"What did you say?" William couldn't understand Chinese and looked at Yang Xiong breathlessly and asked.

Yang Mei could speak Italian and saw that William did not use violence after chasing him, so she asked tentatively: "Why are you chasing us?"

When William saw that he could communicate, he was immediately overjoyed! He was chasing after him just now, but he was just out of his mind for a moment. Now he is completely awake. His boss Owens asked him to follow them secretly and did not let them show up. Now that they have shown up and obviously alerted the three people in front of him, he is worried about what to do. What to do, whether to forcibly control them or let them go, William was a little hesitant. Seeing the language barrier, William became even more frustrated. He didn't expect anyone to speak Italian!

So William quickly replied: "Why are you running away? I don't mean any harm!"

Yang Mei thought to herself, you don't have any ill intentions? Only a ghost can believe it! There is no malice, what are you doing so gleefully? I'm afraid now that we're on the street, it's hard to make a move because of the crowds of people, right?

"Since there is no malice, why did we run away?" Yang Mei asked.

"No, actually we don't mean any harm, it's just that our boss wants to see three people!" William explained.

"Your boss? Who is your boss? We don't know him!" Yang Mei said, "We are just here for tourism. Are you mistaken?"

"Yes, yes, it's you three!" William said: "I also know that you are called Yang Min, Yang Xiong, and Li Xiaohong. Look, is that right?"

Yang Mei frowned slightly after hearing this! It seems that this matter is not as simple as imagined. The other party was obviously well prepared, and he actually found out all the details about his side! So what is their purpose?

"Your boss is looking for us? You and I can't help but not knowing each other, let alone who your boss is. You think it's hard to do anything on the street, so you deliberately want to trick us into your territory before doing anything, right?" Yang Mei sneered.

"Miss, you misunderstood. I really don't think so!" William smiled bitterly: "I'm not afraid to tell you. We are members of the White Horse Party, a gang in Venice. If we want to arrest people, we can do it on the street during the day! Although The impact is not good, but I can guarantee that no one will come to meddle in my business!"

William didn't quite believe it when he saw Yang Mei. So he made a gesture to his men, and the two men immediately understood and started a reality show. One of the men suddenly took out a pistol and pointed it at another man, and the other man immediately shouted: "Help! The gangsters are seeking revenge!"

Yelled twice. Sure enough, no one dared to come up and meddle. They all avoided it and moved aside.

"Okay!" William waved his hand to signal the two men to stop here.

Then he said to Yang Mei: "How about it, do you believe it now? Although people have a sense of justice, in front of gangsters, they will still choose to avoid it, because gangsters are different from individual criminals who are not organized. If you interfere with gangster affairs , it is very likely that you will be retaliated by the entire gang! Do you understand now? We have no ill intentions towards you. It’s just that our boss wants to see you!"

"That...that won't work either!" Yang Mei somewhat believed William's words. But I still have some doubts. After all, this is my family’s first time in Italy. It's impossible to know anyone here. Who are the bosses of these men in black? "What's your boss's name?"

"Owens." William said, "What about that? If you leave, we will be killed by the boss!"

"Owens?" Yang Mei shook her head, she had never heard of such a name before! "How about we wait here. Wait for your boss to come over!" Yang Min thought to herself, although it is not safe here, it is still better than going with them!

"Miss, I didn't ask you to come with us. Our boss will be here soon!" William said with a wry smile: "Let's wait at the door of the hotel together!"

Yang Mei thought for a moment and nodded in agreement! It seems like they really don't have any ill intentions. Otherwise, we can’t be so polite! So Yang Mei told Yang Xiong and Li Xiaohong her thoughts, and Yang Xiong also agreed with Yang Mei's statement. If they want to kidnap someone. You can tie them up here just as well, it’s better to trust them for once. Lest they jump over the wall in a hurry.

William was indeed very polite and respectfully invited Yang Mei's family back to the door of the hotel. Yang Min was afraid that the people in the hotel were in the same group as them. Insisted on waiting outside the door. William didn’t care. As long as Yang Mei and the others don't think about escaping, it will be fine.

I can understand Italian, so Owens hangs up at the same time. I also knew immediately that there was news about Yang Mei! I couldn't help but secretly sigh, the underworld is really efficient in its work, why didn't I think of this earlier!

After learning about the location, Mark and I got on the Owens bus and drove to the Dusk Holiday Inn together.

On the way, Mark finally couldn't help but asked: "Mr. Liu, what do you do?"

"Me? Haha, I'm a businessman, just doing a little business." I smiled and said: "Boss Owens sold me to save face. If he doesn't help me, I can only watch dumbly."

"Mr. Liu is really good at joking. If you are running a small business, then we will all be beggars! If you don't give face to anyone, you have to give it to you! Even if you ask me to go out to run errands for you in person, it's me. What an honor!" Owens said.

Mark was stunned after hearing this. Just now, he felt that I was something special. Now that Owens said this, he was even more sure that my identity was something special!

I didn’t want to say too much to Mark, so I had to change the subject and said, “By the way, Owens, this Mark is a nice guy. He drives a taxi. Please help me take care of him in the future!”

"No problem!" Owens agreed immediately, "I'll find a way to make him the president of the taxi union!"

Mark was surprised and happy. Of course he knew who Owens was. What Owens said was sometimes better than many official people. Since Owens said so, he would definitely become prosperous in the future!

Thinking of this, Mark quickly thanked you and said, "Thank you, Boss Owens!"

"Haha, if you want to thank me for anything, you should thank Mr. Liu! I will be grateful to Mr. Liu for taking care of me in the future!" Owens said implicitly.

"Thank you, Mr. Liu!" Mark said.

I waved my hand and said no. Of course I knew Owens was taking this opportunity to get some benefits from me. I was a little funny. Mark is someone who has nothing to do with me. Even if you let him become the boss of the rental company, It has nothing to do with me!

However, my concern for Owens was limited to the quantity and sophistication of the firearms that I asked Du Xiaowei to give him, so it still had no interest for me, so I nodded and agreed to him: "No problem."

Everyone was happy and the atmosphere in the car was very harmonious, cheerful and relaxed, and we soon arrived at the Dusk Holiday Hotel. Far away, I saw Yang Mei's beautiful figure! After not seeing each other for a while, Yang Mei is obviously much thinner than before, which makes me feel sad!

Ignoring the fast-moving car, I forcefully opened the car door and ran in the direction of Yang Mei!

Mark and Owens were startled, but they were relieved when they saw that I was walking steadily and swiftly.

"Yang Mei!" I shouted loudly, waving my hands.

When Yang Mei heard my voice, she looked up and looked at me with an unbelievable look in her eyes. Yang Mei subconsciously rubbed her eyes! When dreaming, you must be thinking about someone too much, which leads to daydreaming! Yang Mei shook her head.

"Yang Mei, it's me!" I saw Yang Mei sighing and shaking her head, but there was no response, so I quickly shouted again!

"Meimei, Xiao Liu is here to see you!" Li Xiaohong didn't think she was dreaming, and quickly reminded her indifferent daughter.

"What? Is it true?" Yang Mei blinked her eyes quickly and looked towards me to make sure that I had not disappeared and was not an hallucination. Yang Mei's face immediately showed a look of surprise. But this was only for a moment, and then it was replaced by pain!

With Yang Mei's intelligence, after a brief consideration, she understood that I already knew about her. Although she didn't know where she had exposed a flaw that allowed me to find this place, she was very aware of her condition and she didn't want to be involved. I! So, resisting the urge to run over and rush into my arms, Yang Mei forced herself to look unmoved.

"Meimei, what are you doing? Come over quickly!" Li Xiaohong was a little confused.

"No, he and I have separated." Yang Mei said lightly.

At this moment, I have run to Yang Mei: "Yang Mei, I finally found you! This time, I will never let you go!"

"Mr. Liu, what are you talking about? Please respect yourself. I don't seem to have any obligation to tell you where I am going, let alone whether to let me go or not!" Yang Mei raised her head and looked at me with a very cold expression.

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