Veteran new police officer

Chapter 479 Someone needs to take the blame

Just as he was talking, what he was most worried about really happened.

The four suspects, including Lin Baoying, were busy packing their things and moving boxes of luggage to the car in the rain.

Han Xin didn't dare to waste a moment and immediately called Cheng Wenming: "Cheng Zhi Cheng Zhi, the target has changed. It looks like it wants to run away!"

Who would have thought that a suspect would suddenly want to return to China and surrender, and who would have thought that the principal criminals would be so cowardly that they would plan to avoid the limelight and prepare to come back and continue their work after finding the little fish that ran away.

Cheng Wenming was so anxious that he held his cell phone tightly and said, "I know, the casino and the melon den are also packing their things. Fortunately, it's raining outside and they won't be able to find the car for a while."

Han Xin asked eagerly: "What should we do?"

"In order to prevent them from destroying the evidence, the superiors decided to close the network after research. However, it will take time to communicate and coordinate with the judicial committee over there. Please be sure to keep an eye on the four principal criminals including Lin Zhengyi and never let them abscond in fear of crime."

"The legs are on them. Do they want to escape and let us keep an eye on them?"

It was not day at night, and it was raining so heavily outside that two wheels really couldn't run as well as four wheels, not to mention that the two young men couldn't even turn on the lights.

Cheng Wenming didn't have a good idea for a while, so he could only bite the bullet and said: "How to keep an eye on it is your business. You have to find a way to complete this task even if you have no choice. At this point in the investigation of the case, so much police power has been invested, and we must not fall short. "

"Anything will work?"

"As long as your identity is not exposed, any method will do."

"Okay, let me think about it."

This is almost an impossible task, but the leader made it very clear that we must find a way to complete it even if there is no other way!

Han Xin gritted his teeth and turned around and said: "Brother Xu, you don't have to worry about so much. Go down quickly and find a way to set up a roadblock for them and delay them as much as possible. I'll keep an eye on it here. As soon as they set off, I'll go down." Meet you."

"I have nothing, how can I set up this roadblock?" Xu Jun asked with a wry smile.

"Tear down a tree and block the road. Or pretend to be in a car accident and fall on the road, just to delay them for a while, whatever."

"Okay, I'll go down first."

The efficiency of the SAR government is not very high, not to mention that the suspects such as Lin Baoying are engaged in the "industry" that they covertly and covertly protect. They communicate and coordinate in the middle of the night. It is estimated that communication and coordination will not be successful. If we expect them to take action at the earliest, we will have to wait until tomorrow. Daybreak.

Han Xin didn't think that the military police here would come over soon to help arrest people. She thought that Brother Yang's live broadcast career was not going well. He first broadcast live on the platform, but was banned the next day.

Later, I wanted to go it alone, so I joined groups everywhere, made friends everywhere, built a QQ group, and broadcast live in the group.

After working for a few days, I earned several thousand yuan by relying on tips from "old guys". I was preparing to celebrate. Not only was my QQ account blocked, but also the bank account bound to my QQ wallet was frozen. When I opened the card, I left My mobile phone number has also been blocked, and the number I am using now was just purchased from a card dealer at a high price.

They are very short of money now. As long as they can get money and the risk is not particularly high, they should dare to take risks!

Han Xin weighed it, took out her mobile phone, found Brother Yang's new number, and dialed it quickly.

After waiting for about ten seconds, the call was connected, and I heard Brother Yang asking on the other end: "Brother, what's the matter? Do you have no place to stay and want to come back?"

Time was running out, so Han Xin didn't bother to go around in circles with him, and asked bluntly: "Brother Yang, there is a profitable business, would you like to do it together?"

The lease term of the apartment is coming soon, and now even food is a problem. How can I have money to renew the lease?

Yang Tao was lying on the sofa in the apartment, wondering where to live in the next ten days or so. When he heard that there was a way to make money, he immediately sat up: "What kind of business and how much money can I make?"

"I met a friend who knew four 'dog farms' from gambling companies. Those four 'dog farms' had just learned that they were wanted by the police. They were worried that the police would come and arrest them. They were so scared that they were preparing to run away."

Afraid that Brother Yang would not dare, Han Xin emphasized: "My friend has been a soldier, and he can fight three or four at a time. Moreover, he was deceived by those 'dog farms' and suffered miserably. I want to take this opportunity to show them some color." , he found me, and I thought of you, do you dare to do it together?"

Normally, I wouldn't dare to borrow Yang Tao's courage.

But these are not normal times, and life is really unbearable now. He took a deep breath and asked in a low voice: "How many people are there among your friends?"

"Plus the two of me, no one else."

"Does Gouzhuang have a gun in his hand?"


"Is there any rice in Dog Village?"

"What's a 'dog farm' if you don't have rice? My friend said that if you are willing to work together, no matter how much rice you get, you will share it equally."

Yang Tao really didn't dare to rob locals or gamblers who came to play.

But this is to deal with the "dog farm" that everyone hates, and it is gangsterism. Even if those "dog farms" who are scared out of their wits are robbed, they will only suffer the loss of being dumb and dare not report the crime.

Yang Tao didn't want to miss this opportunity to make a fortune, so he asked excitedly: "When will we do it? Where are you now?"

"They want to run away, so of course they have to do it quickly. I'll give you the location, so come here quickly!"

"Is it too late to go there now?"

"It should be in time."

"Okay, Lao Liu happens to be with me. I'll call Zhang Junbing and ask him to borrow a car quickly and we'll drive there!"

At the same time, Lin Baoying was standing under the eaves of the villa on the phone.

His cousin Lin Chengyun was also on the phone and was busy helping the "employees" at the casino find cars.

His cousin Zhang Desheng was busy contacting friends in Laos, asking for help in finding a place, and wanted to move the large troops to Laos to continue their work.

Han Xin could see clearly through the infrared night vision device brought by Xu Jun. She thought that this call was a good one, so she had better make it for a while.

Just as he was figuring out how long it would take for Yang Tao's gang to arrive, Xu Jun, who had just arrived on the dirt road at the foot of the mountain, stood in the rain and looked at the trees around him that were difficult to pull down manually, and dialed Han Xin's cell phone.

"Brother, I'm in place, but I'm not Lu Zhishen, so I can't pull out willows!"

"They are on the phone. It seems they won't go down the mountain until everything is arranged. Don't worry. I have already called for someone. Once they arrive, there will be nothing to worry about."

"Who's name?"

"That Brother Yang I told you about the day before yesterday."

"What are you asking him to do!" Xu Jun was dumbfounded.

Han Xin put down the infrared night vision device, wiped the rain off her face, and said nonchalantly: "I have already robbed Lin once, why can't I rob him a second time? Besides, Brother Yang and the others are really short of money, so they are willing to join us." Dry."

Xu Jun thought he heard wrongly and asked subconsciously: "Brother, are you kidding me? Even if they are tough, can't the two of us deal with the four of them?"

"The more people you have, the better. Besides, this is a robbery, not a dinner party. Someone has to take the blame after the robbery."

"Robbing them together, and letting them take the blame after the robbery?"

"The superiors want to close the net, but it takes time to close the net. We can't keep an eye on it this night. Even if we can keep an eye on them, when they join the large forces in other dens, we can deal with two of them. How can we still keep an eye on them?" How many dozen can you handle?"

Han Xin took a deep breath and continued: "So we can't wait. As soon as they get off the mountain, we will fight hard with them. But if it's just the two of us, when the military and police here come over and take a look, they find that four bastards have been killed. What will people think if Wu Hua Da is tied up there, and when the time comes, he will be asked to act together, how will the colleagues who stop by to collect evidence explain it to others? "

Xu Jun reacted and couldn't help laughing: "If no one takes the blame, then there is no three hundred taels of silver here."

"That's what I mean. Anyway, our identity cannot be exposed, we must not give others leverage, let alone embarrass our superiors."

"You can sell Yang, but what if they betray us?"

"Just confess it. In other people's eyes, we are just accomplices with them. We just run faster than them after we succeed."

Afraid of bringing moral pressure to his old comrades, Han Xin laughed again: "Besides, we already have evidence that they are suspected of pornographic live broadcasts and even cheating with that Xu Special faction. Even if they are caught by the police here, the superiors will not I will find a way to get them back, and they will not be shot by the Judicial Committee here."

"I'll sell it as soon as I say it. It's dangerous to be your friend."

"If they are stuck here and don't go back, they will kill themselves sooner or later. I am here to help them. I hope they can change their minds and start a new life after being captured."

"Then you have to ask them to do it faster."

"I'll call them again. They have many friends, so they can definitely borrow a car. They can be here in half an hour at most."

Xu Jun pondered: "The question now is, will those four people on the mountain give us half an hour."

Han Xin smiled and said: "We don't really need their help, we just need them to help us cover up. At worst, we take action first and control the four bastards first, and then wait for them to come and divide the spoils."

"I almost forgot, you never expected them to be of any help." Xu Jun smiled and asked: "What about after the spoils are divided?"

"Let's run away separately. Why don't we stay here and wait for the police to come and arrest us?"

Han Xin raised the infrared night vision device again, and while observing the four suspects who were still talking on the phone, he continued: "But you can't run too far, Brother Xu, take the time to study the route and see where you can go back. , quietly keeping an eye on the four unlucky guys who were robbed. After all, robbery is just a means, and packing them up and handing them over to the military police who came to arrest is the ultimate goal."

Xu Jun reacted and said with a wry smile: "It seems that not only do we have to plan how to go back and continue surveillance, but we also need to be prepared to seal the road and search the mountain after the military and police discover that the four of them have been robbed. This is very difficult for people. In serious criminal cases, it is impossible for people to do nothing.”

Han Xin wiped the rainwater that hit her face and said with a smile: "So we need to plan the route carefully and think about how to evacuate safely when the time comes."

"We ran away, what will happen to the people named Yang?"

"They will definitely run away. In the process of running away, they may not dare to answer other people's calls, but it is impossible not to answer my call. Anyway, it is not difficult to find them, and it is not difficult to get them back."

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