Versatile Mage

Chapter 2217: New clue


After attending a vivid mountaineering course, the business of Mo Fan Theory Class has obviously improved, and finally there will be no problem of loss. Anyway, since it is a theoretical course, what can be done, the school is not strict. Restricted, Mo Fan simply changed his experience in Kunyu Mountain, and some things about the purple **** tree were transformed and explained to the students.

Every student has a dream of hunting, and Mo Fan said that he didn’t listen to other people’s talks, even some books that collect strange things are not there, so the students of the theoretical class were told by Mo Fan as a biography. .

I didn’t teach it, but there were a lot of people who wanted to hear this kind of deed. Mo Fan’s journey to the north and the north, and the strange things happening around him, can be completely different from the student party who stayed in the school for most of the time. Just pull out a story and you can talk about it one morning.

Ojos is this good, the degree of freedom is high, you can teach you not to teach anything, there are students to listen to it, as long as you do not violate some laws and regulations, love 咋 drop!


"Old Zhao, Mu Bai?" Mo Fan returned to the apartment and found that Zhao Manyan was watching the drama on the sofa with boring eyes. It seems that the sacred identity of the teacher seriously affected his efficiency in spreading in any area.

"Probably studying the vegetation distribution of the Andes in the following bookstore, I don't know why he is so persistent with the Black Holy See." Zhao Manyan said yawning.

"You called him up, I have a new discovery." Mo Fan said.

Zhao Manyan climbed up reluctantly. When he reached the door, he suddenly remembered that there was actually something in the world called a mobile phone. So he took a look at Mo Fan and grabbed the mobile phone and dialed Mu Bai. number.

"Hey, hurry up... How do you have a girl's voice next to you, wow, you are a poultry|beast, and you are going to go to the bookstore to find information. The result is to hook up the female student. The most despised by Zhao Manyan is your hypocrite! Zhao Zhaoyan said.

Zhao Manyan did not say a few words, Mu Bai took a face and pushed in.

"Oh, it turned out to be the old aunt of cleaning, what kind of competition do you have with others?" Zhao Manyan said.

"I am too lazy to talk to you about this mentally ill nonsense. Is there anything?" Mu Baidao said.

"You two sit down. When I was in class today, a student reminded me..." Mo Fan put on a serious attitude.

The two also sat on the sofa right away, wondering what Mofan had discovered.

“I checked. There are many forest farms and farm villages under the mountain barrier near the coastline. There are many farmers, forest carpentry, gardeners and other residents. Although they do not belong to the nationality of Ojos Shenguan, They are all working for the Oxus School. At the University of Ojos, these people are collectively called labor." Mu Bai saw Mo Fan just finished class, like discovering a big secret, hurriedly pulled him to discuss .


“The whole Ochos St. University, like a small palace, can be so orderly and extravagant, which means that there are a large number of workers in the entire school serving the people of the school. We ignored this group before.” Mo Fan said. .

"What about the forest farm and farm village you said?" Mu Bai asked.

“In addition to the many wild plant bases on the Andes, there are dozens of villages along the coastline. The villagers are basically the workers of the University of Ojos, who provide various materials for the Ojos University. They also planted herbs, polished magic stones, and processed magical ornaments..."

Mo Fan said this, Mu Bai immediately patted his thigh.

Yeah, why do you always stare at the people of the University of Ojos? For so long, there are no clues to the Black Holy See, and there may be no signs at all.

The people of the Black Holy See are not necessarily the students, mentors, school staff of the Ochos School, but also the workers who serve this little kingdom!

These workers, although not remembering their nationality, are protected by the University of Ojos, and they are allowed to enter and exit the land of Ojos.

"In today's students, there is exactly one who is born in labor. He told me a lot. I want to use the urgency of the Black Holy See. They are more likely to be hidden in this group of workers who are completely unsightly. Including the cultivation of mad poppies... they can plant the seeds of the herbs that are supplied to the Ojos St. Xueyuan, and they plant what they want,” Mofan said.

"It makes sense, it makes sense. I am too attached to the Temple of Ojos, but I ignore this crowd!" Mu Bai finally understood what was wrong.

The University of Ojos did not allow the workers to enter the college directly. Mo Fan, Zhao Manyan and Mu Bai were in the school area, but they did not quite see the workers. Just like a huge machine, there must be thousands of small and small gears working. They stared at the gorgeous metal surface of the machine before ignoring the invisible gears!

"Mu Bai, you have screened out some labor villages that are more likely in the past few days, let's explore." Mo Fan said.

"It’s not good to go directly. We are the mentor’s words. It’s definitely not reasonable to appear in those labor villages. I remember that there are some topics in the college, including taking students to patrol the sea, visiting villages, and members of our nine-member team. No recruitment has been completed." Zhao Manyan said.

"That's just that, Mu Bai, you screened, I and Lao Zhao opened a patrol class, the route you set. We took the students to patrol, even if you accidentally stepped on the point, the people of the Black Holy See could not respond." Mo Fan said.

"Well, however, even if we have discovered the people of the Black Holy See, we should not scream the snakes, lest these students suffer disasters," Mu Bai said.

"Reassured, of course we will guarantee."


Mu Bai screening speed is very fast, mad poppy is very harsh planting conditions, some villages with soil, humidity, sun exposure can be directly excluded, so a few days of screening, a total of only four labor villages More consistent.

“There is a little aloe vera farm here. The main ones are aloe vera and succulent cactus. The registered labor is about 700.” Mu Baila opened the drawing and used a pen to draw a circle on it. “This is a rock coral village, which is planted on the wetlands of the sea. It is also in line with the cultivation conditions of mad poppy. The other two are olive groves and cherry forests.”

Manic poppies need to be managed by people. They are very delicate and difficult to support than orchids. They need a large number of guardians. They used to stare at the mountains of the Andes, and they are really looking for the wrong direction.

Now Mu Bai can be affirmed with a high probability. The people of the Black Holy See must be in these villages!

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