Versatile Mage

Chapter 2657: Witch of Fire

Mud monsters that can illusion the huge esophagus instantly blast, turning into a pool of mud in the flames of countless divisions.

When the mud touched the houses in the nursing home, they swallowed them into a towering flame, and sprinkled them on the trees, and they ignited all the nearby plants.

The appearance of Kunoy and Yang Ge suddenly flashed in the smashing mud, and the fire of brown-red and red oil was Kunoy. His flame had a very strong viscous and long-lasting temperament. The fire of the maple leaf gave the muddy red oil that was scattered and did not take long to overflow from the ground.

Not only that, but the plants that were burned, they were not turned into ashes, but they were all burned into muddy red oil. They spread to the hills little by little, and some even went down the mountain and turned into a red touch. Viscous solution.

"St. Bear Fire Throat!"

Yang Ge screamed and squirted the golden flame from his mouth.

It’s as if the red oil that was poured into the surroundings was ignited all at once, and it was seen that the red oil that had overflowed and spread was suddenly turned into a more fierce flame. It seemed that there were thousands of fire bears that opened their throats. Sneezing in the same place, the fires of different strengths are intertwined, and each other intensifies a more flaming cloud, rolling, bursting, swallowing...

Mo Fan and Xiao Yanji were separated by a spurt of fire pillars. Mo Fan was flying to the mountainside by the blazing clouds that were constantly rolling and bursting. Then the red oil was poured down, the holy fire ignited, and the purgatory boiler was generally The torture of the people who have a big day feels that the skin is going to be burned apart.

Xiao Yan Ji was swallowed by the flames of the spit, and he could not see the figure in the thick black smoke cloud. Even if the leaves of the maple fire were condensed, they would soon be covered by thick smoke.

"The two guys are together, the combat power is really different." Mo Fan thought in his heart.

The strength that Yang Ge showed before made Mo Fan a little surprised. Who knows that they are a sprinkling oil, an ignition, and cooperate with each other to make the fire they master more threatening.

The skin began to crack openly. Mo Fan is also very aware of this kind of fire. It is impossible to cure or regenerate himself. Especially the watering of the oil will make the burning pain stronger than the ordinary flame. I don’t know how many times, I believe. If those who have sinned against the two brothers of the Holy Bear are not able to defeat them, this burning of red oil will certainly make people die.

The Black Dragon Armor has disappeared, and now Mofan can only respond to them with his own flame.

"Heavy the fire!"

Numerous hard and exuberant velvets emerged, and they can be seen on the top of Mofan's head to form a huge image of a **** bird, slowly descending onto Mo Fan's body.

For a time, Mo Fan also appeared in the bright bird fleece, such as a large and distinguished Xiahong cloak, wrapped in Mo Fan's body.

The red oil splashed on the cloak of the **** bird, it will burn quickly, but it is isolated from the contact with Mo Fan's body, so Mo Fan is only a little better in this large piece of rolling oil cloud.

The fire fluff of the bird's cloak can absorb the violent energy around, and every baptism of the red oil can make the fluff brighten...

Not long after, the whole large bird cloak seemed to be burning intensely, and the fine fluff emitted flames into the air.

“Instantly moving!”

The body is intertwined with silver light, and a three-dimensional light diamond appears around Mofan, and quickly shrinks into a light spot, and finally disappears directly in place.

Mo Fan disappeared with the stunned light spot, and the next second appeared in front of the holy bear Kunoi.

As soon as he appeared, Mo Fan was an uppercut on the brown-red Kunoi.

I saw that the gorgeous cloak on my body fluttered with the power of Mofan on the uppercut. In the process of flying, it became a flying bird with a feather shining through the sun, fighting for the long days.

The **** bird flies diagonally and runs through the sky. The power of this punch is completely like awakening an animal on the ancient holy mountain. It breaks through all the shackles of shackles, and the divine power makes all the creatures in the world shudder.

The Kunoy reaction was a bit slow. He couldn’t think that Mo Fan could accomplish such an amazing counterattack in that torture, but Yang Ge, who was next to him, stood up in time to block his more powerful Golden Bear. In front of Kunoy.

Yang Geer’s whole body was golden, and the **** bird sent it to a height of several hundred meters. The golden fire was scattered like some broken shells and parts.

By the time Yanger fell, his chest was already sunken, and the place that was previously injured by Mofan became more serious.

The vitality of the Yang Ge Jin Xiong physique is indeed very tenacious. It can indeed compete with some monarch-class creatures. He quickly climbed up and hurt his mouth.

There are not the same places between Kunoy and Younger.

Yang Ge is a golden bear beast, in the golden flame like a sacred tyrant, arrogant, strong, full of power.

Kunoy is more like a wizard. Although it is also a beastly, it uses a variety of weird fires to use the smoldering oil to burn the enemy to death.

The red oil continues to spread and expands, which can make Yang Ge's golden fire and animalization more powerful, and Yang Geer can also become the powerful golden shield of Kunoy by virtue of his own sacred bear tyrant!

"You are looking for death!!"

Kunoy saw that his brother was seriously injured and his anger was stronger.

His body was covered with a brown-red smoldering fire, and the whole person became a witch fire bear.

The red-brown flame stick appeared on his hand and he was firmly gripped.

With a long stick, there was a large burning forest behind Kunoy.

The forest is dense and vast, but it is swallowed up by the fire. Countless animals that have been festered and smashed out from the inside, and they are vast.

This is the witchcraft of Kunoy.

In their Nordic, the bear is the king of the beasts, ordering all the creatures in the Nordic forest.

In order to control the more powerful witch fire, Kunoy often turns some wild forests into a sea of ​​fire, trapping all the life in the forest, letting the smoke smoke them, letting the fire devour them.

And the life sacrificed with this kind of fire will become its holy bear tribe orc warrior!

At this time, Mo Fan saw a forest that suddenly appeared like a mirage. The forest was filled with fire, and a beastly horrible beast warrior rushed out of the fire, smoke, and charred plants.

The wolf that was burned with only half of the body left, almost only the bones of the bison, the skin of the devil, the unremarkable elk, smashed with black smoke, rotten and stinky corpse...

They rushed out of the forest fire under the command of the leader of the witch fire, Cunui.

They are not panicked and timid because they have not escaped from the fire at all.

They exude a strong sin of the whole body, and the eyes are filled with the kind of grievances that make everyone taste the same pain!

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