Versatile Mage

Chapter 2658: Heart painting

After seeing this scene, Mo Fan is also more certain that the two brothers of the Holy Bear are definitely not good. These animals that come out of the holy fire forest can't even describe them with the undead.

They are more like a living specimen, tortured by fire, trapped in pain, and then completely released when they are needed, revenge this nature!

"Set fire to the mountain, sit on the bottom, your country is really not a basic constraint on scum, this cruel thing can be done." Mo Fan retreated a distance.

The animals after these sacrifices are indeed much more terrible than the undead. The resentment of the undead is not as big as them. The eyes of these animals will be burned to ashes at any time!

"Your country has a lot of things to bake animals for the sake of taste. What are the qualifications to teach me, not to mention the forests are my property, I have given them the right to live, and naturally have the power to sacrifice them." Noy said disdainfully.

Witchfire beasts.

These lives were originally a group of very ordinary animals, even the demon could not be counted, but after this terrible and cruel fire offering, they turned into the most horrible evil witch army, the so-called sacrifice under the throne of the Holy Bear. The beast warrior.

They stared at Mo Fan, and collectively rushed to Mo Fan under the command of Kunoy.

The half-burned wolf rushed, and the strength of one of his claws was extremely amazing. Mo Fan was surrounded by a ring of dust and stone, but he could not withstand the claw of this witchcraft.

When I stepped back, the ground on the foot of the red oil suddenly broke open. A ugly and disgusting mouse face monster was drilled and bitten directly toward Mofan's kneecap.

Mo Fan quickly called the gravel circle, armed his legs into black heavy legs, lifted up and then stepped on the mouse face monster that could be drilled under the rolling earth to step on the meat sauce. .


The bison with flames on his body roared from the other side of Mofan, and the vicious resentment became a death gaze that could pin people to a place where they couldn't move.

Just like a madman who tries to die with him, he is full of fire, but he is holding on to others!

The flame bison rushed up, not how far it was to use brute force to knock Mofan, but to spread the fire of his own body to Mo Fan, let him feel the pain of this forest witch.

This kind of painful fire is definitely not something that ordinary people can bear. It even burns the spirit and burns the soul.

Mo Fan is very clear that this kind of attack does not care how fierce the fire is, how high the temperature is. It is the ancient Nordic witchcraft, which uses the deterrent power of the beasts throughout nature to convey resentment and fear.

The gaze of a bison is fixed, and Mo Fan can't get rid of it.

A fox's demon fire can burn Mofan in the big day.

In this forest of fire, Mo Fan is like the most ordinary human.

These beasts, which were buried in the fire, are like cows and ghosts, and have very strange and strange skills.

"No one can break free from the evil spirits of the beast, and taste the pain. It is definitely longer than you think!" Kunoy smiled cruelly and looked more like a sick maniac. .

Mo Fan was trapped in the siege of the beasts. If nothing unexpected, this should be the absolute forbidden of Kunoy. No matter how strong the strength is, how big the gap between the two is, once the absolute forbidden boundary is fully displayed The opponent must abide by the rules in this forbidden world.

Absolutely forbidden is not an invincible boundary. It is a method of cracking. At this time, it is impossible to purely compete with opponents, but it needs to be more calm and calm to find the flaws of this absolute forbidden existence.

"Heart painting, quiet!"

Just as Mofan was about to turn his mind, an ethereal voice echoed in his mind.

This sound is no more familiar to me, it is from the heart of summer.

Surrounded by a raging fire, all around the fire were the unrecognizable fire witches, but as the heart of the summer echoed gently, Mo Fan felt that he was suddenly wrapped in a chilling winter wind. .

Soon, the scene of horror is being quickly modified, just like a life-like picture of death, being a wonderful brush, turning into a magical way to turn everything into a quiet and peaceful scene of the early winter.

There are no ferocious beasts, no fires with heavy smoke, and no screams of fierceness.

Mo Fan’s heart was completely quiet, and the beasts in front of him disappeared completely and the pain was eliminated.

"It seems that your tricks are easily seen." Mo Fan smiled and stared at Kunoy.

Kunoy was thundering at this time.

What kind of spell is actually able to turn its sorcerer's forest into a bubble at once, this is not pure illusion and heart attacking, but true and real existence, more like a witchcraft call, Powerful enough to be able to torture any top super-level wizard.

Kunoy glanced at another place and found that a beautiful woman riding a unicorn did not know when it appeared in this battlefield. Her long black hair was combed to the waist and two. The hair was smashed to the back of the ear, and the beautiful face was revealed.

"Lao Shante, give me a deal with her!" Kunoy pointed to the position of the summer, some angry.

The other party is a spiritual master, and seems to know what ancient secret techniques, can easily break their absolute forbidden people to the ordinary role.

"Reassured, a little girl." Laoshante went forward.

He looked at the bright unicorn that he was riding in the summer, and his face showed some accidents.

This European sacred beast is not something that ordinary people can get. The most important thing is that this bright unicorn is not her contract beast, but a mount.

"You should come from a big family. We don't like to sin people in the Nordic Holy Bear. It doesn't mean that you can allow such people to arbitrarily scatter on our heads. Let me see what your little girl has!" Laoshante smiled confidently, with a few words of tone.

The bright unicorns walked with light steps and issued a very regular and elegant tone, so they stepped forward to Laoshante.

The eyes of the heart summer did not move away from Laoshan Te, but Laoshante felt a majestic snow-capped mountain peak, and pressed it one by one.

The closer the distance, the more magnificent the snow-capped mountains are and the more oppressive.

Finally, just in the heart of the summer when he appeared in front of him, Laoshante directly sweated on the ground, no matter how the hands support, can not climb! !

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