Versatile Mage

Chapter 2221: Bing three roads

"Mo Fan, I think that Lily should still know something. She doesn't mean that foreign businessmen often go to their villages. This foreign businessman is probably a cover for the main olive forest farm in Crete. You can find more opportunities to ask. Let's get something out," Mu Bai said.

"Well, I just want to take her to wake up and see if I can put out more useful information." Mofan nodded.

"The three of us will be divided into three ways, Mu Bai, you go to chase the harvested aloe vera, I will follow the villagers in the coral village, and the students who used high-level magic to destroy the wetlands... As for Mofan You, hey, you will lose the ugly head and play, it is exactly what you promised." Zhao Manyan smiled.

Start with the three directions together. If they really find the right direction, there will be results!


When it comes to doing it, Mo Fan is a person who keeps his promise.

There is no magic association in the school of Ojos, and the students in it are at the middle level. They have no awakening stone at the beginning, and there is no awakening stone in the middle.

The awakening stone is strictly kept. The private sale of the awakening stone crime and the manufacture of counterfeit currency is a felony. The market basically cannot see the awakening stone...

"You can't directly give me the Awakening Stone. Can I wake up here? Do you want to take me to another city?" Lily showed a nervous look.

To go to another city with a strange man, I always feel that something is wrong.

"Apas, come over." Mofan screamed.

Apas yawned in a lazy gesture. People, Lily looked at Apas for a long time and never looked back. She couldn’t believe that there are such beautiful girls in the world, every part of the body. It’s all perfect, I can’t find a little bit of it, it’s really unstoppable.

Look at yourself again... Probably a little cockroach under the eyes has been said to be a blessing, and other places are rough.

"She is my little sister, the main room is not counted, so you don't worry about what I have love|young|癖, I want to start, I also start her, understand." Mo Fan said.

It is also quite a coincidence, and Apas has now cultivated to the middle level, which means she has ushered in a second awakening. At the Pearl Tower, she awakened the plant system, and she did not know what to do. This second department does not know what will wake up.

Apas took a look at Mofan.

Who is going to give you the main room? ?

Stinky man!

"Apas, are you a person with schizophrenia? It is always a disgusting and contemptuous look at me, and it is always a matter of swearing at someone's arm?" Mo Fan asked.

If Aps is fine, she likes to dress up as a younger sister who is attached to her. Big brother and big brother call.

"When you can't stand it anymore, when you want to touch me, I can eat you!" Apas smiled.

"Apas, you don't want to think about it. I see a lot of beautiful women. My strength is that you can't break through these little goblins," Mo Fan said.

Lily on the side couldn't understand what the two of them were whispering, but she felt that there was a thick cloud over her head and the sun was shining. Why is this world so unfair, if someone looks and looks like a figure? If you don't become a magician, you have everything! !


In the city of Noza, this is a metropolis of the new federation, and the Noza Magic Association is also very famous in South America.

The students of the University of Ojos also often like to go to Noza City. The school is a school after all, and the lack of real social atmosphere.

Because of a major reform, the entire Noza City is very busy, the dismantling of the demolition, the reconstruction of reconstruction, whether it is government personnel or those in the workplace, the transfer is very large.

"Lily, is your village really only aloe, cactus?" Mofan asked.

Lily is a girl who likes to talk. When Mo Fan opens her mouth, she will chatter.

"What do you want to know?" Lily was not stupid at all, and she realized that Mo Fan should have other purposes.

"We found some weird things, so I want you to answer them. Do you know poppies?" Mo Fan felt that various suggestive cross-examinations were no longer necessary and went straight to the topic.

Lily looked up and her eyes stared at Mo Fan.

From the eyes, Mo Fan couldn't see anything, but Apas on the side was going to read the mind. She told Mo Fan with the voice of the heart. Her emotions were actually very fluctuating. Mo Fan asked about the matter. !

"Lily, I think you should also know that people in your village are doing something that is not quite right. Why do we go there, plainly, we have some solid evidence." Mo Fan immediately continued to beat Lily.

"What do you say, I don't quite understand. You used to lie to me, lie to me, you don't want to wake me up!" Lily cried angrily.

"I have never lied to you. Before I entered your village, I didn't have that suspicion, but who we are, we are the most authoritative mentor in the world, even if we only smell the air, we can know exactly what you planted. What. We are now standing on the steps of the Magic Society gate, you will enter the magician system in my name, I must make sure that you have not done something that is against morality, otherwise I will guarantee that you become a magician. After that, will not use these abilities to do bad things?" Mo Fanping said to Lily.

"I don't want to stay in that village at all. I don't know what they do!" Lily said.

"She lied." Apas told Mofan.

When Mo Fan saw Lily's emotions a little excited, she would not go on any more. In this case, it is impossible to know the answer. However, this aloe village must have problems. I am looking for the right person.

"I am annoying, so I will go astray. There are so many well-dressed students in Ojos's school. How many disgusting things have they done? How much do you know?" Lily yelled angrily. .

"I don't have this meaning, or why would you bring you here?" Mo Fan said.

"How do I know, maybe you are just pitiful, maybe you just enjoy the feeling of being able to decide the fate of others." Lily continued.

"Those things are done in the village. If you are willing to be with them, your life will not be worse than that of any student at Ojos St., but you still choose to go to the Oxus School to be a handyman. The angry sister is bullying, it is clear in your heart, what kind of people are the group of people. The gate of the magic association is in front of you, although I can’t guarantee that the person you meet when you step into this gate must be Good people, but I can be sure that when you return to the village and join them, you will become a scum. From the beginning to the end, you are choosing your own destiny. No one can control you."

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