Versatile Mage

Chapter 2644: Fire system stepping on the world

The re-emphasis of the fire is originally the existence of the heavenly level. It gives Mo Fan the forbidden boundary. It is a place with pure fire. The body can be reshaped in the fire!

It is already quite powerful in its own right, so that Mo Fan can marry those masters of the same level in the super-level field. What Mofan did not think is that the heavy fire that he holds is not the most powerful state.

At this moment, after the mysterious feathers are part of the heavy color, they are thoroughly integrated. Mofan feels that his heart is filled with these gods that can continuously release heat, making the original arrogant fire become powerful and hot. I don’t know how many times, and I will never leave my control.

They seem to give the unique charm of this mysterious feather totem, strong and restrained, gentle and noble!

"Is it promoted to a big day?" Mo Fan is somewhat difficult to suppress the joy of the heart.

Originally, the fire was very strong, but Yu Shishi still rated it as a small species, so now the heavy fire is the most authentic, belonging to the flame of the big heaven!

"Whering to call ~~~~~~~~~"

It was another weird "wind" that blew the remaining feathers of the pool. They actually burned up and formed a circle of feathers, and they rushed toward Mofan here. .

Mo Fan is very surprised.

What you have is just a matter of re-emphasizing the fire. Why do you represent the feathers of several other totems?

When I thought that I was the son of the election, Mo Fan suddenly discovered that Xiao Yanji did not know when it flew out of the contract space. She was standing at the center of these different illusory feathers.

It turns out that the feathers of other colors are not directed at Mo Fan, and they are haunting Xiao Yan Ji!

Under such a package, Xiao Yan Ji is like a reborn, and the whole body glows with the purest scorpion robbing light!

growing up!

The plume of the maple fire in this pool, except for the heavy Yang Yu, is almost in line with Mo Fan, completely returning to the body of Mofan. Other feathers of the magic color are unusually friendly to Xiao Yanji, and they exude a special kind of fire. Bathed in Xiao Yan Ji's body.

Xiao Yan Ji is like a small tree that is receiving soil, rain and sunshine to grow together. It is growing rapidly towards the size of the towering tree.

Xiao Yan Ji is changing.

She is a mature period, known as the Queen of Yan Ji, but Mo Fan knows that the Queen of Yan Ji has a more noble and powerful form, at this time Xiao Yan Ji is developing towards that form! !

"Complete period!!!"

“Xiao Yan Ji is moving towards full development!!!”

The vast majority of summoning creatures are divided into several important periods, and the maturity period is the peak. However, if the summoning spirits are very healthy throughout the growth process and the resources are sufficient, there is a certain chance to step into a higher level. The full period.

This perfect period does not appear in all summoning creatures, including many demons, and requires quite harsh conditions.

Mo Fan is somewhat delighted, just got the change of the resounding spirit, who knows that Xiao Yan Ji has also advanced again, towards the full-fledged Yanji goddess!

The complete period of Yan Ji, is not the goddess of the gods behind the Mofan demonization.

At this time, Xiao Yan Ji finally stepped into this most powerful realm, the real flame queen, Wan Huo dominated!

Yan Ji is not a totem.

But it was especially favored by this ancient totem! !

Perhaps, instead of re-emphasizing the gods into their own hearts, those Xiayangyu will also surround Xiaoyanji, giving it a special source of growth!


"Which situation, Mofan guys rely on the past, those red feathers that seem to be very old and mysterious are all given to him like white??" Zhao Manyan shouted in an extremely unbalanced heart in the distance.

Mo Fan, this guy, the dog is not too good.

"It seems that this mysterious feather totem deity has been dead for a long time, and it is the feathers that can be renewed in the world. Mofan has a clear fire, so he absorbs all the parts that belong to the gods. And Xiao Yan Ji is the Holy Spirit of Fire, and other feathers give it the source of fire, let it advanced to a higher form... In other words, Mo Fan absorbed some feathers, but Xiao Yan Ji did not, those feathers seem to play it. The original role." Jiang Shaoxu observed very carefully.

Those Xiayang Yu, fully integrated into the body of Mo Fan, became the burning feather of Mo Fan's resounding fire, like the fuel of perpetual motion, burning in the heart of Mofan's fire furnace.

The other feathers of the phoenix maple fire that lingered around Xiao Yan Ji, after cultivating Xiao Yan Ji, they returned to the pool and continued to slowly radiate the special heat.

"After all, Xiao Yan Ji is not a totem, it can not be absorbed, and can only receive some gifts." Xin Xia said.

This gift is already the best. After all, Xiaoyan Ji has the most powerful flame in the world. It doesn't need to be covered by other flames, and only needs to be upgraded!

"This mysterious totem, one of its illusory feathers, allows Mofan to gain a great level of fire, and the other feathers can catalyze the fire to the strongest form, which means that it has its own There is more than one of the strongest flames in the world." Mu Bai was a little surprised.

Any kind of flame is enough to dominate the monarchy.

Imagine that if this mysterious feather totem still survives, it must be a higher level of existence than the totem and the snake. !

"Right, the logo of the waterworks, the logo of the corporate center, and the logo of the school, which is the imprint of different colors, seems to have originated from these feathers." Zhao Manyan suddenly thought of these, added.

"Yeah, we have succeeded in finding an ancient totem. Although it is no longer there, the feathers left have brought great benefits to Mo Fan." Jiang Shaoxu smiled from the heart. It seems that another goal has been reached.

"Mo Fan may really want to be a big devil, but unfortunately, I have not gotten a benefit." Zhao Man extended a sigh.

Mo Fan is now strong in the fire system. Now he has the heavy fire of the big heaven class, and it is absolutely the same level master.

Not to mention that there is still a full period of Xiao Yan Ji, definitely a one-stop fire system overlord, many monarchs must kneel in front of her to call the queen.

The most terrifying thing is that Mo Fan and Xiao Yan Ji also have a "fire king" gesture.

Strong and strong, relying on a single fire system, you can run the world! !

"You don't have a strange beast, it grows very fast." Mu Bai joked.

"I don't know if it's a cockroach... Hey, when did it run out... It's lying in the trough, it's eating those oval stones." Zhao Manyan exclaimed.

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