Versatile Mage

Chapter 2231: Steal your devil and hit your face

Neilson stepped back. The next moment, the flurry of thunder and lightning spread in all directions. They appeared like lightning bolts in the air, and they quickly leaped in the air, and some could not ponder their movement.

Many lightning bolts leaped, some seemingly not in the direction of Mo Fan, but may suddenly rush toward Mo Fan at an explosive speed in the next jump, and directly release the cactus thorn The same tip lightning!

When Nersun saw that Mofan used the soil system, he was not flustered at all.

Most of the thunder is controlled by the earth magic, but the thunder of the ball like it can be turned into a powerful flash like a steel pin, piercing all hard things!

"Why is the lightning pattern of the Neilson instructor not the same as ours, why is its lightning like a steel wire?"

"It takes a lot of control to condense the violent lightning into a needle."

"And, the penetration is afraid to be ten times stronger than the regular lightning!"

Neilson ignited the lightning bolts. In fact, when the lightning bolts burst open, there were countless condensed thunder and long needles to Mo Fan.

Those thunderbolts can not only be opened in front of Mo Fan, they can jump to Mofan's head, and behind Mofan, they can even be buried under the ground, so when those thunderbolts continue to "bloom" open At the time, Mo Fan was subjected to the torrential baptism of this steel spurt every second.

Such a lightning attack, the soil fortress defense will also be destroyed! !

Mo Fan has a myriad of stars in the dust. When they are completely gathered together, they can form a circle of eggshell dust walls. They are formed almost at the moment when Mofan is attacked by these lightning bolts.

However, the all-round protection of the dust wall shield probably only lasted for less than four seconds, and the holes that were penetrated by the steel needles appeared one after another, and the thunder spikes plunged into the skin, causing Mofan to involuntarily tremble. .

If it weren't for itself with a strong thunder resistance, the small number of thunderbolt needles that were put in would be able to sift people into sieves.

The resistance of this spiked form of Flash Remo is actually not really good, it is like someone else is squatting on a strong person one after another, as long as the person's muscles are strong enough, how to fight only It will have a very slight effect, and if the other side uses a sharp needle, it will plunge directly into the meat, puncture the blood vessels, and if it is the key, it will die soon.

Nelson is indeed a fierce person. It is very difficult to condense lightning into a needle like this. It is not only powerful enough, but also requires very persistent practice. Mofan can only make lightning at most. In the time it is pinched into the form that you want, but not all the lightning that is released like Nersun is this fixed form.

"If you use a dark space, it is equal to weak." Mo Fan bite his teeth.

A department is very happy to accompany a department, but in terms of defense, Mo Fan still lacks some basic exercises. This is like a cavalry that smashes the battlefield formation into a shield. Even if Mofan's shield on his hand is the best, it is still easy to show flaws in the face of a strong and old opponent.

At this moment, Mo Fan's body was attacked by the thunder of the dust of his own star. This taste is simply... There are more than a dozen three hundred and sixty-degree three-dimensional surrounds to torture themselves with her peerless weapons!

Support to the limit, Mo Fan had to switch to other magic, the shadow system is naturally the best way to avoid, but at this time, Mo Fan found a lot of lithographs around the site.

These lithographs are the second most important effect of Tianyan. Whenever there is energy pulsation around, a gravel is formed. When the number is enough, it will form a gravel circle with numerous changing abilities.

Although the dust of the star is a fixed amount, the second heavy effect and the dust of the star complement each other. The gravel print can be used to infill the dust of the star infinitely!

"It is reasonable to say that Neilsun only used one magic. Why did I have so many rubble marks on my side? Is it difficult that the continuous attacks he launched are actually completed through continuous uninterrupted spellcasting? He hides his own astrology?" Mo Fan floated his mouth.

It turned out to be a routine for a spell machine gun. It is said that this Nelsun Ming Ming did not use the Star Palace, how can it form such a powerful magical suppression force.

The second most important effect is the high frequency of the enemy's use of magic, each time you use one will be stolen energy.


The dust of Mofan’s star was constantly being dispelled, but the gravel circle was added in, and the dust of the star dust was quickly filled up, and Mofan built a safe shell shield wall.

The leaky roof was repaired, and the whole person was very pleasant. Even if the fierce lightning storm could break through the roof, Mo Fan and the fully automated small workers would climb the iron for the first time to fix it.

Even if it is occasionally tied a few times, Mo Fan can bear it.


In the continuous explosion of Nelson, Mo Fan is only standing in the dust of its star. Only he can see his own gravel circle. In the eyes of others, Mo Fan seems to be constantly repairing himself through some special idea. Dust guardian.

Even with machine guns, excessively fired bullets would be erupted because of the high temperature. Nelson was fierce at first, but after a period of time, his offensive was significantly weakened.

The human spirit is like a reservoir. The hoarding of enough mages to suddenly open the floodgate can cause extremely terrible floods. It can be tens of kilometers, but once the water is discharged excessively, the water level of the reservoir will drop seriously, and the subsequent water source will be supplemented. Unusually small amounts of water are not released.

The spirit of the magician consumes too much in a short period of time. Even if the magic can be too vast, there may be a situation in which magic cannot be used, and symptoms of fainting may occur.

Every time Nerson thought that Mofan had reached the limit, he could break it in the next second. As a result, the dust of the other star was repaired. He had never seen a man who was lasting longer than himself. Nelson himself could not hold it. .

Of course, Nelsun does not know that the other party has been stealing his energy!

Use other people's magic energy to defend themselves, Mo Fan himself does not consume a drop of magic.

"Nerald Tutor, you may have to practice more, your mine is like a drizzle for me." Mo Fan said with a smile.

Mo Fan is now more and more like his own kind of rock!

Use the magic power of others, but also hit your face!

It’s a kind of day!

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