Veteran new police officer

Chapter 501 Leader’s condolences

At 10:32, exit of Linghai South Expressway.

Zhang Wenyuan and Wang Yan, who had just waited for Vice Mayor Xu, Bureau Yang, Director Liu and other leaders, joined Vice Mayor Xu and other leaders to welcome the leaders of the Criminal Investigation Bureau and department leaders of the Ministry of Public Security.

Mayor Xu and Director Yang got on the Toyota bus of the provincial department to say hello to the leaders and welcomed their arrival. They also took this opportunity to say hello to the model's father, Mr. Han.

Zhang Wenyuan and Wang Yan were originally qualified to get on the bus. Seeing that the bus was a bit crowded, they saluted and said hello under the bus, but did not follow them.

Now we have to pay attention to the impact, and we can't just let the police car clear the way, so the one leading the way is an official car with a local license plate.

The expressway from the Linghai South Expressway exit to the city is a newly completed expressway, so there is no need to worry about traffic jams.

There is no need to worry after entering the urban area. The captain of the traffic police brigade is sitting at the traffic control center. The police of the urban squadron have been on standby at various major intersections to ensure that the leaders' motorcade has a green light and a smooth journey.

Seeing the convoy slowly turning into the south expressway under the guidance of a government car, Lan Doudou quickly picked up his briefcase, ran over and got into the car of Director Xu of the Political Department of the branch.

Director Xu gestured to the driver to follow him and asked eagerly: "Doudou, how did things go? What did the department leader say?"

"It's done. I have to create opportunities to report to the department leaders on what you asked me to do even if I don't have the chance."

"Great, you drink some water first, I have to report to District Chief Zhang immediately."

"I'm not thirsty."

Lan Doudou smiled brightly, she was really happy to be able to do something for the branch.

Director Xu quickly dialed the cell phone of his immediate boss and said excitedly: "District Chief Zhang, please ask the leaders of the Criminal Investigation Bureau and the department to drop by to express condolences about Huang Xiao. Lan Doudou helped us do it."

The leaders of the Criminal Investigation Bureau and the department of the Ministry of Public Security went to visit and express condolences, and the leaders of the municipal bureau were required to accompany them.

Huang Xiao needs to rest for a while after he recovers. Even if his illness can be cured in the future, the criminal police captain will definitely not be able to do his job and will have to retreat to the second line.

The captain of the criminal police brigade is not that easy to do. He has worked for so many years, and even if he has no credit, he has worked hard. I will take this opportunity to ask my superiors to stop by to visit and express condolences. Then I can apply for a first-class job for him on the grounds of illness due to overwork. achievement.

In short, a leader who does not consider his subordinates is not a good leader. If he cannot even consider these things, how can he lead this team?

District Chief Zhang was really happy and couldn't help but smile: "Okay, well done! I just said that since the leaders went to the hospital to visit and express condolences, they knew that there was a policeman who had just undergone surgery and was hospitalized there, how could they not stop by to visit him? look!"

"District Chief Zhang, you still had the foresight. I was so busy yesterday afternoon that I didn't even think of it."

"Stop talking about this, thank Lan Doudou for me, and ask if the People's Hospital has made arrangements. If not, call the political commissar and ask him to make arrangements as soon as possible."

"It was arranged early. The ward was adjusted in the morning. Flowers and other things were prepared twice."

"That's good."

There is a difference between having someone in the provincial office and no one in the provincial office. At that time, I didn’t want to let Lan Doudou go, but now I think it was right to let her go to the provincial office.

District Chief Zhang couldn't help but think of Zhang Yuhang, and subconsciously asked: "Old Xu, did you invite Zhang Yuhang to the commendation ceremony this afternoon?"


Director Xu didn't sleep well that night, because in the afternoon it was the city bureau's naming and commendation ceremony, which was only hosted by the Linghai branch and the city bureau's detention care detachment.

The city bureau is changing all of a sudden. It is a rare opportunity, and the branch bureau has to find ways to bring in some "private goods".

The list of leaders and guests participating in the naming and commendation ceremony has been updated seven or eight times. Every time a leader or guest is added to the list, the previously arranged positions must be rearranged.

For example, Secretary Ge of the Municipal Law Committee told the municipal bureau yesterday afternoon that he would not be able to attend an important meeting today. At about 10:30 last night, the secretary of the municipal party committee called again and said that Secretary Ge would attend.

When his immediate superior asked about Zhang Yuhang, Director Xu quickly said: "I didn't expect it at first. It wasn't until around 11 o'clock last night that Secretary Guan of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection called Wang Zhi and suggested that we invite the old leaders of Xiao Han's old army. I I just thought of Zhang Yuhang, who is also Xiao Han’s old leader!”

District Chief Zhang asked curiously: "The Xinkang Border Management Detachment also arranged for people to come over? Can they be so far away from us in time?"

"Nanyun is not invited. Time is urgent. Even if we want to invite, we can't make it in time. Secretary Guan suggested that we invite people who have changed jobs. A total of three people were invited, Miao Chengyu, deputy director of the Binjiang Customs Anti-Smuggling Bureau, and Miao Chengyu, the deputy director of the Chonggang Vocational Education Center. Vice-principal Ding Haijun, and He Jun, who chose his own career, were all regiment-level cadres before changing careers, and they all care about Xiao Han."

"Secretary Guan suggests that you should invite me. Have you arranged for someone to be responsible for the reception?"

"They don't need us to arrange it. They'll come over in Secretary Guan's car in the afternoon."

"What about tonight?"

Director Xu was so busy that he really didn't care about the evening. Just when he didn't know how to report, Lan Doudou suddenly said: "It's not necessary at night. Mr. Han has already made arrangements to go to Tuhao Jin. He also plans to invite Cheng Zhi to accompany him." .”

Director Xu turned around and asked, "Will Cheng Zhishen attend the naming and commendation ceremony in the afternoon?"

"Cheng Zhi will definitely not attend the commendation ceremony. You should have heard about his temper. He doesn't want to overshadow Xiao Han's limelight."

People's Hospital Surgery Building, fifteenth floor ward.

Political Commissar Huang of Linghai Branch ran around with a walkie-talkie and was very busy.

"Old Huang, the leaders will be here soon. Mayor Xu, Director Yang, Director Liu and District Chief Zhang will accompany them to visit Xiao Han first, and then come to visit you. Just lie down and don't move. It's fine like this."

"Political Commissar, is this appropriate? It makes it look like I'm offering my condolences!"

Some time ago, I could only share a ward with two old men in their 70s and 80s, but this morning I was moved to this single room. What’s even more funny is that after the leaders finished their visit and condolences, they had to change their location and move back again, which made Huang Xiao laugh and cry.

The political commissar also felt a little embarrassed because of the formalism and patted him on the shoulder: "What do you mean? The leaders didn't know that you were hospitalized here at first. After they found out, they took the initiative to come and visit you."

"Political Commissar, please stop trying to make me happy. There are so many leaders, and probably only Director Yang knows that there is a person like me. The other leaders probably don't even know my last name or what I do."

"I didn't know it before, but now I know it. This opportunity is so rare, why is there so much nonsense? Don't be ignorant!"

Political Commissar Huang couldn't care less about his ideological work, and immediately raised the intercom: "Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen, the leaders will be here soon. Not only must you be responsible for security, but you must also keep an eye on the elevator. Don't let the leaders wait!"


"Director Xu, Director Xu, everything is ready on our side, everything is ready on our side."

"Received, received, we have arrived at Anda Pedestrian Street."

Political Commissar Huang originally planned to wait at the entrance of the ward, but after thinking about it, he still felt uneasy, so he ran into the veteran cadre ward and looked at Han Xin, who was wearing a hospital gown and lying on the bed for infusion, and said with a smile: "Xiao Han, the leaders will be here soon. , don’t be nervous later, don’t say anything if you don’t know what to say, just keep smiling.”

Because of himself, he made the entire ward restless.

Thinking that the head nurse had just brought several nurses to each ward to ask the patients who were hospitalized here and their accompanying relatives not to come out for a while, Han Xin felt very sorry and said helplessly: "Yes."

Political Commissar Huang nodded with satisfaction and looked at Jiang Yue, who was smiling: "Xiao Yue, you have seen the big world. If Xiao Han is nervous later, please help me say thank you."

"OK, Got it."

"Don't worry, the visit and condolences won't last long, ten minutes at most."


At the same time, Liu Chunhui, the political commissar of the detention detachment, was standing in the corridor, telling the publicity police from the Municipal Bureau News Center and the Branch Bureau News Center who had arrived in advance that no matter what was photographed later, they would not be published without his permission.

"Political Commissar Liu, can't we post on the intranet?"

"No, not only are the leaders not allowed to come to visit and express condolences later, but the photos and videos of the naming and commendation ceremony in the afternoon cannot be posted without my review and approval!"

"Then what are we going to shoot?"

"Archive it, and even if it is sent, it still needs to be processed before it can be sent."

Logically speaking, such matters as review were under the jurisdiction of the Political Department of the Municipal Bureau, and it was not his turn as the political commissar of the retention detachment.

But his situation as political commissar is rather special. Although he wears the same police uniform and title, in fact he was selected as a political commissar by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and in a sense he is still a disciplinary inspection cadre.

Not to mention that the Political Department wanted to give him some face, even the bureau leaders were polite when they saw him.

Publicity has a mission, and if it can be published in major media, intranets, and the WeChat public accounts of higher-level units, it will get extra points. If the published task cannot be completed, points will be deducted!

Such a good opportunity and such good content could not be posted. Not to mention how depressed the publicity policemen were, they could only bite the bullet and promise not to post it.

Liu Chunhui had just finished explaining everything when Vice Mayor Xu and other leaders came over accompanied by the leaders of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security and the provincial departments. The publicity police rushed to greet them and take pictures, while he hurriedly knocked on the ward door to remind Han Xin and Jiang Yue.

Just as Han Xin was thinking about whether to control his expression, the leaders filed in.

The originally large veteran cadre ward was so packed that Political Commissar Huang, Political Commissar Liu, Director Liu of the Political Department of the branch, Lan Doudou and others could only stand outside.

Wang Yan has a transcendent status and is the leader of Han Xin's unit. Not only is she qualified to come in, but she is also responsible for the introduction.

She walked quickly to the back and said with a smile: "Xiao Han, Director Jiang from the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, Director Sun and Mayor Xu from the Provincial Department of Political Affairs are here to see you!"

"Hello, chief, hello, leader..." Being surrounded by so many people, Han Xin felt like a monkey in the zoo, and quickly sat up with Jiang Yue's help.

"Don't move, just lie down."

The leader of the Criminal Investigation Bureau walked to the hospital bed, held his left hand that was not infused, and said enthusiastically: "Comrade Han Xin, your Wang Branch introduction was wrong just now. I am not a Jiang Bureau, I am a first-level inspection officer of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security." Member Jiang Hui.

Entrusted by the Political Department of the Ministry of Public Security, the Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, and the Party Committee of our Criminal Investigation Bureau, we came here specifically to visit you. Thank you for your outstanding contributions in combating illegal crimes and protecting people's lives and property. I hope you can rest in peace and recover soon! "

There was a burst of warm applause, and an accompanying police officer sent flowers with tacit agreement.

Han Xin was receiving intravenous fluids and had difficulty moving.

Jiang Yue quickly helped to pick it up and carefully placed it on the bedside.

Han Xin quickly thanked her and the publicity police rushed to take photos.

After the department leaders and other publicity policemen took photos, they not only smiled and stepped forward to shake hands and express condolences, but also turned back and pointed at a middle-aged man behind them: "Comrade Han Xin, do you know this person? Do you have any impression of this person?"

Lan Doudou had already sent over the list of leaders. Han Xin knew that Mr. Wang from the Anti-Narcotics Corps was here, and vaguely remembered Mr. Wang, but he just couldn't remember what he looked like.

Because of the damn sequelae of brain injury, I forgot many people and things, and I didn’t know how many people I offended during this period.

He didn't want to offend the leader of the team anymore, so he subconsciously said: "I know him, I have an impression, Mr. Wang is good."

The middle-aged man touched his chin with a strange expression.

Inspector Jiang and the Director of the Political Department of the Provincial Department sighed secretly and forced a forced smile.

Wang Yan felt even worse and leaned over to remind: "Xiao Han, you remembered wrongly. This is Mayor Xu, and Mayor Xu is also our Binjiang City Public Security Bureau Chief."

Han Xin reacted and said with a grimace: "Mayor Xu, I'm sorry, I...I..."

"It's okay, rest in peace and recover, I believe your memory will be restored soon."

Vice Mayor Xu stepped forward and patted his shoulder gently, then turned back and said: "Mr. Wang, Comrade Han Xin, although I can't remember what you look like, but I remember your name. Stop hiding behind and come here to deepen your impression." .”

On the way to Linghai, Inspector Jiang learned about Han Xin's situation, turned around and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, Lao Wang, Xiao Han did it under your leadership, you can't hide."

A very nice young man actually lost part of his memory because he was shot.

Mr. Wang sighed softly, stepped forward and cursed with a fake smile: "Han Xin, you are so heartless, you can't even remember what I look like! If I hadn't taken you to Nanyun to participate in the anti-drug competition, , can you have the opportunity to capture the first-level arrest target of the Ministry of Public Security, and be rated as an advanced individual in pursuit of escape?"

"Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, I really can't remember..."

"If you can't remember it, think about it slowly. Don't be lazy. You must remember it for me."


Mr. Wang held his hand tightly and encouraged: "Xiao Han, although you have been transferred to the detention care system, in my opinion you are still an anti-drug policeman, and you are the anti-drug backbone of our Jiangnan anti-drug system! Not only do you have to rest in peace and recuperate, , and you should also remember those forgotten people and things as soon as possible, I am still waiting for you to recover and participate in the anti-drug competition next year."

Vice Mayor Xu lost no time in saying: "Comrade Han Xin, did you hear me? Mr. Wang has high expectations for you. I hope you can recover soon and once again represent our Binjiang City Public Security Bureau and our Jiangnan Public Security Bureau!"

Han Xin said quickly: "Thank you for your concern and trust, I will definitely recover from my injuries and regain my memory as soon as possible."

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