Versatile Mage

Chapter 2216: Was first

Mo Fan will still pay attention to some big news, and they have heard of the things that Blanche said a few days ago.

Probably just a few days after they arrived at the University of Ojos, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Chile... These countries decided to form a South American federation and take the Andes as a joint defense against the already-paced Pacific Kraken. name.

Andean Federation!

Many coastal countries have taken corresponding measures. China is the base city, the bird base city, the magic capital base city, the demon capital base city... The majority of cities and towns in the coastal areas are gathered in the base city to facilitate management. At the same time, work together to fight against the Pacific Kraken.

South America, such as Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, and Chile, is also the hardest hit by the Pacific Krakens. They can't make a seawall that will tens of thousands of kilometers west of the coastline. No more developed countries can do it...

Therefore, the establishment of the Federation is a compelling strategy for them, sharing some resources, sharing the information of the Kraken, and helping each other to overcome difficulties.

“Federal establishment will indeed make this coastline more stable, but the efforts of our predecessors for decades have been ruined. The orphanages scattered in different areas are all abandoned, but the new federation has not given us the Alpine Orphanage. Staying in one location, there are probably more than 5,400 children to be homeless... The Alpine Academy is based in Europe, and the European Act and the Swiss Act do not allow us to bring these children to the Alps, let alone we can’t So much money to settle down so many people," said Brandon.

With the constant invasion of the Kraken, there are still homeless children in various countries and cities. These children do not even remember their identity. The countries in the Americas have occasional political turmoil from time to time. Formal organizations are managing the problem of orphans after the war.

Originally, there were many orphanages in the Alpine Academy, which could gather these children. The Federation is about to be established. The orphanages are all abandoned and become dangerous. The children have nowhere to go.

This is where Brandon feels distressed.

"So you come to the University of Ojos, hope they help these children?" Mofan asked.

"Well. Ojos St. Xueyuan is authoritative enough. I only hope that they will come forward to talk about this issue with the new federal leaders. I hope they will circle a safe place for our Alpine school and let these children have a place to live. "Blanc said.

“I don’t agree with the Temple of Ojos?” Mofan asked.

"I promised, I don't have to be so sad." Blanche said helplessly.

"Why don't they agree?" Mo Fan asked again.

"They said they would not participate in the politics of any country." Branham said bitterly.

“Is this political?”

"What I can do now is to let the students win the All-American Open. With this influence, the local government will pay attention to it. As for what will happen, it is not something I can control." Said.

Mo Fan didn't know what to say for a while.

In fact, we can't blame their country for losing humanity. Rather, the Kraken is constantly attacking. Adults have nothing to do with them. These orphans who have no contribution, naturally, there is no one to manage.

What the Alpine Academy does is nothing more than a charitable enterprise. Charity can't solve social problems. As the prelude to the Kraken war continues to be opened, there will be more orphans born. The Alps is a school. They are not profit-making institutions. The source of funds is the donation and sponsorship of European families and forces. It is so costly that they have to deal with them. It is difficult to go to heaven.

It is the Zhumen wine and the smelly road has frozen bones. As long as you are qualified as a student of the Ojos Shengxue, you can live in this paradise-like place, and have a good food and drink. But outside of their qualifications, they live in cave dwellings, live under bridges, live in garbage dumps... that's all their own business.

"Okhus St. School, regardless of this, you can go to the Parthenon, after all, the Parthenon is also focused on this matter." Mo Fan told Branson.

"Parthenon??" Branham shook his head. "You don't know the grudges between our school and the Parthenon. They will only fall into the rocks and will not cooperate with us."

“Have you tried it?” Mofan asked.

"No, the results are obvious." Blanche said with certainty.

"So, you would rather be bored, insomnia, and sad in this restaurant. Would rather try your best to get the first place in this Americas competition, and don't want to try to let go of the previous grievances and talk to the Parthenon. "Morfan asked."

Blanche lived.

Looking at Mo Fan, she didn't know what to say for a long time.

In fact, these things that Branham said, Mo Fan had heard the heart in summer, she also worried about this matter.

However, the power of the Parthenon did not extend to the Americas, and the Americas basically supported the sound of the Alpine Academy.

The Alpine school is a civilian route, mainly because they are poor.

Parthenon has money, but the people here only listen to the gospel of the Alps and reject it like the Parthenon.

The heart summer comes from China. She does not have the prejudice between the old Parthenon and the Alps. Mofan had previously suggested that the people of the Alpine school should be connected with the summer, but they have not tried it until now...

Mo Fan didn't want to go to the left and right of these powers to do things, but because of the past grievances and mutual exclusion, so that nothing can be done, it is a bit offensive.

After all, it is because of charity, so in fact, if you don't do it, you don't have much to do. If you are concerned about your survival, you will care about what kind of grudges.

"Now, probably too late?" Branham groaned.

"Or contact us to see if there is a turnaround." Mo Fan said.


It is said that Mo Fan is not sure whether the Alpine Academy will join hands with the Parthenon. After all, Bran is not the leader of the school.

However, Mo Fan, who had originally planned to go to Jiufeng Peak, got a very **** news that Ji Yufeng had been occupied by an army of the new federation, and the Jufeng Peak was mined as a mine overnight. !

"Mom, actually got a step ahead!!" Mo Fan was a little annoyed.

"Five-pointed Lei Shi, can be used as a raw material for the repair of soul vessels, wow ... I knew that we directly killed the past, directly got a gold mine, and became the richest man in minutes!" Zhao Manyan said with painstaking heart.

Mo Fan also said before, go to Jufeng Peak to see if there are any extra five-pointed Lei Shi, who knows that it is a Lei Shi mine, if it is taken down by oneself, the Thunder curse has it? ?

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