Versatile Mage

Chapter 2669: Destruction

Where the snow new city, the streets are blocked by vehicles, but a team of men and women dressed in a team is moving toward Fan Xueshan.

For a time, the calm and peaceful city of Fanxue began to become flustered. People didn’t know what happened. After all, there were so many government mage teams, and there were ten demons.

However, it was soon discovered that these regiments surrounded Fan Xueshan, and that Fang Xueshan was surrounded by water, and even the communication signal was completely shielded. This is to clear the snow mountain.

"What happened? Where is Snow Mountain not always related to the city government of the Flying Bird Base? Why did it suddenly become a traitor?" Many people looked far away at Fan Xueshan and talked about it.

"Hey, it’s hard to be a disaster. Don’t say that those who have the power and the power are starting to take all kinds of arrogance. Some officials and members of the government are like the robbers in the world. If you see good things, you don’t give them. Just say that you are a betrayal, you have given, and endless exploitation, especially in the snow mountain, that is, there is no such great influence as the Mu's family, the Zhao family, the Zu's family, and the rich land resources, sooner or later Being cut!"

"This is too much too much. We moved to Van Snow New City very early. Van Snow New City has changed from a barren mountain to what it is now. The people of Snow Mountain are indispensable, and after the base city plan is started, We, Fanxin New Town, have accepted so many migrants. How do we make a lot of contributions to the base city? How can the leaders of the Flying Bird Base City cross the river to break the bridge!"

"No, it’s too much to send so many soldiers to deal with the Kraken."

People began to be indignant. After all, everyone knows that Fanxuecheng is a private territory. In recent years, Mu Zhuoyun and Mu Linsheng have provided residents with a lot of welfare policies, especially in the sea where this city may disappear overnight. In the era of demon disasters, the security provided by Van Snow New City is beyond the reach of most private territories.

"Where the snow-capped mountains have members who intend to embezzle the national treasures, if they do not hand over the resources of the state as a theft, please leave the snow-capped mountains quickly, so as not to be destroyed by the destruction of magic!"

There have been corresponding officials who have begun to read out loudly. Since there is no reasonable reason to start a war, it is tantamount to self-destruction. If there is higher level of accountability, they will have a saying. Of course, it is necessary to give the local people a statement.

"I am the first of the North City of the Flying Bird Base City - Lin Kang. Where Snow Mountain invades the important resources of the country, there is a suspicion of collaborating with foreign magicians to carry away treasures. Now, the troops are blocked and the traitor trade is terminated. If there is no relevant person, please leave. Retreat to the security boundary, so as not to hurt yourself. From now on, Fanxue New City will be managed by my full-fledged Linkang!" Lin Kang's voice echoed over Van Snow New Town.

This sound is comparable to the whole city broadcast, spread everywhere in the city of Fanxue, and then there are two phonograph magicians, they keep repeating this sentence, apparently to implant this crime into everyone's In the brain.

But the people are not fools, how can they believe in this kind of thing.

What's more, in the past year, some bureaucrats have been inferior and have low merits. They have been deprived of property and resources, and have already caused great dissatisfaction with many families and organizations.

Soon the people’s condemnations surged, even those tourists, hunters, practitioners, and businessmen who did not often live in Fanxue New Town were angry.

The people do not have enough power and courage to condemn them. They can only stand outside the security line. There are not many who can really stand in the snowy mountains and live with Fan Xueshan.


The new city harbour, the sea smog, a white and blue boat slowly entered the port.

One of the ports is a specific mooring area of ​​Fanxue Mountain. When the blue-and-white ship leaned towards the berth, it found that a silver luxury wheel had occupied the exclusive position. A woman wearing a self-cultivation cheongsam was in many people. The clusters slowly walked down.

"It's the Nanrong family's steamship. What do they mean? How do we give up our parking area? Here is Fanxuecheng, the site of our Muning Snow City owner. Is this the challenge of the snowy mountain!" Several people from the Yuefeng Hunter Squad said strangely.

Yue Feng's glamorous female captain Gu Ying, short man Zhong Li, straight Xie Hao and several other players have joined the Fan Xueshan, becoming an elite team in the patrol garrison.

They have performed well and have now been promoted to high-level wizards, mainly listening to the dispatch of the rain.

Today they returned from Jiaojinshi Island, this is a good rest, but once I returned to the port, I found that what happened to Fanxuecheng!

"Well, finish, our big backing has an accident!" Suddenly, Zhong Li ran back from the shore and shouted.

"Is it being sneaked by the Kraken??" Gu Ying's face sank.

"It’s more terrible than the Kraken. It’s the first Linkang in the North City. He doesn’t know who has borrowed it. He has set off a lot of forces to capture Van Snow Mountain. Now Snow Mountain Villa is surrounded by several legions, and those big people The masters are also going on in succession, this is to destroy the mountains!!" Zhong Li looked confused and incomparable.

"This is a disaster. We should be considered as a mess, wait for it!" A new member screamed.

"What are you running? We are members of the Snow Mountain. If there is a problem with Snow Mountain, you should immediately help. You guys, if you don't have the support of Van Snow Mountain, can you become a high-ranking mage, not in the humble middle stage? No way, still selling coolies for those hunters, selling their lives, how can you be ungrateful!" Gu Ying angered, pointing to the few people who said to run away.


"Big sister is big, look at it quickly. Isn't that the South Rong of the Nanhai New King? He is the number one seed of the next Hunting King!"

"What is the number one seed? This guy is basically the designated Hunter quota. If his strength is not the rule of the Hunter King for two years, he is already a hunting king. I heard that many elders in the Hunter League may not be His opponent!"

"No, Nan Rongzhen also shot, where Snow Mountain is afraid to be really flattened!" Xie Hao said with a sad face.

Nan Rongzhen is a hunter-born person. He has long been famous in the South. His strength is recognized by everyone in the hunter league. Such top super-level masters have been dispatched. How do you deal with Snow Mountain?

"It must be the singer of Nan Rong Ni. She can't wait for the snow-capped mountains to be destroyed. I hope that Muning Snow will die!" Gu Ying said indignantly.

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