Versatile Mage

Chapter 2645: Submarine hotbed

Zhao Manyan has a terrible headache.

You said that you can eat some fat meat worms, spiny spears, and sharks. Those who are rich in protein and the nutrients needed for various biological growth.

I can also eat the stones floating in the water into my stomach. Can my mother digest it? ?

The silver-blue baby is still enjoying the fun, especially those floating big pebbles, which are almost arranged in a strip shape. The silver-blue baby is simply a snake that doesn't need to bend around, one bite, don't eat too much. !


When Zhao Manyan was puzzled what the elliptical floating stones were, not far from a stone with a slightly larger size, he cracked himself.

In the crack, a claw sticks out, with a bit of helium, quickly breaking the hard shell of the outer layer.

When the stone shell was torn into a larger mouth, a sleek head was drilled out, and the skin pleats were extremely deep and ugly. There were several sharp teeth in the open mouth, which would be wrapped easily. Its stone shell is broken!

Zhao Manyan, Jiang Shaoxu, Mu Bai, and Xin Xia all saw this scene, and their faces were full of horror.

"Is there a ugly tooth in the stone??" Zhao Manyan said.

"These are not stones, they are shark eggs!!" Mu Bai woke up.

“The sharks have produced their eggs here. They use the special heat left by mysterious feathers to hatch them. It’s no wonder that the number of sharks is suddenly so much. They regard this sun’s heart as theirs. Incubation factory!" Jiang Shaoxuan suddenly realized.

The egg shell is as hard as a rock. Who would have thought that these elliptical stones are the eggs of the sharks? There are so many eggs, just like the gravel in the mountains. If these shark human eggs hatch into a shark, or a shark behemoth, What a terrible scale! !

The cultivation of human holy places as a warm beach for their hatching.

It is no wonder that the sharks and people will occupy the city of Fuyang. In the deep and cold sea, it is rare to find such a perfect and comfortable environment. Even if the sharks are cold-blooded creatures, their eggs need this special kind. Thermal energy.

"The sharks will only grow up after three days after they have broken their eggs, but this guy is actually full of a row and does not say that the body is bigger than the normal shark baby, from its cranial fin Look, it is not a more advanced lineage." Jiang Shaoxu observed the newly born shark.

"These shark eggs are absorbing the energy of the sun's heart." Xin Xia said.

The geocentric heart of Fuyang has many nourishing abilities, and humans use it to speed up the cultivation, and the sharks have turned the whole yang into their greenhouses, hatching their violent regiments, not to mention Let the ordinary shark members be extra strong and fierce.

This may be the reason why the maple fire feathers of that pool will melt into Mo Fan and give it to Xiao Yan Ji. These mysterious feathers with spirituality do not hope that the power of totems left in this world will become the sharks. Cultivate hotbeds!


A crisp sound came from the wider waters above.


More noises came out, and there seemed to be a giant cutting machine that collided with each other to make an overlapping squeaking sound!

Zhao Manyan looked up and found that in the wide and dim waters above his head, he did not know when there were many black and hateful figures. They seemed to have been assembled for a while, and the number was very large. I don’t know when it was already underneath. The feather pool is surrounded.

Like the black magic net, slowly shrinking, the more dense the shrinking magic net, the less the gap can be seen.

"It's over, it's over, we are dead!" Guan Songdi screamed like a woman.

To know that there will be so many sharks and sharks at once, he would rather stay with those survivors.

"The Hummer is a honeycomb, it seems that I can't hide this time." Mu Bai said.

His hand stretched out and grabbed a light weight in the thick seawater. He saw the seawater on his fingertips freeze and condense, and in less than a second he turned into a slender and murderous pen.

The other palm holds a part of the seawater and sprinkles it in front of you. You can see that these liquids are obviously thicker!

The ice pen was heavily glimpsed in these thick sea inks, and then a long stroke was made one kilometer above the top of the head, and a white smack was swept toward the four sides. Turned into a silvery mountain, rolling, magnificent!

The silvery mountains and rivers blocked the sharks who were surrounded. They could see that they tried to use their strong body to break through the silvery mountains and rivers, but the silver icebergs painted by Mu Bai were silver-colored ice cubes. In the years when he was not in the world, he obviously did not idle, and his cultivation and strength increased greatly.

Guan Songdi looked up and saw a silvery mountain in the water, and the whole person was stunned.

Everyone is a human being of this age. Why are you like the gods? This mountain magic has blocked hundreds of sharks and people, thinking that these people will be eaten by the sharks in a few seconds. net!



There was a huge shock from the top of the head. Through the silver mountains and rivers, you can see two huge sharks and giant beasts. They are madly hitting the glacial enchantment painted by Mu Bai with their alloy bodies.

The glaciers are sturdy, but there are still countless cracks, and the sharks and sharks have entered a state of madness!

After all, it was the monarch-class alloy giant shark, coupled with the joint attack of thousands of sharks, the glaciers gradually began to collapse.

"Mo Fan, you stole the breeding pool energy of people, they hate you big, you lead them away, we can escape from the water pipe." Zhao Manyan said to Mo Fan.

They can't be trapped here.

This is the site of the Shark Country. The shark members who will gather here are only a small part. If they are entangled here, and more sharks arrive, they will leave and live.

"Well, I am going there." Mofan nodded.

After all, it is a super-spaced space mage. If Mo Fan wants to run, it is impossible for Sharks who have no special ability to retain themselves.

Mo Fan deliberately ignited the fire of the gods, so that all the sharks were attracted to themselves.

Too far away, Mofan found that all the sharks who had rushed through the cracks in the glaciers did not care about themselves. They rushed toward Zhao Manyan.

"Where, you chased me what I bite, I didn't steal..."

Zhao Manyan was halfway through, and suddenly he turned around and found that the sleek, silver-green baby was next to him. His chubby fins were still carrying dozens of shark eggs that were about to hatch...


This goods, can not finish eating and packing! !

Buffet is allowed to pack! !



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