Versatile Mage

Chapter 2668: Don't let go of one


On the snowy mountains, the cold snow flutters like a goose, the whole mountain is white, and the snow-capped mountains under the white trees are also a bit sacred.

In the past, Fan Xueshan always had a special peace. Compared with those well-guarded and well-defined big families, it would be more relaxed and easy, but today, the snow-capped mountains are covered with guards from the foot of the mountain to the mountain.

After several years of development, Fan Xueshan already has its own group of wizards, guarding the entire Fanxue New City, fighting strength is also equivalent to some regular army, has a certain influence in the entire bird base city.

I thought that Fan Xueshan has made a lot of contributions to the bird market in the past few years. He also sent troops to guard the coast, occupied the reef mines, and sent people to build a sea battle city to form a sea forest battlefield. Who knows that the high-rise base of the bird base is not even Pay attention to a little bit of sentiment, directly sent troops to suppress.

When the news fell on Fanxue Mountain, at first everyone did not believe that the city of Asuka can have today's glory. The earliest forces of Snow Mountain have played a lot of role in promoting. The leaders of the Bird Base City do not thank Van. Even if everything Snow Mountain has done, it is actually relative to the sword!

"Shameless, shameless, shameless!!!"

"The shameless things, in the end, still want to encroach us on the snowy mountains. We have put so much effort to have a small land now, and there is a new city boom now, they do it and robbers. What's the difference!!" Mu Linsheng was in the hall, and his breath was blue.

It’s so hateful, they are the heroes of the establishment of the bird market in the snow mountain, how can they do this!

Send troops to suppress, do not allow to resist!

"Don't worry, we have to figure out who made this decision." Muning Xue said to Mu Linsheng.

"What is the difference? The decision of the leadership of the bird base city is equal to the government wanting us to perish!" Mu Linsheng said.

"It was the first city of the city, the city of Lin Kang," said the spoon rain.

The news was conveyed by the people under her hand, so they knew it was some in advance, but it was too late to ask for help from the outside world. The city’s first city, Linkang, has surrounded Van Snow New City and will soon arrive. Where is the snow mountain here!

"What qualifications does he have to stir up our snowy mountains? We are all a big family at the snowy mountain. Everyone is a little safe, I have already sought help from my family. I believe they will come over soon." Bai Hongfei Road.

"They are clamoring for us to smash us in one go, not giving us a chance to turn over."

"Mu's and Zhao's seem to have masters."

"The Da Li family, the Southern Mercenary League, and the Nan Rong family are also coming!"

"This is to crusade us!!"

No one thought that things would come so suddenly. In the era of this winter, there are indeed many small families and small families that have been annexed by some powerful forces. The State and the Magic Association have no reason to deal with them, but they are not As for the snowy mountain, it was blatantly embezzled.

"There must be someone pushing here." Mu Linsheng calmed down and began to analyze the whole thing.

"Don't think about it, there are ten out of ten for the fire of the ground. Some people have spread the news that we got the core of the fire. Everyone wants to share a piece of cake. By the way, we will divide us." Snow Mountain, so the new enemy, the old enemy gathered at the foot of our mountain." Mo Fan said.

"It's really a hot potato. I didn't think that the core of the fire could bring out so many wolves at once. We are in a very dangerous situation. The other party is clear that we want to put us together before we have time to hand it over to the Chinese leader." Jiang Shaoxu frowned and said.

"Our thing is not private, it is to be handed over to the state and the military. Are they doing this right with the military?"

"Things are in our hands. As long as they have not yet fallen to the Chinese leader, they can all say that we are trying to embezzle. They are reasonable suppression..."

"I didn't think that Zhao Jing can be a good boy, and he can tell Lin Kang!"

"Hey, the first city of Beicheng City is not a good thing. Since I took office, I have been watching our snow mountains. At that time, they wanted to build a fortress in the north of the city. As a city government, they actually said that we should take the land of our snow mountain village. On the top of the levy, I want to move to another mountain. This guy is not crazy, the bird city is just a small city where the bird is not pulling, we are here, where the snow mountain is stationed, he is good, run Sitting here to enjoy its achievements, but also to this kind of thinking for us!" Mu Linsheng mentioned Lin Kang this guy is not angry.

Now in this era of the Kraken disaster, some administrative personnel do not focus on how to protect the people, protect the city, how to deal with the Kraken, but everywhere to exploit, everywhere is difficult, the bird base city between the sea battle city and the sea monster There are also dozens of large and small, and where did Snow Mountain not play for the Flying Base City?

Who can think of a small North City, the first, compiled such a ridiculous reason, the leader of the bird base city actually acquiesced!

The high-rise of the bird market in the city today is really chilling!

"The big master, what do we do now, if we resist, it will be equivalent to using violence against local law enforcement personnel." Mu Linsheng, as the military division of Fan Xueshan, is no way at this time.

"They said they are local law enforcement officers. Are they? I am a national hero. They are dealing with me. Doesn't it mean doing the right thing with the country?" Mo Fan sneered, and said with extreme disdain.

The core of the fire, Mo Fan did not want to swallow at the beginning.

Now the five major base cities are facing severe cold, facing the disease epidemic, and only the core of the fire can alleviate the disaster. For this reason, several of them are risking their lives before going to the shark country to occupy the city of Fuyang. Several foreign thieves took back the core of the fire.

As a result, there was no time to submit it, and a group of ambitious guys colluded with each other to deny Van Snow Mountain such a charge.

The core of the fire they want, where the snow mountain, they also want to...

The question is, can they eat it? ?

In these years, the rapid development of the snow-capped mountains has made many people jealous, and has in fact erected many enemies. At this time, these people all flocked to Fan Xueshan under the leadership of Lin Kang and Zhao Jing...

They formed a real band of robbers with the intention to divide!

I think it is very beautiful, but they really want to know clearly, no snow mountain, it is so easy to flatten it!

"Don't come, don't let go!" Mo Fan's eyes revealed the dawn.

There are still people who dare to bully on their heads, and sure enough, they are too gentle on this world full of debris and scum!

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