Veteran new police officer

Chapter 480 Operation Rainy Night

The conference room on the second floor of the Menghai Committee Party School is brightly lit.

The Banna Branch Headquarters of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security's special operation to combat cross-border telecommunications cyber crimes is located here. It was late at night and it was raining heavily outside. Zhang Mengcheng and other participating police officers did not rest.

There are many people returning from Loda Port to surrender these days, and they have learned a lot of clues through interrogation. They, the professional anti-telephone fraud police, need to summarize, analyze and combine the clues, and even draw an overseas telecommunications network based on the clues they have grasped. Crime "map".

The wall on the left is covered with photos of suspects, and on the large map on the wall on the right, dozens of large and small dens suspected of engaging in cross-border telecommunications network crimes are marked.

The colleagues in the second research and judgment team were reporting the situation. The commander's cell phone suddenly rang. He quickly signaled the police officer reporting the work to wait, and quickly picked up the cell phone to answer the call.

"It's me, please instruct...what, understand, it is!"

The commander's expression was solemn, and everyone realized that there was an emergency.

Just as Zhang Mengcheng was wondering whether the nucleic acid test of someone who had returned to the country and surrendered at any quarantine point was positive, the commander stood up and gave orders to the police from all units participating in the meeting.

"Old Chen, please immediately notify the police from your county bureau's criminal police brigade, economic investigation brigade and special police brigade to gather and rush to the port immediately to stand by."

"Bureau D, you mean all the policemen in the three brigades?"

"Everyone who can be contacted and can participate in the battle must be notified!"


The commander turned to look at Deputy Captain Xu of the Banna Border Management Detachment, and said categorically: "Xu Zhi, please immediately notify your detachment's law enforcement investigation team and special force police to gather, and rush to the port immediately to be on standby."

It is not enough to transfer people from the county public security bureau. We also need to transfer people from the border management detachment. We know that there is a big operation without asking.

Xu Zhi did not dare to delay the opportunity and immediately picked up his phone: "Yes!"

The commander looked around at everyone, and then said: "This is the end of tonight's meeting. Please go back to the dormitory immediately to get your equipment, prepare to participate in the operation, and be responsible for investigating and collecting evidence."

"Old Jiang, logistics work is equally important. Please communicate and coordinate with various regulatory agencies immediately and ask them to be prepared to accept 60 to 70 suspects!"

It turned out that we were going to arrest people, but there were still 60 or 70 people arrested at one time.

Zhang Mengcheng reacted and quickly ran out of the conference room with his colleagues.

The Banna frontline sub-headquarters closest to Xiaolameng was extremely busy, and the general headquarters in Chuncheng was equally busy.

The technical reconnaissance team had connected more than a dozen monitoring lines five minutes ago. Everyone, including the commander-in-chief, was nervously listening to the call on the loudspeaker.

Since the main suspects such as Lin Baoying and others spoke the dialect of their hometown, most people could not understand a word of it.

Fortunately, the Fujian Provincial Public Security Department has also set up an anti-email fraud workstation in Nanyun, and police officers have been transferred to the headquarters to help translate.

The most nervous ones are undoubtedly the comrades from the Inner Mongolia Provincial Department and the Jiangnan Provincial Department, because this case was initially investigated by the Inner Mongolia police, and the leader of the investigation team responsible for tracking several main suspects is "Crazy Cheng" from the Jiangnan delegation.

In order to let "Crazy Cheng" know the latest situation, the leader of the Jiangnan Provincial Department's Anti-Electronic Fraud Task Force held his mobile phone and frequently sent messages to "Crazy Cheng".

Cheng Wenming didn't bother to look at it at all. He held up his spare mobile phone and asked eagerly: "Zhang Da Zhang Da, please report the situation of the melon den!"

"Report to Cheng Zhi, two minutes ago, a suspect came out to take a look. I don't know whether he came out to observe the situation outside, or came out to see if the car the main criminals found for them had arrived. Everyone else is in the yard, over!"

"Old Qian, where are you?"

"The suspects in the gambling hall just came out. Maybe they saw that the car hadn't arrived and it was still raining outside, so they all went in again. They were very nervous. At this time, everyone was on guard, and our informant did not dare to rely too much. close."

"I understand, please keep a close eye on your people and report any situation in a timely manner."

Cheng Wenming put down his spare mobile phone, picked up the police call, and called Han Xin again: "Xiao Han, Xiao Han, what's the situation at the villa now?"

The damn rain is getting heavier and heavier.

Han Xin shook off the rainwater on the infrared night vision device, stared at the brightly lit villa opposite, and reported: "One was standing at the door making a phone call, and the other three looked like they were arguing in the living room, and there were still luggage that had not been moved. boarding."

Cheng Wenming asked: "If they decide to leave, can you keep them?"


"How to stay?"

"The old method is to steal their votes again, but tie them up more tightly this time. It's late at night, and it's still raining outside. I want to see who will come to this wilderness to save them."

Cheng Wenming didn't expect that he was as good at three things as Cheng Yaojin. He asked in a dumbfounded voice: "This time is different from last time. The headquarters is urgently mobilizing police forces to rush to the port overnight to be on standby. As long as we communicate and coordinate with some judicial committee there, Okay, let’s organize the police to arrest them. The four principal criminals were robbed and kidnapped at this juncture. Who would believe it?”

Knowing that he would have this worry, Han Xin grinned and said: "Don't worry, we have accomplices. And those accomplices are usually very ostentatious. As long as the Judicial Committee and the police want to investigate, they can find out quickly and there will be no suspicion." It was us."

"What accomplice?"

"Yang Tao, Zhang Junbing and Liu Xinda, I have been their little brothers for more than a month. Now that something is wrong with me, they big brothers should step forward!"

Cheng Wenming never expected that he would come up with such a bad idea, and reminded: "Han Xin, it's okay to let them cover for you. The key is that the Chinese people's criminal offenses are dealt with very strictly over there. Maybe they will really pull the strings." Go and shoot him!"

"I know, so the headquarters must find a way to catch them before the police here."

"Who can guarantee this? Who the hell dares to guarantee it?"

Although "Crazy Cheng" is crazy, he can always keep the bottom line at critical moments.

In fact, if there was no better choice, Han Xin would not make fun of the lives of the three "eldest brothers" and said quickly: "Cheng Zhi, you should think so. We know now that they are extremely vicious and are about to block the road and rob." , and the police here need to conduct some investigation to grasp it.

And we have their mobile phone numbers, know how to contact them, and can even use some technical methods on them, so we can definitely find them before the police here. All we have to do is catch them back. It's impossible to have them extradited to be shot anyway. "

This is a way to beat the time difference.

You can even include those three gangsters on the list of those who are about to be arrested, and use the opportunity of organizing the police to participate in the arrest to catch them together.

More importantly, time is urgent, and several principal criminals may escape at any time. There is really no better way to think of.

Cheng Wenming weighed it up and agreed: "If Lin Baojun and the others really run away, then I will do as you say, but try to ensure the safety of Yang Tao and others. If necessary, you and Xu Jun can split into two groups, one Stay near the scene and continue surveillance until the arresting police arrive and then evacuate.

After one succeeded, I took Yang Tao and others and withdrew overnight according to the route we had agreed on before. I reported to the general headquarters and asked the general headquarters to arrange for police to go to the border to respond. "

A leader is a leader and considers everything comprehensively.

Han Xin thought this was a good idea and said with a smile: "Okay, after I succeed, I will ask Xu Jun to circle back and continue to watch, and I will lead Yang Tao and others to withdraw first."

Cheng Wenming thought for a while and then warned: "Be careful when you do it. There are four people on the other side, and you only have five people including your three elder brothers."

"Brother Cheng, don't worry, we will pay attention."

"That's it, just like last time, stay on the phone when moving. Even though I'm so far away, I can't see but I have to hear."


Cheng Wenming didn't dare to talk any more, so he quickly put down his police phone and picked up his mobile phone to read the situation sent by the task force leader from the general headquarters. He then contacted Zhang Da from the Banna Border Management Detachment and Qian Dui from the Anti-Narcotics Brigade of the Lianmeng County Public Security Bureau. , understand the situation of several other dens.

At the same time, Zhang Mengcheng and other policemen who were transferred to the frontline headquarters rushed to Luoda Port by car.

The rain was getting heavier, but the parking lot on the Guomen side was extremely busy with police lights flashing.

The traffic policeman was wearing a raincoat and holding a reflective baton to direct his colleagues to stop. One after another, police cars, special police and special force explosion-proof vehicles slowly drove over. There were even two prison cars equipped by the detention center.

A policeman from the headquarters ran over in the rain, climbed into the car and distributed stickers and plastic bags for mobile phones. He said very seriously: "Comrades, according to the requirements of superiors, the operation needs to be kept strictly confidential. Please Write your name on the label and stick it on the plastic bag, then put the police pass and mobile phone into the plastic bag and give them to me for safekeeping."


"Master driver, the same goes for you. It's too dark in the car to see clearly. Please turn on the lights."

"Okay, right away."

The policeman from the command headquarters glanced out the window and urged: "Please hurry up. After handing in your mobile phones, you still need to assign tasks."

"Understood, I've done it. This is my phone, where can I put it?"

"Here, sorry."

The police at the command headquarters took out a black convenience bag from their backpack. Starting from the first row, they collected their mobile phones one by one and warned: "I almost forgot, the epidemic prevention and control personnel and protective materials will be arriving soon. Not only must a comprehensive inspection be carried out in the car, For disinfection, everyone also needs to wear protective clothing, masks and protective masks.

It is not allowed to take off the mask during the operation. If anyone takes off the mask and is infected with the virus, not only will he receive no credit or hard work, but he will even be held responsible for not complying with the epidemic prevention and control regulations. The superiors emphasized it again and again, please don’t take it seriously..."

Although the police at the headquarters have not yet said where they are going to arrest which suspects, Zhang Mengcheng has already made a rough guess.

Looking at the police cars outside, he was really a little excited at the thought of having the opportunity to go abroad to carry out arrest missions. He couldn't help but think of Han Keng, who had been out of the country for more than a month, and thought that he might have a chance to meet him this time.

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