Versatile Mage

Chapter 2120: Lava gate map, red waterfall

"You're fine, I can't find you in the place before, so I got here... Fortunately, you are all there." Mu Bai's voice came in.

Mo Fan heard this voice, the first reaction was not reassuring, but the first time to pull out a lot of super-Dalian Zhu fireballs, a set of paintings of the star map movements, seeing more than a dozen concentrated flames of the crane ball Fly in the direction of that sound!

Little baboons, also want to imitate Mu Bai’s voice to deceive themselves, when they are idiots! !

"Whirring whirring!!!!!"

The students all looked at their eyes wide. How did the theoretical teacher, like the trick, make such a spectacular fireball in the blink of an eye? This is to flatten the momentum of the ironwood forest!

“Freezing the dust!”

In the forest, Mu Bai’s voice came out again.

When Mo Fan's fireballs were about to cause a fire bursting effect, a very cold air blew out, not waiting for those super fireballs to touch the cedar trees and the ground, and the fireballs quickly extinguished in the cold atmosphere.

The extinguished fireball turned into white dust, and as the wind circulated, the yarn flew into the crown of the iron tree, and quickly rolled into the blue sky.

"There is still some skill, it is impossible to move the real thing, burning the original fire..." Mo Fan is on the air, seeing the other party so easily resolved their fire magic, some angry and angry.

"Mo Yifan is a mentor, and the mountain people will not use magic." Saga, on the side, reminded me.

Mo Fan is constructing a constellation, and at the same time intends to build the constellation to the level of the Star Palace. The words of Sharjah have stopped the horror of the sky.

At this time, the black-faced Mu Bai came out of the woods, his eyes staring at Mo Fan and shouting: "You are sick!"

"Where, can you talk to us in front of us next time? I know if you are a mountain person. If you say, where did you die, you have to deal with a little demon for a long time, you are this. The instructor of the outdoor class, don't give me anything," Mo Fan said.

"I met them, they fell into the nest trap of the mountain people, I spent a lot of effort to save them safely." Mu Bai said pointing behind him.

Behind Mu Bai, Miyamoto and three other security guards limped out. They all had thick blood on their bodies, their own blood, and the blood of the enemy. It seemed to have gone through a fierce battle. .

"We thought that there were students who had fallen into trouble. I know that it was a trap that the mountain people gave us. Fortunately, the Muxi tutor arrived in time, otherwise we might all stay in that nest." Miyamoto said with a look of disappointment.

"These mountain people are too poisonous!" one of the security personnel said angrily.

The person's arm is severely bent, and the bone at the joint position should be broken and cannot be properly controlled and supported.

"You guys come out of their nest?" Mofan asked.

"Yes, the sneaky monster I said should be their leader, but unfortunately it was not able to kill it." Mu Bai sighed.

Mo Fan smiled.

Knowing the nest, it's even easier!

This group of vicious and evil mountain people, just hit the net! !


Most of the Andes are in groups, and when they act, they are often a family action.

In fact, just five kilometers away from this wild plant base, there is a cave cavern near the water source of Lushangou.

There are about 30 mountain people in this cave. They live in a state similar to the most primitive stage of human beings, living in caves, hunting, eating, storing, and constantly breeding...

In the eyes of the mountain people, human beings are the most delicious wild deer, freshly eaten, smoked and eaten, cooked and eaten, but the humans who dare to break into the Laoshangou are magicians with certain strength. In the past, they used it very directly. Barbaric means are often devastated by the skills of those magicians. Even if they succeed in hunting humans, they will not have many members in their own nest.

Later, they slowly learned to work together and began to ponder the fear of the prey.

Just as the wolves are hunting cattle, the size of the herd is actually much larger than that of the wolves. As long as the herd rebels, the wolves have no power at all, but the wolves will use the fear of the herd. They themselves are chaotic, and when three or two wolves attack, dozens of cattle will naturally flee. At this time, the wolves will prey on the last cow of the team.

The mountain people know that once the human magician forms a team, the combat power is actually very horrible. The frontal attack is equal to the death, so they will use various means to separate the human team and break them one by one!

So, even if they are not as strong as these magicians, they can all be included in the cave!


The mountain leader stood in the hole in the hole, and some of them were puzzled to see that their companions were excited to go to the nest.

What are these scorpions doing, human beings not caught, so excited to run home, a form of dinner, is the human woman who caught the beauty of the fairy? ?


The mountain head saw all the mountain people running back, and they could not help but scream.

It slammed a mother-in-law and slapped it on its head, asking for a violent thunder.

The mother mountain is innocent, isn't the king you let us come back, saying that it is a large group of human beings, all in the cave, whoever comes back first will enjoy it!

"哄哄!!!" The mountain leader took a sip of the mother mountain.

Stupid, when did Laozi convey this order, so far they have not caught a human leg, and have a big meal?

The mother mountain is more aggrieved. Since it is not the order of the king, is it that the little demon is so bold and falsely preached? ?

When the mountain leader and the mother mountain were puzzled, they suddenly heard the place where the mountain was pulled up. A low-pitched but majestic voice sounded like a death knell! !

"The Lava Gate Map - Red Waterfall!"

With enough casting time, Mo Fan did not hesitate to complete his super-order fire magic!

At the moment when the structure of the fire system was completed, a magnificent flame door appeared suddenly above the cave. The door was slowly opened, and the hot flames of the molten flames could be seen!

Like a blue sky, a huge irregular arc-shaped waterfall is suspended. Thousands of tons and tens of thousands of tons of red liquid flow down, forming a flame rainbow that spans dozens of mountains and violently impacts the burning flame. Slammed against the surface of the earth, thousands of fires swayed...

Spectacular shocks make you feel like you are under a giant waterfall!

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