Versatile Mage

Chapter 2220: Is it a late step?

"Are you true?" Broom girl Lily stared at Mo Fan.

She really wants to be a magician, admired, and does not need to do any groceries, just like the students of the University of Ojos, no matter which country, as long as it shows that he is a student of the University of Ojos, immediately It will be treated like a princess.

"That is of course, but if you can successfully wake up, you have to look at yourself." Mo Fan said to the broom girl Lily.

"I can definitely!" Broom girl Lily is very confident about herself.

"Can you clean the tears and lead the way, have you been planting aloe vera in your village?" Mofan asked.

Being able to get the qualification of a magician, Lily will immediately have a passion for the road, a question and answer, and the ugly head of the previous annoying.

If you want to come, the magician qualification is as hard as it is in the Americas. The limited awakening stone is firmly in the hands of the Wizards Association, and then assigned to the school, government, military, family by the Wizards Association...

Lily, this kind of girl who hasn't been in school for many years, can do a good job in a leisurely job. It is impossible to become a magician.

Mo Fan naturally sees her desire and gives her a chance. Anyway, this is the authority of a honorary tutor. It can apply for the Awakening Stone directly from the Magic Association without the need of the school assessment. There are ten free ones, and it doesn't matter if you just send them.

"Mo Fan, have you tasted too light recently?" Zhao Manyan looked at Lily carefully and found that this girl had nothing but temper, and she didn’t know why Mofan wanted to give it. People go to waste that time.

"Between the man and the woman in your mind, there must be only that aspect, can you be noble, we are now a great people teacher!" Mo Fan said.

"Oh." Zhao Man Yan Yan smiled.


Lily grew up in this village. If the residents of this village rely on the precious succulents planted, they are actually rich villagers. However, she is just a prostitute who lives under the fence and lives with her more tempered aunt.

"My aunt knows to call me to work in addition to rotating my boyfriend every day..."

"You don't have to say these things. We are more interested in what we grow here. These succulents can be better than others. Is there any special planting method?" Mu Bai asked.

"How to plant? I don't know, I am not interested in anything. I don't want to be a farmer." Lily said very disdainfully.

"Do you have something to sell elsewhere?" Mu Bai asked.

"There should be some cooperation with some European businessmen. They will come here to buy every season of harvest!" Lily nodded.

“Which merchants are there?” Mu Bai’s look has changed slightly, but he still makes a casual look.

"I don't know this. European women especially like the things we have here. Italy, France, Britain, Greece. My aunt is doing foreign business reception. She always pulls me up, hey, I don't know between them. The disgusting hooks | When? The old men’s eyes are not right!” Lily said.

"Lily, as far as your looks are concerned, most of the other people really have to talk to you about business." Zhao Manyan said very straightforwardly.

"You look good! In our America, you are the most popular with those macho men!" Lily retorted.

"Teacher, there seems to be nothing to cruise here, let's go to the next place."

"It's boring, isn't it a broken village, not even a decent restaurant, let us eat cactus!"

"We can go to Noza City, there is fun!"

Mo Fan, Zhao Manyan, and Mu Bai exchanged their eyes. They actually wanted to stay here for a while, but the students were clamoring to go. This is not a good thing. There are still many places in the entire village that have not been seen. In this way, how can you know if the Black Holy See is lurking?

"There is a mountain behind you, where is it surrounded by barbed wire, what is it?" Mofan said with a hand.

"Where, I don't know, probably the most valuable cactus variety. Usually, the villagers are not allowed to run in. They are afraid of trampling on plants that are more expensive than gold." Lily said.

"Can we go and see?"

"I have to ask my aunt."


I saw Lily's aunt, a woman who was tanned and black, and her body was kept very good. She saw the gorgeous costumes of the Ojos School, a flattering look.

"You have to look at the precious varieties of Houshan, okay, I will take you there." Lily's aunt is very warm and very friendly, not at all like an old witch like Lily said.

Of course, the good and the evil are relative. In the face of the arrogance of the Ochos School, she will certainly greet the best and good posture.

No matter how difficult the students are, Mu Bai insists on going to the mountains behind him to have a look.

"How come there is nothing?" Mu Bai glanced at the half-wet soil that had been turned over, and some disappointed.

"The harvest, the cactus and aloe vera are sent to the factory, and will soon be finished. You see my skin so good, because I have been painting aloe for so many years." Aunt Lily said flatteringly, saying these words. At the time, the eyes glanced at Zhao Manyan.

Zhao Manyan sneaked, and quickly pretended not to see.


Nothing was found. Due to the emotions of the students, the three had to choose to leave.

The most likely place to plant wild poppy, the result was not found half of the plant, Mo Fan also began to wonder if their direction was wrong.

Pretending to clean up some of the little demon's lair, at night, the three people sat together in a depressed, drinking wine at the beach...

"Is there really no clue?" Zhao Manyan said.

"Maybe we have come a step late, they have already taken away the mad poppy," Mu Bai said.

"Do you still doubt Aloe Village?" Zhao Man extended.

"Well, they turned the soil up. This is a bit unreasonable. The succulents can absorb the water and nutrients in the soil to a great extent. It doesn't make sense to turn the soil," Mu Bai said.

"Mu Bai, you continue to check Aloe Village, I will follow another village." Mo Fan said.

"Another village??"

"I am the coral village where I compensated a thousand gold coins." Mo Fandao.

"Why, if you want to return the money, you will say that you are a glorious people's teacher, don't do anything that is detrimental!" Zhao Man extended.

"I was just wondering why high-level magic was used. Is the student of Ojos St. School so mentally retarded?" Mofan said.

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