Versatile Mage

Chapter 2703: Shenhu

At the moment Mofan evokes the immune immunity of Dragon Soul, he is ashamed!

A person practices magic all his life. It is because magic plays a dominant role in this world. With the higher the magical meaning of magic, it can be rampant in this world.

In this case, why do you have magical immunity?

Is the dragon the master of this world, and the dragon is above the supreme magic!

Isn't this kind of dragon should be extinct long ago? Why does Mo Fan have an item with a dragon soul?

When a real dragon looks like a human being, why give his essence to a human being! !

This magic immunity...

This magic is immune! !

Zhao Jing looked at the sky of lightning and looked at the unharmed Mo Fan. The eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, angry, and complaining, but more of a despair.

He saw himself in the cold water lake, was wrapped in a clear fire, burnt beyond recognition, was burned to have only one charcoal bone, that is his own end! !

He does not believe that Shenmujing can predict the death of everyone unless they have the ability to be a creator.

The flames are in the sky, and the huge flames like the enchanting flames are drawn from the sky. In the sky in the Shenmu well, you can still see countless weird branches, the claws swing like this, and the fire passes over the dim sky. Illuminated these claws, a little bit igniting the plants around this cold water lake.

Re-emphasizing the fire of the gods and the ravages of the heavens and the earth, it is the raging fire that could ignite the entire burning earth.

Mo Fan is in the immune dragon light, completely transformed into an angry fire of the Holy Spirit. The breath that it exhales is the cloud of clouds that will be burned fiercely. These clouds are constantly generating flames, one by one. Scratched, dragging the long dazzling tail, the sky is divided into these red light by the light!

As the death approached, the moment Zhao Jing looked up, more and more unwilling to become fear, fear of death, especially when he knew that he would have such a bottom, this fear would be magnified many times.

People are very fragile animals. After witnessing their peers, they will have strong resistance, fear and a sense of protection for similar scenes.

Seeing my companion is still the case, not to mention seeing my own end!

The raging fire blazed Zhao Jing’s face with a bit of trembling and twitching.

Not long after, Zhao Jing's whole person was engulfed by the flames of rain falling from the sky. The flame sphere hit the ground, and the flames would be more intense, stacking layers by layer.

Every time there is a bit more, Zhao Jing’s body is burned and destroyed. There should be a lot of life-saving means on his body. As long as the ordinary magician touches the fire of Mo Fan and Xiao Yan Ji, it will definitely turn into ashes. Zhao Jing was slowly burned.

From hair to skin, from skin to meat, from meat to bone, Zhao Kyoto is struggling in the process of madness. He rushes toward the cold water lake. It seems that the water in the cold water lake can drain this god.

The water in the cold water lake is extremely weird. They look like liquids. They are actually more like transparent gels. The tongues of the animals that were drinking in the water were stuck on them, and they could not be pulled out at all, and they were not willing to break their tongues. Finally, it became the kind of specimen.

The water in the cold water lake could not be extinguished a bit. Zhao Jing could even step on it. He became a fireman and rushed for several laps. His crazy behavior slowly stopped.

Finally, he slowly fell on the surface of the cold water lake, the ghost of the ghost ghost wrapped around it, and bit by bit to shed the remaining tissue.

He leaned forward and the whole man was kneeling on the ice water lake.

The flames slowly disappeared, and there was nothing left to burn on his body. His bones did not turn into ashes, but they were charcoal.

This does not mean anything, but it means that he should have eaten something like pomegranate, which can make his bones many times stronger than normal people...

The five old burned into ash, and the ash was scattered in the snowy mountain fruit forest. I would have a golden orchard in the snow mountain that would be re-finished in the future.

Zhao Jing is now burned into bone charcoal, sinking into the cold water lake little by little.

It’s also weird. When Zhao Jing asked for water, the cold water lake was as hard as ice and iron. He felt that no force could be beaten. Now Zhao Jing died on the top, and the cold water in that area melted inexplicably. The purest liquid, let Zhao Jing sink into the lake.

Just completely submerged, the lake below is fluctuating, and the lake above has turned into ice iron. It is completely covered with an unbreakable coffin. If it is not burned, it will die!

As usual, Mo Fan exerts such a powerful flame power, how can the residual flame burn a spectacular scorched earth. In this Shenmu well, the plants are still dense and the atmosphere is inexplicably cold. It is not like just having a catastrophe. Big fire.

A burning earth can burn me, everything is incinerated, and Mo Fan firmly believes that the power that he has just exerted can be compared with the raging fire that was swept in the original, but in this Shenmu well, it did not last long.

It is as if there is a magical forest demon. When people just want to use the fire to illuminate the surrounding darkness, it suddenly bursts out and makes a careful candlelight action.

The surrounding jungle is like this, as is the cold water lake.

From the beginning to the beginning, Mo Fan feels that Shenmujing is a living thing! !


Mo Fan went to the cold water lake, he wants to determine the body of Zhao Jing, some martial arts is possible to transplant flowers and pick up the package.

This time the lake became a glass, there is no stickiness, and Mo Fan walked on it and felt a little smooth.

The glassy cold water is weird, oh, like a glass bathroom door, you can only see a shadow and can't see the details inside.

When I arrived at the place where Zhao Jing was in the lake, there was some distance from the shore. The jungle was distributed like a grass at the far end of the field of view.

He bowed his head and saw Zhao Jing.

It is strange to say that this place where Zhao Jing died is transparent like the water of the Tianshan Ice Lake. He is there, his head is black and his body is black, and he is firmly sealed in the lake.

Didn't sink directly? ?

The lake is also strange. People are dead. People are stuck between the lake and the bottom of the lake. There is a feeling of making specimens.

"It should be dead." Mo Fan nodded with satisfaction.

It was about to regain his gaze. Suddenly, the layer of sputum on the surface of the cold water lake was cleaned up by the force. The cold water at the foot was still as hard and smooth as glass, but it was also transparent and at first glance.

It was this eye, Mo Fan came from the heart of the foot, slowly climbed to the chest, and finally hit the scalp! !

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember: book guest

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