Versatile Mage

Chapter 2230: Star dust

A theoretical class instructor challenged the famous master of the law, and the ratio of one-tenth of Mofan’s family was already very good, indicating that he was very brave in the previous demon outdoor class, and gathered some students’ hearts.

"Get started," said element minister Douglin.

Nelson is also a person who is in the form of a form. He did not immediately start to Mofan, but instead began to teach him.

He showed his own field of wind, and it was very clear that a very turbid wind was like a huge sea otter around Neilson, although it was taking a posture similar to defense, but it seemed to be at any time. Will be thrown out to save people from the bones!

Nairson did not directly use the field magic attack, he is to show the students his imprint magic.

With the power of mind to control the wind in the body of Mo Fan, Neil's is a turbid wind, so the original invisible mark became very obvious on Mo Fan, so that Mo Fan seems to have just swept away from the wind The same goes out in the sand.

"In fact, in this field, I also have a little research." Mo Fan looked at his very obvious wind element imprint, can not help but reveal a confident smile.

Mo Fan drove away from these elements of the wind and allowed them to stick to themselves.

"You will be like a white mouse in a cage, and you will be chaos." Neilson's hand slowly lifted up, and a wind gradually pulled out of the coiled array.

With a finger, the wind flew to Mo Fan, the speed was quite fast, and the wind of a blink of an eye hit the front of Mo Fan.

The wind is not completely airy. It is strongly twisted by the turbid wind. The slap on the ground also makes the hard rocky ground smash, not to mention the direct slamming and impact on the human body. .

"Classmates, if he does not take defense, he will definitely dodge, but all his movements are marked by my mark, and even the mark can be used to judge in advance the direction in which he may be dodging. At this time, he is sealed off. You can dodge the position!” Nelson launched an attack while explaining the attack ideas to the students.

To put it bluntly, this first wind is a blockade of temptation to see if the opponent is dodging or defending.

If it is defensive, then take a direct attack, and the subsequent winds will also fly out together. If you dodge, it will fall into the teaching routine before him!

Mo Fan stood there with a calm smile on his face.



Why are these two options too!

Your skills must be able to hit me first!

The squats gradually deepened, and there seemed to be something flowing in Mofan's dark brown pupil.

The wind hits, it is a direct collision, Mo Fan just gaze at the wind.

Suddenly, the fierce and fierce wind changed the angle of the collision. It was originally from bottom to top. It was like a drill that knocked Mofan into the air, but it was inexplicably straight up, only about one meter away from Mo Fan. The position rushed to the sky!

If you go one meter ahead, it is just attacking Mo Fan, but it is a short one meter, making this gust of wind seem like a boring play, and the fierce attack is all in the air!


"There are no movements at all. Is this all biased?"

Mo Fan did not move, and he was rushing to the heights. It looked like a mistake that Neilson did not grasp the distance.

Nersun frowned, and she was just confident enough to explain to the classmates, which would close her mouth immediately.

It doesn't matter if there is a wind, there are still a lot of people here. Since the other party has no hiding and no defense, then attack again!


When Nelson sang high, he saw that several turbid winds were swiftly wrapped together, and instantly formed a wind that was several times larger than before.

The whistling sound of the wind screamed the audience. This time, Nersun no longer gave Mofan any reaction time. He quickly took a quick attack and took a quick attack!

"I have the ability to resist this time, you still don't hide!" Neilson said in his heart.

Mo Fan still did not hide this time, the wind rushed, the front was turbid, completely in a sandstorm.


Mo Fan only spit out a word, and when the wind slammed in front of him about ten meters, suddenly it was broken by what power, and the body was inexplicably broken into several.

The windy winds were directly dismantled and all became small winds.

When these small winds rushed to Mo Fan, all of them deviated by about one or two meters.

Just like a group of fish that inadvertently swam around people, the wind and Mo Fan passed by, but none of them directly hurt Mo Fan.

"How is this going??"

"Nersun’s tutor is drinking today, how is it always biased?"

The students looked at it all, and the second attack, all deviated, not how to teach magic more accurately not long ago, when it was used, it happened so embarrassingly.

Neilson himself is a bit dumbfounded.

At this level, let alone Mo Fan's target of standing still, even if the opponent moves at the same speed as the wind, he can achieve 90% hit.

The magic of this kind of magic is a kind of trajectory that can be manipulated. He is obviously very precise, and why the result will be biased!

"Is this guy also a wind magician, he changed my wind direction?" Neilson said.

"Nersun Tutor, since you are a wind master, how about the precision of my magic?" Mo Fan opened his mouth and revealed a shiny little white tooth!

Mofan slammed his feet, and the rocky earth under his feet immediately stunned a number of pointed broken rocks. They were suspended around Mofan and looked like the fangs that fell from the mouth of a giant beast.

"The rock is flying!"

The rapid development of the rock teeth, the speed of the flight is still accelerating.

"call out!!"

Nerson made a splash and easily escaped the rock attack from the left side.

"call out!!"

Another rock was inserted obliquely from the height, and Neilson stepped back, and the rock was stabbed into the ground.

"Even if the speed of these things is doubled, I can't touch me." Neilsun said.

"Do not say so full, be careful!" Mo Fan said.

Neilson stared at the front, and three rock teeth were stabbing, locking the direction of the three sides of Neil, the left and the right.

Neilson's body has moved, he first stepped back, keeping a speed difference with the three rock teeth...

Suddenly there was a strange airflow behind it, and there seemed to be something going on behind her back!

When Neilson turned back, he suddenly found that the rock tooth that he had first avoided was not known when he took it back and killed it! !

What is the case! !

The magic that flies past can also be turned back in a circle, you back to the standard! !

Nersun didn't expect to have an attack behind him. He wanted to pull back and pull away the distance. This would be equal to being pinched by these four rock teeth!


When Neilson had nowhere to hide, he could only scream, and there was a more fierce turbid wind in his body. These turbid winds shattered the teeth of Mofan and finally turned into The powder was dispersed.

"Can't hide, use this way?" Mo Fan sneered.

"You have no rules, how can I deal with it in a dogmatic way?" said Neilsun.

"So, you admit that your skills are actually very dogmatic, there is no egg in actual combat?" Mo Fan then stimulated Nairson.

"Don't say so much useless, since it's a showdown, you should come up with some real skills." Neilsun said impatiently.

He was teaching the precision of the magic, and the result was turned back. Neilsun was very annoyed.

Now Nersun only wants to step on this person who provokes himself!

“Clouds are blowing!”

The turbid wind formed a great piece, and it seemed to be a cloud cluster that was gathering. This cloud cloud enveloped Neilson’s head and was separated by a certain distance, but it was completely controlled by Neilsun’s mind. Among them.

The turbid cloud wind began to move, and although the site was large, it was covered with a large area.

After the turbid cloud wind left the position of Neilsun, there was a wind-like array of fluttering between the ground and the turbid cloud wind, and the one that brought you to Mofan was forced to the corner of the entire battlefield.

This level, who talks to you about accuracy, has always been a cover-up attack, fixed bombing!

This time, Nersun can't believe that his magic will be inexplicably offset.

"Chaotic vortex!"

Mo Fan holds up his hands and can see a void but a slowly flowing vortex appears above his head. From the beginning, only a small slap in the palm of his hand gradually becomes the size of the eaves.

The winded knives that fell down fell on the chaotic vortex, which is equivalent to the heavy rain hitting the lake. Except for the shackles of some elements, there is no destructive power.

"It turned out to be a chaotic system." Nelson snorted.

He is also an experienced war mage, and after seeing the other party's ability to use this, how can he not think of the problems that have occurred before.

The order of chaos can change the order of many magic, including the trajectory of many elemental skills.

Obviously, the other side is using chaotic magic to make all the previous winds drift, and let the rock that should have flown away in inertia fly back.

Chaos is often like a magic trick. If you can't find its rules, it's easy to get confused.


Mofan’s chaotic whirlpool slammed into Neilsun.

The whirlpool whirls in the air at high speed, continuously squeezing out the winds that were previously absorbed, and sees that the former slashing knives that attacked Mo Fan swept to Neilsun in another way.

There was a thin cyclone on Neilson's body, and the robes were so draped. When the reinforced cloud winds arrived, the whirlrobes immediately expanded.


For example, when the blade is on the metal and the squeaking sound is constantly heard, Nairson is extremely skilled in controlling the wind system. Mofan's tricks are also easy and easy to resolve.

"If the wind is chaotic, we can't get a victory in the dark." Neilson said to Mo Fan.

Chaos system...

It’s really an extremely troublesome department. There are chaos in the few departments that Nelson doesn’t want to encounter. It’s not that he thinks he will lose to the chaos mage, but the chaos mage always uses those tricks that are very annoying, not Let your magic break down, that is, to absorb the magic, or to change the original rules.

"If you want to change, I don't mind," Mo Fan said.

"I want Richie this student because he and I are the same, and the major is the mine system," said Neilsun.

"Occasionally, I also repair the mine system." Mo Fan said.

"Look at who's thunder, it's the real thunder!" Nelson looked calm at the moment, and the next second burst out of a dozen horrible lightning bolts.

Some of these lightnings rushed into the sky, hitting a large array of glaring sparks, and some flew directly to Mo Fan here, swept through Mofan in front of the enchantment, and some danced on the ground, forming a A terrible electric spider web! !

The momentum changed instantly, and the whole person of Neilsun became a madman who was overbearing and dangerous!

When thousands of students saw this scene, they subconsciously wanted to retreat to the back. Even with the barrier of high enchantment, the terrible thunder was penetrated, and the lightning that was arbitrarily fluttering would inadvertently Go to your own body.

Mo Fan frowned, and Neilson's thunder was very strong, and even his field was more overbearing than his tyrant.

"This guy should be a very top-rated Thunderbolt." Mo Fan secretly said.

The thunder is very straightforward, and it is easy to see the difference between strong and weak.

Mo Fan originally wanted to use the thunder to confront him. Considering that his own soul is inferior to others, and then using the words of God's seal, it is basically exposing his identity!

There are very few winners of the gods and rituals. It is not that Mo Fan feels that his mine will lose to Neilsun, but that once he uses the full power of the mine system, he will certainly be recognized by others.

"Tucker, there is no need to be hard with this guy!"

When I got back to the game and found it back, Mo Fan couldn't forget that he had more important things. Ray was against Ray. If it was not necessary, he would use the soil system to deal with him!

"Star Dust"

Mo Fan called out his own soil field!

The dust of the stars, this is the field of the Mofanya species, which can greatly gather the surrounding earth elements in the range of 500 meters. These soil elements will form a guard like the dust of the stars.

Mo Fan is a person who doesn't like defense very much, so the dust of these stars is actually very aggressive. As long as the mind moves, the dust of the first star can become hundreds of large rock teeth flying to the enemy, and the dust of the stars. It will be quickly replenished with time and the rubble of the stone, Mo Fan is equal to the rock weapon with infinite filling!

Earth's isolation of lightning conduction, Mo Fan's dust of these stars, even if it is still at the moment, can also block the violent flash of thunder that is released by Neilsun!

"My thunder, no change!" Nersun shouted, releasing the thunder as if it had crushed all the opponents!

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