Versatile Mage

Chapter 2119: Also in color

"I want to peel off your skin and make a scarf."

"I like your eyes, orange, never seen, wait for me to tear open these iron trees, I have to put them on the palm of my hand."

"I will hang you in the tree, wait for your blood to dry, wait for your meat to dry, and keep it for the winter."

"Good body, I smelled it after two or three kilometers. We like human girls. When I find you, you will live with me. In my cave, with my brother and father. Life. When you are old, I will eat you again."

Every horrible voice plunged into the ears of every student, and every sentence sounded so creepy. Whenever the cruel mountain people would treat themselves as they said, all the students could no longer calm down. It is.

Some girls have heard these words and have already kneel down and cried.

They are not war mage, nor have they received many wild experience, like this old hunter will scare the soul of the words scattered in their voices naturally sound easier to collapse!

"Don't panic, they won't come in!" Saga's voice came out.

"How do you know, how do you know??"

"Yeah, you are the president of the student union. You have so many magic tools to keep your life, but what do we do? They really surround us. You are safe and sound, we will all die!"

"I didn't speak, you used to write, don't use sound, they will imitate our voice!" Sakya soil magic 抒 wrote.

"Do you say nothing, don't you talk about running together??"

"I didn't speak, don't talk to all of you!" Sharjah found that the words he wrote were not seen at all, only shouted with a voice.

But this shouting is tantamount to breaking the rules of writing only to express information, which makes this group of students who are completely panicked even more confused.

In the end, what Sharjah said, which sentence was not mentioned by Sharjah! !

They need to be alert around, how can they go to see Saka's mouth shape, not to mention how many sounds are poured into their ears, and they may calm down to see what Sakya said specifically!

"Come with me!"

Sharjah realized that staying here would only be a mental breakdown. The ability of these mountain people to attack the heart is terrible. Even if they say a word, they can steal the column!

Sharjah used the earth magic to write these words in front of everyone, and the only thing that can calm everyone's emotions is this.

Let them go with themselves, it is better than step by step into the trap of the mountain.

"Everyone only looks at the soil I wrote. All the voices I hear from now on are from the mountains, and I should not!" Sharjah continued to write.

"Sony, can you isolate their voices?"

Sonny shook his head, indicating that the voice broke into too fast, and that he was able to isolate it very limited.

"Go to the mentor!" Sharjah continued to write.

Sharjah walked out with the team. At this time, Pauline was very worried. She wrote with her hand on the palm of Saga's palm.

"Saga, if we leave here, it is equal to the trap of the mountain people."

Sharjah wrote back on Pauline’s palm: “Reassured.”


I finally found Zhao Manyan’s stupidity. Fortunately, this guy didn’t let the other half of the students lose, and it was complete.

The mountain people are extremely cruel, and they are a little behind. If they don't have time to rescue, they will probably have no bones.

"These mountain demons are so inexplicable, and they don't know if the students in the wild practice base can resist their attack." Zhao Manyan said with some concern.

"It took me too much time to find you, I hope they have not left the practice base. Once they go out, the trouble is big!" Mo Fan said.

Returning to the outdoor practice base, Mo Fan still had a few minutes. There were no teachers around the group of students. They were very easy to mess up. I was afraid that they would go out there.

Arrived at the iron leaf fir tree stockade, Mo Fan did not see the group of students at first sight, and suddenly felt a panic!

However, when I looked at the other side, I found that the students didn't know when they came to the other side. Although they were closer to the outer edge of the iron cedar tree, they did not leave the protection of these special plants.

"Mo Yifan tutor!" Pauline saw Mofan returning with other students, almost crying excitedly.

Sharjah took a long sigh of relief.

If she is late, she is really afraid of other students.

"Hey, how are we still here?"

"Are we not going out??"

The students all met, and now they are not aware of the security guards such as Mu Bai and Miyamoto, and their strength will be much stronger than the students. Mo Fan is not very worried about them.

However, looking at the look of the students in the iron grove, it is obvious that something happened, Mo Fan hurriedly asked Pauline and Sharjah.

"The mountain people are terrible, constantly threatening us with various voices, not arguing, we are still madly imitating us, let us guilty." Pauline looked at Sharjah, and some admired went on, "good. The chairman is clever, and temporarily promised that other people will leave here. In fact, they have made a little illusion and kept on circle here. Other students thought that we had escaped. In fact, they have been in the protection of the iron cedar tree."

Mo Fan listened, but even more shocked.

These mountain people can actually grasp the weakness of the crowd for psychological breakthrough. In Mo Fan's view, they die and they don't leave here. They should be obedient. Who knows that something terrible will happen.

Fortunately, Sharjah is calm and wise, using this deception to suppress everyone's emotions. Once they are out of the iron leaf grove, these students will be divided by the mountains in a very short time!

"Sorry, instructor, I should not be misled." Sonny once again apologized.

"Hey, as a phonological mage, you are the one that should be the most calm, the command and core of the team. Don't be so self-sufficient in the future, understand!" Mo Fan taught.

"Yes, yes... mentor." Sonny lowered his head. I don't know if I don't go out. When I go out, Sonny feels like a waste.

"Sony, you are a phonic mage, they imitate our words, do you have any way to crack it?" Mofan asked.

"This is a bit difficult, but I seem to be able to imitate the way they communicate," Sonny said.

Mo Fan raised an eyebrow. This student is still a bit of a Huigen. It can actually imitate the way the mountain people communicate. This is interesting!

These vicious beasts should still be able to color them! !

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