Versatile Mage

Chapter 2659: Wall of despair

"Shand, what are you doing!" Yanger shouted not far away.

Why do you kneel down to a woman, when does Laoshan specially get a cerebral palsy? Why don’t they know that they are going to get sick at such a critical time.

"Co-or ... help ... I!!" Laoshan special sweaty, the whole face and clothes are soaked.

He worked hard to open his mouth and sought the help of several other Saint Bear members.

Closer to Laoshan is Guan Songdi and his uncle, who are completely unaware of what happened.

There are also three sacred bear elites behind them, and the three quickly rushed to Laoshante to assist Laoshante.

These people are all super-level, and you can see the magnificent atmosphere of the beautiful stars in their surroundings. The vast energy is injected into their starry sea from their starry sea. In the last star, At the moment of shining, the atmosphere of destruction suddenly increased.

"Vacuum storm!"

Super-order wind system, you can see a terrible eye above the top of the head, the positive speed quickly pumping away all the air in the area under the cover, the air is pumped away to produce a giant propeller wind, the wind paddle is agitated, sharp It is full of strength.

Soon this terrible vacuum storm will fall on the top of the heart of the summer.

The Mind Master is powerful, but there is also a more obvious restraint, that is, most spiritual masters can't use their own minds to lock two or more people.

Just as people do things, when they concentrate on thinking about something, they often can't handle another thing.

Laoshan specially knows that the woman in front of her is a soul mage who is stronger than his cognition. He does not expect the few people who can call for help to defeat her.

What he wants is the distraction of the other party.

Once distracted, the “mountain heart” that she exerts on her body will weaken a large part, so that Laoshan has the opportunity to break free from the powerful spiritual pressure of the other side.

Unfortunately, Laoshan special abacus played very well, but ignored the bright unicorn is a small sacred beast that is stronger than some monarchs.

I saw the bright unicorn slightly raised his head, and the silver-gold threaded unicorn suddenly released a strong lightning-like beam.

The one-shot beam hits the sky directly, hitting the top of the vacuum storm.

For a time, the vacuum storm began to dissipate from the roots, and the terrible windsurfer dissipated at the position of 50 meters in the summer.

Not only that, but the bright unicorn raised its forelimbs and slammed it on the ground. The silver inscription appeared in the land where Xin Xia was located.

With the addition of two other super-magic magics, these inscriptions, such as cracks and cracks, spread over the earth quickly into the walls of the inscription, surrounded by circles and circles.

Once there is a powerful magic attack on the heart of the summer, the wall of the inscription will resist them, and each time the collision will make the inscriptions under the feet faint.

But let the three Nordic Saints elites desperately desperately, the three super-powerful magic hits on it, not only the wall of the inscription on one of the circles is not destroyed, but only a few of the inscriptions are faint!

Unbeaten, they once again launched a continuous attack on the summer and the bright unicorn, and finally, including the demon sword of the light system, they only hit the wall of the inscription of the other side!

The problem is that the dense inscriptions in her feet can be composed of dozens of laps. When will the three of them get rid of the wall defense of this inscription? ?

Laoshan is on the ground and still can't climb.

At this point he finally realized how powerful the person in front was, at least not what he could handle.

Mo Fan looked back at the heart of the summer. When he saw that Laoshan was close to the heart of the summer, he almost instinctively wanted to protect her. Who knows that Laoshan is directly suppressed in the soul contest. .

To think about it, too, Xin Xia is not as soft and weak as before.

Mo Fan followed up with Kunoy, who used the witch fire. He found that this guy's Witchfire Forest had been continually retreating after being cracked. It should be intended to hide behind the strong and strong Yanger.

However, Yang Geer was fattened by the full body of Xiao Yan Ji. He has no time to manage his brother Kunoy. After all, he was injured by Mo Fan before. He can still be injured without injury. Xiao Yan Ji supported for a long time.


Mo Fan’s hand raised, and he saw a dark thorny vine like a jungle python at the foot of Kunoy. These thorns were entangled in the legs of Kunoy and were smashing him. Go back to it.

Kunoy’s movement was very flexible, and he did not know what method to cut off the dark thorns that originally entangled him, and then saw him flashing rapidly between the tangled thorns and vines...

"I thought I only have witchcraft?" Kunoy's flexible chaos, the speed is getting faster and faster.

Unconsciously, his brown-red figure will be more and more, and the dark thorns can't bind it.

Suddenly, he did not retreat, and got rid of the coffers of the dark thorns, and actually killed a rifle very sharply.

He was almost as fast as he could, and he almost saw a brown-red light. His hands didn't know when it turned into a pair of thick and sharp bear claws. He shot it toward Mo Fan's face!

"Sacred - Sword!"

The thick ancient swords, which are all intertwined with strong light, appear in front of Mo Fan. They form a cross shape, like two ancient **** soldiers with their own big swords in front of Mo Fan.

Kunoy's claws were shot on the cross of the sacred sword, and the sacred sword was turned into pieces of light and shadow, and Kunoy himself was forced to retreat by a strong burn.

Mo Fan glanced at Zhao Manyan who arrived in time.

Zhao Manyan looked at Kunoy with a look of surprise. As a turtle shell mage, few people can crush their defenses with a single blow, and this holy sword is not a casual skill of Zhao Manyan... ...

"Fortunately, I am here, otherwise his slap can shoot you with blood." Zhao Manyan said to Mo Fan.

Mo Fan nodded.

It’s a small look at Kunoy. He didn’t know how to fight in a close-up manner. It turned out to be disguised and hidden. It’s a sudden and counter-attack, and it’s estimated that some of the super-president mages are full. In the case of direct death.

"Mofan, we have to use their magical array to flee here, the entire Fenghe City has been surrounded by the sharks and tribes." Zhao Manyan whispered to Mo Fan.

"That is a magical array that can only accommodate 8 people." Mofan replied.

"Ah? Can Nordic Holy Bears have more than eight people in their entire group?" Zhao Manyan said.

After saying this, Zhao Manyan immediately understood what he was, and his face could not help but reveal the color of disdain.

I also thought that it is at least a powerful Nordic magic organization that knows how to abide by the basic ethical principles. It is also common with some thieves and mountains!


(Chaos: In the near future, it should still be difficult to update. Everyone should try not to wait and wait. Hey, I haven’t been sick for half a year. I didn’t expect to go to Shanghai but I am sick again. I remember that I was sick and didn’t go to the Shanghai Annual Meeting last year... ...maybe there have been too many places in this time, and many things have happened. Wait until you calm down and talk to everyone.)

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