Versatile Mage

: 2702 Thunder flag

Going forward with the shadow system, Mo Fan is like a night crow, swiftly shuttles, and the strange plants around him suddenly stop, no longer laugh at the strange, no longer change the face of panic.

However, the cold sentiment from the dark veins is still there, so that Mo Fan’s nerves are always tight.

Can't relax your vigilance.

These things around are definitely not tricks or illusions. As long as you reveal a little flaw, you will immediately lose your life, and the way of death will definitely be different!

Entering the deeper part of Shenmujing, a bright and radiant light came into view.

Pull out the branches of the ghost hand and step on the needles of the rotten hand bones. Mo Fan saw a cold water lake.

The cold water lake emits cold air, and there is no ripple on it. Even if there is no flow of air in the Shenmu well, there is no wind, but the whole cold water lake is flat and weird.


Mo Fan looked at the lake and found some animals drinking water.

They don't have water waves in the drinking water. What's more weird is that they always drink water, drink water all the time, keep the action of drinking water and the posture for too long, just like the demon.

Mo Fan went to the lake.

Ming knows that the lake is weird, so that the animals are kept there like specimens, but Mo Fan is unable to control the body and walks to the lake.

The lake can be reflected in the shallow water at a very clear level.

Mo Fan glanced at the lake and didn't see anything in the water. Instead, he saw himself in the lake...

The self reflected in the lake, the face is too pale, and the look is very strange.

Mo Fan couldn't help but look at it more.

Suddenly, for a moment, the person in the reflection opened his mouth slightly, revealing a pseudo-smile like the previous ones! !

Mo Fan was shocked by a few steps!

He couldn't tell if he was infected by those tree-patterned faces, and he couldn't help but make that expression, or the one in the reflection was not himself.

If that is not yourself, what is it? ?

Mo Fan continued to take a deep breath, and everything in the Shenmu well was too difficult to explain.

"What the **** is it." Mo Fan was a little angry and angry.

Mo Fan, who is disrespectful, does not believe in evil.

Once again, I walked to the lake, staring at the pale face of myself in the water...

This time, Mo Fan in the water was not making a sneer, but Mo Fan was still soaked in the ice lake like a whole body.

He saw himself.

But this oneself is obviously dead.

It is a corpse.

It is your own body.

Soak it in the lake.

He opened his eyes, there was no luster in his pupil, he was quite uneasy, and he could see the fear he had encountered during his lifetime from his expression, almost destroying the tenacity and maturity that all adults should have, and it became a tragic death. The child, crying and crying, pleading for mourning, is not struggling to resist...

Is this lake water telling yourself to end in the Shenmu well? ?

Cold sweat spilled over the neck.

I was so scared and shivered, but there is always a philosophy in Mo Fan’s bones, that is, it is impossible to give up his dog life without fighting.

Knowing that you want to die, it is impossible to cry and scream, knowing that you are going to die, and even more pleading for mourning, knowing that you are dying, and even more impossible to give up struggle and resistance!

In the end, this Shenmu well will encounter what will make you look like this.

Are you going to use all means to escape now? ?


"Impossible, impossible, I can't die here, I can't die here, I will get the core of the fire, I will inherit Zhao's great cause, I will become a curse mage, I will Goga Casa stepped on the ground and made him regret what he did to me!! Suddenly, Zhao Jing’s cry once again remembered.

Mo Fan looked farther and found that Zhao Jing was actually at the lake. He seemed to see something like himself, and then yelled madly, just like...

Mo Fan picked up those thoughts and went to Zhao Jing.

Zhao Jing also saw Mo Fan, his face was ugly than before.

"Just rely on you, just rely on you, just because you want to kill me?" Zhao Jing angered, the skin on his face should be split open.

"What did you see?" Mofan asked.

"You give me death, you give me to die." Zhao Jing was mad, and he rushed toward Mo Fan, completely a beast that was taken away from the ground, and it was about life and death.

Zhao Jing did not flee and instead killed, but it was a combination of Mo Fanyi.

But Mo Fan is more worried.

Shenmujing was made by Zhao Jing. I saw my own death just now. Although it looks very real, it seems that I really saw the future self through time and space. I still feel a bit disdainful in my heart. It is this Shenmu well, this lake is in the air.

Now, Zhao Jing looks like this, and Mo Fan is a little panicked.

Zhao Jing obviously saw his own death...

And from his current madness to loss of reason, he is dead in his own hands.

Can't you, what is reflected in the lake? ?


The beast Zhao Jing rushed over. At this time, he did not hide anything any more. He saw that he did not know when he had a lightning bolt.

The lightning flag continued to expand. Zhao Jing’s hand holding such a lightning giant flag was like a Thor’s possession, waving it, and the whole piece of earth was smashed into a thunder pool that was staggered by lightning! !

Leichi Road, the giant electric power fly, thick and strong like the pillar of the sky, Mo Fan is in it is very small...

"You give me to die!!"

Zhao Jing was arrogant, and he held the lightning flag in his hands, as if he had slammed into the earth like an axe.

Under the giant flag, the Thunder Pool is completely transformed into a hunger and purgatory, and all things in the world can be annihilated! !

Mo Fan realized that this is Zhao Jing's most powerful thunder method. In the face of such a great destruction of magic, it is unlikely to resist.

At the moment, Mofan directly called out the black dragon armor and wrapped himself all over the body in the guardian of the dragon scale.

The dragon scales shine with brilliant soul light. This is the armor that carries the black dragon dragon soul. With the complete black dragon dragon scales, Mofan will soon be enveloped in a layer of unique immune dragon soul!

"Magic immunity!!"

Zhao Jing saw the layer of light and his face changed.

Magic immunity is a trait of the Western Dragons. Some of the dragon's dragon scales can even be banned.

The following elemental magic is forbidden, not to mention that it causes substantial damage, and even the power of the shock will be offset, even the wind that the fan plays out is not as good.

The thunder and lightning giant flag destroyed the earth, the earth was smashed into the prison pond, the sky was smashed by the thunder, and the hundred holes were worn. This kind of magic almost reached the level of the semi-forbidden curse. Originally, Zhao Jing wanted to use this trick to thoroughly Solve the Mofan!

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