Versatile Mage

Chapter 2641: Liyang heart

Liyang City Waterworks.

It is also strange to say that when the city is at night, there will always be some places where some ice cubes are condensed.

However, the Xiangyang Waterworks did not show any signs of frost. The three women in Xinxia, ​​Lingling and Jiang Shaoxu searched for a large circle in the waterworks, and finally found that the pipeline of tap water seemed to extend into the sea.

The pipe turned over a flat mountain and entered the sea. At a position close to the sea, there was a large machine that took the seawater in the ocean into a large reservoir hole before it was delivered to the tap. plant.

The reservoir hole is very deep, it is a cave connected to the ocean, under the cave, there is a land and sea world, and it is under the urban city of this city!

It's hard to imagine that in such a big city, there is a hole in the bottom of it.

"When the three of them come over, we will find another way to go." Ling Ling said.

After a general understanding of the structure of the water source of the entire waterworks, Lingling can infer that in the sea cave below the city, there must be an answer to the fact that the residents of Xiangyang City will not be infected with low temperature disease.

"If I want to go down and see, they don't know when they will be able to come back. I will make a preliminary exploration, at least I have to know what is going on below." Jiang Shaoxu said.

"I will go with you," said Xia Xia.

"Well, there is a kind of care, you are on the top of the spirit." Jiang Shaoxu said.

"This one……"

"It doesn't matter, we are not the soft sister who has no power to bind the chicken. Even if I bump into the monarchy, I can let it listen to me." Jiang Shaoxu said with confidence.




Baiyue Hotel.

Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan looked up and looked at the sky. It would all go into the night. The silver-blue baby still had to eat, which made the two people one big and two big.

There is really no other way, Mo Fan had to take risks and secretly arrested a great shark man monster.

The shark's behemoths are also graded. The whole body is like an alloy metal. It is an authentic monarchy. It is as big as a gym. To kill them, it will definitely attract the attention of the entire shark.

Mo Fan selected a black-skin shark human beast, let Apas manipulate its mind, and then introduce it into this Baiyue Hotel, and give Zhao Manyan this new contract beast to eat once.

This time, Mo Fan also saw the magic of this silver-blue baby. While eating a long one, it is equivalent to the size of an ordinary whale when it is still a black-skin shark. After eating, this product is equivalent to one. A small cruise ship.

"Go to the ring and sleep for a while, you yell, I really have to do business." Zhao Manyan pleaded with tears.

The silver-blue baby finally nodded and returned to the contract ring with satisfaction.

Seeing such a big "baby" finally disappeared, Zhao Man extended a long breath.

Why can't you manage these hands?

If you have to try it, you can't accept it.


The guy who can eat this **** tm feels dependent on himself.

"You have to prepare tons of rations in the future." Mo Fan couldn't smile.

Zhao Manyan is really a talent, so you can get a contract beast, or a wonderful food!

On the first day, this silver-blue baby can eat such a large amount, and when it grows for some more days, Zhao Manyan really feels that he will go bankrupt! !

"Don't mention it first, my heart is tired. I found some information in the Fuyang Academy. Their school badges are derived from a place called Liyang Earth. It is an ancient altar of the city of Fuyang that has been passed down for thousands of years. Zhao said that.

"An ancient altar, know where the specific location is?" Mofan asked.

"It’s at our feet." At this moment, a voice suddenly came in.

Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan looked forward at the same time and found a man in light white clothes coming over. The half-length black hair was covered with fixed hair gel, so that his hair style looked extraordinarily shaped.

The person who came is Mu Bai, and if he has a smug smile on his face, he can know that he is obviously the person who discovered the most discoveries this time.

Mu Bai came from the door of the hotel where a layer of enchantment was applied. At a glance, he saw the bones in the central green forest and could not help but smash it.

"How did you kill so many sharks?" Mu Bai asked.



"Can you talk about these insignificant things first, do you know where the heart of the sun is?" Zhao Manyan was impatient.

"Right, there are still many people in the city who are being hunted. I am not there to settle them. It seems to be quite hidden. I will bring them all over?" Mu Bai continued.

Mu Bai is a good student. When he walked around the city, he discovered some survivors who had been abandoned to Fuyang City. He organized these people and provided them with protection.

"You bring them all over." Mo Fan glanced at Song Di.

Guan Songdi immediately panicked.

After all, I couldn’t help but die. The three people put the things of the sun and the earth first, and brought those who were rescued by Mu Bai to the Baiyue Hotel, which was hidden by the light system.

There are fifteen or six people still alive. It can be seen that they are all like the Song Di, who are exhausted by the natural hunters, and they have a place that looks safe. They are all big. Take a sigh of relief.

"We don't have a land holy spring in Bocheng. We can supply a special holy place for the magician to cultivate. If it is cultivated in it, it can be greatly improved. This Liyang geocentric is very similar to the existence of the holy spring. Can provide a very special geocentric sea spring, let the magician soak in it to cultivate a big rise." Mu Bai settled those people, this only talk about the things of the sun.

"Then the geocentric heart is definitely related to the mysterious feather totem. We should hurry to see it later." Mo Fan said.

"The geocentric heart of the city is the inheritance of the millennium. It is the same as the holy spring. The entrance information is in the hands of a very small number of people in Fuyang City, including those who enter the cultivation. They may not know how to enter the heart of Fuyang. It can only be roughly determined to be under the city of Fuyang City," Mu Bai said.

Fuyang City is very large. There are six districts, each of which is equivalent to a Bocheng. It is not an easy task to find a secretly protected entrance in such a big city.

Like the holy spring, perhaps many people in Bocheng know the existence of the holy spring, but they will never think that the holy spring is below the silver trade building.

Similarly, this special cultivation site in Fuyang City knows a lot of people, but it is top secret!

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