Versatile Mage

Chapter 2222: Black pharmacist

Mo Fan saw Lily slightly shaken, and immediately went on to say:

"Lily, things are not as simple as you think. You might think that the things you planted are just illegal plants. But I tell you that those plants are a recipe for arrogant potions, and the Black Holy See uses it to anger the demon tribes, demons. The empire can cause a major disaster. In our country, the Black Holy See uses this thing to wash an ancient city with more than a million deaths... Can you understand the concept of a million deaths?” Mofan said to Lily.

"Millions of people???" Lily was a little shocked.

Millions of people, they are only seven or eight hundred people in a village.

The entire Ojos Holy School is about 10,000 people...

This bustling city of Noza, probably not one million people, can be seen as much as possible, on the streets, in the bus, in the building has been quite a lot!

Millions of people are killed, meaning that these people they see, and a lot of places they can't see will all become corpses! !

Can't it be piled up into mountains and fill the ocean? ? ? ?

"I have seen people who have been tempted by the Black Holy See step by step, even adults with very strong willpower, high-ranking officials, and leaders of one party, as long as they can't hold their own bottom line, they will fall... So you said that I am pity you, That's not right. I admire you. You didn't join them when the entire village was planting mad poppy for great benefit."

"This is something that most people can't do. You hold on to yourself, which means saving a lot of people."

Lily has never heard of these words.

When Mo Fan asked the question of poppies, it meant that everything was directly clarified.

Apas is analyzing Lily's psychology, so even if Lily does not answer any questions from Mo Fan, it is already certain that Aloe Village is planting the mad poppy that the Holy See needs.

If the villagers are planting mad poppy, the benefits of the Black Holy See will not be less. Lily grew up in the village. It is reasonable to say that she joined the planting, but she is out of the village, in Ojos. The school is still a lot of workmanship... It is clear that she did not enter the pit.

At the early Chongming Island Ranch, Mo Fan imagined that the student named Zhao Pinlin, for a little private | wanted to step into the Black Holy See gate, and carried out various violence against his classmates.

In fact, Lily has the potential to step into the door of the Black Holy See. Her position is humble, bullied, and eager to change the status quo.

So when Apas told himself that Lily didn't get contaminated with those things, Mo Fan was very surprised.

This insistence, Mo Fan is admired.

It is too easy to know how to break the defense line of a little girl by means of the Black Holy See...


"What do you want to know?" Lily's emotions gradually stabilized. She seemed to understand that she was exposed to something she had never imagined before.

Indeed, Aloe Village is pathological.

Lily knew it very early. They said something like a regular belief. There is no free luxury lunch in the world. Lily didn't join her aunt, even if it was taken from the Oxus School. When she came out, her aunt promised to let the school sister die, and she did not agree.

She was afraid of what the villagers had gained, and she was afraid that there would be a daily report that would come to everyone.

“Are they really growing poppies?” Mofan asked.

"I don't know much about plants, but they are really planting something that looks like life, probably the kind of plant you describe," Lily said.

“How much has it been planted?” Mofan hurriedly asked.

"The whole mountain is behind, the place where the barbed wire is enclosed, the aunt never let me go there, they said, if I don't join, and I know the situation inside, then I am not far from death. Just Ojos San The school recruited handymen, I was chosen, and they have been away from them for a long time. From the season of harvest, they should have planted four seasons." Lily said frankly.

"Have your aunt joined?" Mofan asked.

"I don't know too much. In short, I am giving them cover." Lily said.

"You said that foreign businessmen came to your village. Have you seen this person?" Mo Fan took out his mobile phone and showed Lily the photo of the olive forest owner.

Lily stared at the phone for a long time, and her expression immediately became strange.

Apas told Mo Fan, Lily's mood fluctuated so much that she must know the olive forest owners.

"What happened to him?" Lily did not answer positively. Instead, she first asked Mo Fan.

"He planted this in Greece, and the arrogant poppy may have been cultivated by him. The Black Holy See is killing people, and he provides the Holy See with poison for killing," Mofan said.

"He is my adoptive father. When I was six years old, I was eating in the garbage. I dug up the dying man. I gave him some water and dark bread. When he woke up, he said that he adopted me. I followed him. In this village, he began to teach me some strange things, but I can't learn how to... I later became very annoying to me, and basically didn't get in touch. Even when I came to the village, he didn't bother to look at me. Lily whispered.

Mo Fan looked at Lily with amazement!

This is what Mo Fan didn't think of at all! !

Lily is actually a black pharmacist's daughter...

From the blue bat personally to save the forest owner, the position of the forest owner in the black church is very high. The signboard of Zhalang is the rain of destruction. It is difficult for her to execute without the black pharmacist. Why did Mofan not think of this ugly? The ugly black broom girl is so close to the Black Holy See core! !

There is a lingering heart.

Mo Fan is really worried at the moment!

But when you think about it, Lily didn't join them but could leave the village. It is impossible to let such a peripheral person act in their pharmaceutical factory with the cautiousness of the Black Holy See. It is because he is a black pharmacist's adopted daughter and escaped one. Robbery!

"Lily, do you know where your father is? This guy is the number one key player in the Black Holy See. He can take him down. It is very difficult for the Black Holy See to make a disaster in the ancient capital." Mo Fan said with some excitement.

"He has long regarded me as a stone on the roadside, and his whereabouts will not tell me." Lily replied.

"Right, you are here to wake up, have you told other people in the village?" Mo Fan suddenly realized what he was, immediately asked.

"I just said to my aunt, she should have no doubt, I have said many times that I want to be a magician. You are more wise in the village as a student teacher, otherwise the people in the village will be vigilant immediately. Lily said.

"We just don't want to alarm them," Mo Fan said.


(Hey, why did you miss a chapter...)

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