Versatile Mage

Chapter 2642: Forbidden land

"Where you are going, I may know." Guan Songdi did not know when to come over and whispered.

"If you are, I may not believe it." Mo Fan is very clear about what Song Di is.

"I won't lie to you. I just want to leave here, but you won't find a place in Liyang. I certainly hope that you will complete your task as soon as possible." Guan Songdi said.

"Then you talk about it." Mo Fandao.

"I also met some escapers before. We hugged each other and avoided these sharks. One of them was a mage in Fuyang City. He said that if the city is completely framed, only one place is absolutely safe. That is the heart of Xiangyang. His statement is also the same as your friend, and Xiangyang’s heart is the place where they cultivate outstanding magicians in Xiangyang City,” Guan Songdi said.

"Later?" Mofan asked.

Guan Songdi hurriedly shook his head and said: "We got there, there were a lot of sharks nearby, and we were blocked before we got to the entrance. Then they died, I escaped."

"Your survival rule has saved you many lives." Mo Fan sneered.

Guan Songdi was red-faced, but he continued: "I can take you there, but you have to bring me, I don't want to be with these people."

"It’s more dangerous to follow us. Why don’t you hide here?” Mo Fan asked inexplicably.

"Hey, you think that people who can survive in Xiangyang City have not done a few things to abandon their companions. The sharks are ferocious and terrible. They are very sensitive to the smell. The only way to escape their pursuit is to let other fresh Living creatures are in a state of bloodshed, which will attract the attention of all other sharks at once. The sharks have an uncontrollable madness about **** smell.” Guan Songdi puts a very distrustful other The look of a person.

"Let's go, hurry to start, and the sky is still not bright." Mo Fan was too lazy to talk to this guy.



Mo Fan actually inspected the enterprise center building not long ago, and there is not much gain.

To his great surprise, the entrance to the Liyang heart was near the building, in a basement that looked like a parking lot.

If it wasn’t for Song Di to bring them over, and opened the very ordinary elevator, I really don’t know that the elevator shaft actually leads to the deeper underground of the city!

"There are a few bones next to it. It seems that this guy is really true." Mu Bai was very careful to notice the wreckage outside the underground parking lot, whispering.

"Well, let's go straight. The other survivors are protected by the enchantment in the Baiyue Hotel. As long as they don't go out, they should not be discovered by the sharks," Mo Fan said.

Mo Fan took the lead and jumped directly from the elevator shaft.

Without the power supply, the elevator car should have fallen to the bottom, and fell from the second floor. Mo Fan was surprised to find that he had reached a depth of more than 30 layers.

This is the heart of the sun, it is really deep enough!

Imagine that the treasures of a city of this level are certainly not being excavated by others.

Coming to the bottom, Mo Fan's body suddenly blended into the darkness, like a light ghost, half suspended above the elevator car.

"Let's go, it's all!"

Mo Fan shouted at the top and opened the elevator mezzanine door with his bare hands.


Out of the elevator, in front of the four people is a ground altar made of various magic stones and crystals. The altar is not dark, and there are crystal lamps that can be used for more than 20 or 30 years. Illuminate the entire magical altar.

The center of the earth's altar is hollow. When you walk over, you will find a spiral staircase, which uses the repulsive force between the crystals of the ray system to form a completely sci-fi effect.

These steps will flutter and require extra care when you step on it.

"It seems to be a forbidden facility. If there is no standard procedure to walk, the entire altar will explode the magnetic energy of the thunder and kill the intruder." Mu Bai said very seriously.

Zhao Manyan glanced at Mu Bai and couldn't help but admire: "How do you know, just observe these strange hollow ladders?"

"You didn't see a big red warning sign here, don't you recognize the word?" Mofan pointed to the side.

Zhao Manyan looked at it, and sure enough there was a big warning there, just like the one on the high-voltage electric box.

This is awkward.

"It seems that if you want to continue, there is only this road." Mu Bai said.

"This altar is supplied by the magic stone. The stock is filled with the energy of the thunder. We are going to go wild and it will make a big deal." Guan Songdi also expressed his opinion.

"Or, do you walk around first?" Mofan asked.

"Don't, don't, my mana is low, and the three big brothers are when I am transparent." Guan Songdi hurried.

"The spirit is here, and things should be solved very easily." Mo Fan said.


The voice of the woman's proud voice came from another door. The four turned their heads and found that Jiang Shaoxu and Xin Xia had come from there.

"It seems that our girls group and your boys group have tied together. Everyone has found it here." Jiang Shaoxue laughed.

Jiang Shaoxu and Xin Xia found this ancient altar in the large pipeline of tap water. Considering that the pipeline is also from this mysterious earth altar, they broke a stone wall and arrived at this place.

Mo Fan walked over and helped her heart and found that her hair was still moist, and she should have dive in the water soon.

"I should be able to unlock it." Xin Xia said.

The mental energy of Xin Xia is very powerful. When she closes her eyes and reopens it, what she can see is a world completely operated by magic energy, even if there are ducts, crystals, shells, The stone walls are obscured, and the colorful energy will still appear in her eyes.

"Everyone follows me."

Xin Xia walked in front, her feet gently stepped on the left side of the first hollow staircase, and I could see that the ladder seemed to have no load-bearing generality and suddenly fell.

Mo Fan was shocked and hurried to pull the heart of the summer. Who knows that the ladder fell about 30 meters, and suddenly stopped.

Heart summer continues to move forward, stepping on the third step in front.

At this time, the first step slammed back and returned to its original position.

"Remember to step on the left side, it will fall to this area where there is no lightning attack." Heart summer reminded everyone.

"This altar, designed quite interesting, jumps the grid, squats back..." Mo Fan followed and stepped on.

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