Versatile Mage

Chapter 2640: Still long


The man was fished out of the water, and Mo Fan found that the boy had passed out.

Carefully comparing his five senses with the ones he was looking for, Mo Fan found that there was such a similarity between the two.

This is disgusting!

Like this kind of slag, Mo Fan is very happy to send him to the river as a shark, but he seems to have a great background, spent a lot of money and a lot of hunters contributed to save his dog.

Forget it, let him stay for the rest of his life. After the crossover, it is always possible to suddenly violently wherever!

"You don't open your eyes to me. I will cut your wrists now," Mofan said.

"Don't, don't!!" The skinny man suddenly woke up.

"Don't play tricks in front of me. I just came to Fuyang City to find something. I took a commission and took you out. Of course, if I found out that you would hinder me, I wouldn't be bad for money and hunters. Contribute, understand?" Mo Fan did not give this greedy and fearful person a good face.

Originally, in such a cruel place in Fuyang City, seeing such a poor person, Mo Fan will still be rescued, who knows that he has come to himself!

"Absolutely not, absolutely not, I have no eyes, I don't know that the master has come to rescue... Please believe me, I really have no choice but to make the best decision."

"What is your name?" Mofan asked.

"Chinese name is Guan Songdi, international..."

"Okay, I am not interested in listening to you." Mo Fan waved his hand.

"Let's leave now, but there is a very shark-like behemoth in every direction of the city. No creature can escape their eyes... No, no, how did you come in, you can avoid Open the perception of the sharks and beasts!!" Guan Songdi has some ecstatic words.

Since the other party was not caught by himself, and received the commissioned hunter, it means that he escaped the perception of the shark's behemoth and entered the city.

Being able to escape the perception of the shark's behemoth, there is hope to leave Fuyang City alive.

You know, he has been trapped in this terrible city for more than a month, and the people who have been thrown into the city with him have had hundreds of people at first, and they are all magicians who are not low.

But there aren't many that are really alive now, and there have been some new people being thrown in this way for more than a month, as if it were a big escape game.

Guan Songdi has been here for more than a month, and it is completely hellish.

He didn't even close his eyes. He thought that he might be dragged out by the sharks who like to eat when he was asleep. His spirit is in a tight state.

This will last a long time, people will go crazy!

He wants to leave here, and he is extremely eager to leave.

"Take me away now, I can let people in my family give you five times, no, ten times, twenty times the money!!" Guan Songdi.

"You cut my arm. You can think about how many times the money is used to compensate, but I have something more important than your life. You can continue to hide, wait for me to finish me. Look for you again, take you out." Mo Fan rubbed his ears, completely do not care about the money, although he is always poor.

"No, I can't even deal with a shark!" Guan Songdi was panicked.


Lingling specifically confessed that this is a fat sheep.

Mo Fan has no choice but to bring this **** to the side.

Going back to the high-rise city, Mo Fan searched for a circle in the enterprise center, and found nothing in the end.

It is a corporate logo in itself, and unless it is to look at the development instruments of the enterprise, it is really difficult to have direct clues.

In desperation, Mo Fan had to find other people to meet and wanted to see if they found a more valuable clue.

Fortunately, this is not a loss, directly hit the beasts entrusted to find.

"Old Zhao is nearby, and he has met him in the past," Mo Fan said.

More than one person, in fact, it is really inconvenient, Mo Fan needs to take this thing with buildings, high walls as a bunker, change to be yourself, directly shadow the dark space between those buildings, you can quickly and freely shuttle.


The blood of the beach and the beach.

Zhao Manyan sat on an abandoned bus and looked at the baby he had just acquired.

Other people's summoning beast baby, after signing the contract, quickly take home to eat and drink, and then try to make it grow fast, after the maturity, you can be invincible.

But Zhao Manyan’s head is not that big.

It has been estimated to be more than three hours since it hatched.

Zhao Manyan couldn't count how many sharks he had eaten. Ordinary sharks, the leader of the Iron Sharks. In short, he didn't know what strange signals were sent before, and he could actually induce the nearby sharks.

Most of the sharks thought that there was a spiny spear and a pig waiting for it. Who knows that they were turned into the u-shaped hotel, and a little monster that was not enough was waiting for them.

The front door of the hotel is very spacious. There is a three-storey retro building as a wall. The small green forest in front of the hotel is surrounded by a wide parking lot.

Mo Fan walked here with Song Qidi.

He saw Zhao Manyan sitting on the bus at a glance.

In fact, Mo Fan came with a shark, but the tragic shark was being left with a strange big fish that could be floated in midair in silvery gray.

"What is the situation??" Mo Fan glanced at the green forest and found that the green forest was full of bones.

There is a sense of self-contained food, a pile of high food wreckage on the plate, and the forest is full of sharks and scorpions.

"I don't know, it's too edible. I feel that it can eat all the sharks in this city." Zhao Manyan said with a bitter face.

Eat non-stop, and eat while eating.

Now, the silver-blue baby can no longer be called a baby, it is a silver-blue floating whale! !

If Zhao Manyan used the hidden enchantment of the light system, this guy was already discovered by the shark beast in the sky.

Now Zhao Manyan can be sure that this product is not a shark's giant beast.

It is something else, and what it wants most is the shark beasts flying in the sky. It seems that the one can fully feed it, as if it has evolved.

"You can still sign a contract, you have left a lot of treasure for you." Mo Fan was surprised.

"Please don't eat, we really have to do something serious..." Zhao Manyan said with a smile.

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