large-scale farm enterprise, with more than 100 plant estates. In other schools, there are several plants and their own practice mountains are professional schools!

Mu Bai initially suspected that the people of the Black Holy See might plant wild poppy in the name of the school, so it is good to check how many plots of drug-like plants are planted in this school. As a result, this question has forced Mu Bai to listen!

"To tell the truth, I have a little bit of want to settle here. Plants of this size, what can't be studied!" Mu Bai muttered to himself.

Mu Bai is a pharmacist and a plant magician. He feels that he is in heaven...

"There is a student community over there, isn't it beautiful?" The broom girl pointed in one direction.

Mo Fan looked at it and found that crossing this piece of curved grassland, it appeared in front of himself a town with bright colors and a few fairy tales and extreme fashion!

The architectural styles are quite special, or beautifully twisted, or beautifully colored. The streets that are laid on the ground for people to walk are exquisite high-end marbles. The very expensive stone in other people's homes is directly covered with a small town. This town is the so-called student community!

"Mo Fan, you go to talk to Dean Xiao, and help us delete the student status of Pearl. I want to go back to the College of Koolhos." Zhao Manyan said.

It’s better to see it. Zhao Manyan knows that there is such a very strong school, but only when he is here can he really feel the gap! !

It is no exaggeration to say that out of this school, other places can be called refugee caves!

It's no wonder that a mixed girl can cultivate a superior feeling here, and whoever enters here will treat people in other places as mortals!

"Lily, you are so courageous, I let you go to sweep the leaves, you have a leisurely walk with a few wild men here!" A gorgeous girl came over and said to the broom girl, with a voice A bit sharp.

"Sister, it is like this, they are..."


Waiting for the broom girl to finish, the female student slaps on the broom girl's face! !

The broom girl licked her face, her hair was scattered, and her appearance was extremely embarrassing. She did not dare to show a little bit of resentment, and she worked hard to make a mistake.

Mo Fan was there, but he didn't react. After all, how could he know that the folk customs here are so arrogant! !

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