Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Seventeen. A thrilling moment

When Yang Mei's father, Yang Xiong, went to the vending machine downstairs of the hotel to buy cigarettes, he saw several men in black gesticulating and talking to the front desk of the hotel. Then the lady at the front desk gave Yang Xiong a meaningful look. Yang Xiong couldn't understand Italian, so he naturally didn't know what they were talking about, but his many years of social experience told him that he must be careful when going out. The look in the girl's eyes just now clearly had evil intentions!

Yang Xiong felt sensitively that what they said must be related to him! Thinking of this, Yang Xiong did not dare to neglect, and quickly returned to the room and told Li Xiaohong and Yang Mei what happened!

Yang Mei also felt that things were strange, maybe she was staying in a black shop! So Yang Mei decided to go to a distance to find out what was going on before making a decision. Yang Mei came to the lobby downstairs and happened to see the lobby manager and three men in black talking about something from a distance!

Yang Mei hurriedly hid behind a pillar and listened hard to their conversation. Due to the distance, Yang Mei couldn't hear clearly, but she could vaguely hear them saying "three Chinese, two women and one man...", Yang Mei was shocked! There are only Chinese people living in this hotel, and there are no other people. Is it true that, as my father said, this hotel wants to collude with someone to harm my family?

Yang Mei has also seen some posts and reports on the Internet about foreign tourists disappearing in foreign countries. The most frightening one is that a girl was kidnapped by a gang, her hands and feet were chopped off, and she was used as a roly-poly and put on display in a circus. !

There are also many cases of people being killed secretly and selling their organs. Thinking of Yang Mei makes me feel horrified. Although Yang Mei only has a few months to live, she still doesn't want to be persecuted before she dies!

After hearing this, Yang Mei no longer needed to listen any more and quickly turned around and returned to her room. I briefly told my parents what I just heard. Li Xiaohong was immediately frightened after hearing this, but Yang Xiong was still calm. Together, the three of them felt that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time. They might have encountered the legendary black shop!

Yang Mei's family was not very wealthy to begin with, but Yang Mei had made some money over the years. But there are not many, so in order to go to more places, I have to budget carefully, and Venice is just the first stop. Therefore, the hotel we stayed in was not considered high-end, but just an ordinary standard hotel. Naturally, its safety could easily be questioned.

As for the deposit, I don’t plan to ask for it. Just throw it away. Personal safety is more important! So, Yang Mei's family quickly packed their luggage and prepared to leave through the back door of the hotel.


Three members of the White Horse Party received an order from Owens to conduct an investigation at the hotel on their territory. We came to the last hotel called Dusk Holiday Hotel, because it was the last one. Originally, they were not prepared to go in, but for safety reasons. I walked in anyway, and unexpectedly I seemed to have a clue!

When they heard the vague answer from the front desk lady.

The three White Horse Party members immediately revealed their identities. Then ask her to find the manager. The lady at the front desk heard that they were a gangster and didn't dare to neglect them. The manager was quickly called out.

The manager didn't dare to offend them. When they asked if there were three Chinese customers, the manager had to answer them one by one. Otherwise, the consequences of offending these people would be worse than closing the store! They can disrupt your business and make it impossible for you to redeem your money even if you want to!

When they learned that there were indeed three Chinese living in the store, the three members of the White Horse Party were immediately excited to death. This was really a pie-in-the-sky opportunity to make a crime!

After learning this, the three people immediately asked the manager to pull out the registration information, and then checked it again. They found that the name was exactly the same as the one Owens provided to them! The three of them laughed on the spot. It was said that this mission was very important, and Owens also took it very seriously. He threatened that whoever could complete the mission would be promoted to be the leader of a street!

It seemed that this time the credit was indispensable. The three of them were so surprised that they quickly called Owens to tell him the good news!

"Boss, we found those three Chinese, what do we need to do?" William, the more senior among the three, said.

"Found it? That's great!" Owens was very happy after hearing this: "Where are you?"

"At the Dusk Holiday Inn," William replied.

"Okay, you just wait there. I will rush over immediately to see if those three people are there. We must not let them get lost!" Owens ordered.

"Do we need to control them?" William asked.

Owens pondered after listening to William's words.

, then looked at me and repeated what William meant to me. Next, in order to prevent Yang Mei and the others from panic, they said: "Let's monitor in secret!"

"Spy!" Owens ordered.

"Boss, don't you need us to teach them a lesson?" William said taking credit.

"Asshole, teach them a lesson. They are very important people. Not only can you not teach them a lesson, but you have to protect them secretly!" Owens scolded.

"It's...Boss..." William's flattery fell on the horse's feet, and he was a little frustrated. He originally thought that these three people had offended someone, so he went out to look for them in such a big way, but he didn't expect that they didn't respond that way at all. thing!

William asked Yang Mei their room numbers and took the other two people up the stairs. This hotel is not big, so there is no elevator. You need to take the same stairs to go up and down the stairs! It is precisely because of this that I got what I wanted, otherwise I would really have missed Yang Mei.

William and his family went upstairs, while Yang Mei and her family went downstairs. In order not to attract others to notice, Yang Min's family deliberately disguised themselves, wearing newly bought European-style clothes and big hats! I saw the three men in black coming upstairs. Yang Min and Yang Xiong were very nervous, but they had no choice but to go down in shock, comforting themselves that it would be fine if they went down!

Li Xiaohong didn't know, but it was better this way and made it more natural. William just glanced at them and paid no more attention. After all, there are a lot of guests coming and going.

The two groups passed each other, and Yang Mei's heart almost couldn't bear it, but she still managed to survive. When William went up and Yang Min went down, the danger alarm was lifted. Yang Min and Yang Xiong both secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, when Yang Mei's family wanted to leave through the back door, the lobby manager suddenly shouted: "Mr. Yang, do you and your family want to go out?"

Yang Mei was startled, and she was so nervous that she almost fell ill on the spot. Yang Xiong was so hateful. He was about to succeed, but he didn't expect that he would fall into someone else's hands! But there are people coming and going in this lobby, so they wouldn't choose this kind of place to start, right? As long as you leave here, you'll be fine!

Thinking of this, Yang Xiong pretended to be nonchalant and nodded to the lobby manager: "Yes, let's go eat and be back soon!"

"Why are you bringing so many things when you go out to eat? Come on, let me save them for you first!" Of course the lobby manager didn't believe what Yang Xiong said. He had just seen Yang Mei's family, Lele, carrying their luggage downstairs, and his intuition told him , Yang Mei’s family is ready to leave! In fact, the lobby manager is not willing to meddle in other people's business, but if these people slip away from his eyes, the White Horse Party will definitely blame him! In order to avoid disaster, he had to "kindly" remind a few people in the White Horse Party!

The members of the White Horse Party are not fools. They didn’t feel anything special after hearing the lobby manager’s first words. When they heard him say get something, they immediately turned around sensitively and looked at Yang Mei and the other three people below. , suddenly remembered that the lobby manager just called the man "Mr. Yang"! Could it be that they are the people they are looking for!

Thinking of this, William no longer cared about Owens' words of "secret protection" and shouted repeatedly: "Stop!"

Yang Mei's family had long known that these people were coming for them, so as soon as William spoke, Yang Xiong immediately pulled Yang Mei and Li Xiaohong and ran towards the door!

The lobby manager didn't stop me either, or even stopped him. He simply shouted: "Mr. Yang, what do you mean? What's going on?"

"Catch them!" William ordered his two men, and the three of them strode towards the door.

Yang Xiong pulled two people, and they were not made for running. They didn't run very far before their speed slowed down.

Although the three William men were not athletes, arresting people all over the street was a gang member's forte, so they soon caught up with Yang Mei's family!

Yang Mei's heart couldn't bear it, so she ran a few steps and then stopped. Yang Xiong and Li Xiaohong had no choice but to stay by their daughter's side.

"What are you going to do!" Yang Xiong looked at William and the three of them and asked loudly.

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