Veteran new police officer

Chapter 502 I have an opinion

At 2:40 p.m., police officers and guests attending the naming and commendation ceremony entered the venue one after another.

The naming and commendation ceremony was hosted by the branch and the detention detachment, but most of the specific work was handled by the anti-drug brigade with the most experience in organizing events.

At first, Director Xu didn't want to let the anti-drug brigade take the lead. He planned to set up a podium as usual for commendation meetings and invite the leaders to take their seats. Then, Director Liu of the Political Department of the Municipal Bureau was asked to preside over the meeting. He first introduced the leaders attending the meeting, and then followed the agenda one by one.

Later, it was confirmed that more and more leaders were attending, and even if the rostrum was long, the position was not easy to arrange.

No matter what, this is a naming and commendation ceremony held in Linghai, and Linghai Branch is an old unit of heroes and models. We can't let Secretary Huang and District Chief Zhang of the District Political and Legal Committee sit in the audience!

Zhang Yuhang rushed back from Sigang last night, looked at the activity plan, and suggested not to do anything "on stage and off stage". After all, this is a ceremony to commend heroes and models, and heroes and models must be highlighted. Let's just hold a commendation party.

Intersperse several programs and play promotional videos of the municipal bureau and branch bureaus on the big screen. Take this opportunity to let superiors see the achievements of the municipal bureau and branch bureaus in the past two years. You can even highlight some advanced collectives and branches that the branch bureau has not had time to commend. Individual commendations.

In this way, all leaders will have the opportunity to come on stage and award medals and certificates to honorable groups and police officers.

Director Xu originally wanted to bring in some "private goods" and thought Zhang Yuhang's idea was a good one, so he immediately reported to the city bureau for instructions.

Unexpectedly, the leaders of the municipal bureau thought it was feasible, so Zhang Yuhang was invited to become the chief director of the naming and commendation ceremony. Li Yamei, the deputy instructor of the anti-narcotics brigade of Linghai Branch, became the host, and Li Duwang, Li Yijun, Cao Na and others became the host of the ceremony. Even housekeeping.

The Linghai Grand Theater has a very good environment and has a leadership lounge.

Although Secretary Guan's administrative level is not high, he is definitely qualified to go to the lounge.

But he declined the meeting's good intentions, and went to the actor's dressing room with Ding Haijun, Miao Chengyu and He Jun first, put on the summer uniform of the armed police that he had never worn since he changed his career, and wore the personal first-class merit award he won during border defense. , second-class merit and third-class merit medals, walked into the venue and sat in the second row of guests in front.

But there were only three seats reserved for cadres transferred from the military in the second row, and the chairs even had names posted on them, so he actually sat in Zhang Yuhang's seat.

Fortunately, Zhang Yuhang has changed from a guest to the chief director and has no time to sit around.

Considering that the row of seats in the middle was the most relaxed for the leaders, and there was an empty seat because he couldn't sit there, Director Xu simply temporarily adjusted Mr. Han's position to the row of leaders.

Seeing how busy everyone was, Ding Haijun felt embarrassed and couldn't help but turned sideways and asked: "Secretary Guan, you are the leader. You don't need to wear the same military uniform as us, let alone sit with us."

"Yes, Secretary Guan, your position is at the back." Miao Chengyu was convinced.

Secretary Guan lowered his head and adjusted the rows of military medals pinned to his chest, and said with a smile: "This is a commendation ceremony for the public security system. What does it mean for me, a cadre of the Discipline Inspection Commission, to sit there?

More importantly, after so many years of changing careers, I have never had the opportunity to wear military uniforms and military medals. I finally got a chance, but you still didn't let me show off. "

Receiving awards for meritorious service is an honor, but for retired soldiers, these medals symbolizing honor can only be treasured.

The superiors have strict regulations on when the previous uniforms can be worn and when medals can be worn. Usually I can only leave it at home and show it to the children when I have time. The children may not be interested yet.

Ding Haijun sighed: "You don't even have a chance to wear it, you don't even have a chance to wear it, let alone us.

"So we are all taking advantage of Xiaohan today. We can't take a photo with him later, but we can take a group photo with the retired employees of Kongmeng Company and Caiyun Company."

"OK, no problem."

At the same time, Ge Sulan, Jiang's father, Jiang's mother, Xu Hongjun and his wife, Da Hanlu and Xiao Hanlu arrived.

Li Yijun led them to find a seat and said with excitement: "The relatives sit in the first row and in the middle seats. This is specially requested by the leader..."

I have never seen so many policemen. Not to mention how excited little Han Lu was, she asked eagerly: "Brother-in-law, where are my dad, my brother and my sister-in-law?"

"Your dad is in the lounge talking to the leaders. Your brother and your sister-in-law will be here soon."

"What about Sister Linlin?"

"There will be her show later. She is putting on makeup and getting ready backstage." Talking about his girlfriend, Li Yijun quickly took out a stack of program notes from his handbag.

Being able to attend such an occasion, Ge Sulan's heart was filled with excitement and she was truly proud of having Xinxin as her son.

But in comparison, Comrade Lao Jiang is even more proud.

He knew almost all the policemen from the branch who came to attend the commendation ceremony. He frequently raised his hands to say hello to the former superior section captain and police officers, and expressed his gratitude for their congratulations.

Officer Xu from the Chengbei Police Station even took out his mobile phone and wanted to take photos for them first.

Zhang Yuhang noticed that they were taking photos with the big screen in the background, and immediately picked up the microphone and walked to the center of the stage: "Dear leaders and comrades, everyone knows the special nature of Comrade Han Xin's previous work. When he arrives, we can't Feel free to take photos.

There are still ten minutes before the official start of the ceremony. Please hurry up and take your seats. If you want to take pictures, take them quickly. If you want to take a group photo, please take a group photo as a souvenir. If you don't take the picture later, you won't be able to take it anymore. This is the venue discipline! "

The leaders haven't come in yet, so Yang Qianli doesn't have so many scruples.

Seeing Zhang Yuhang standing in the center of the stage with a microphone and announcing discipline, he couldn't help but stand up and asked: "Director Zhang, when did you get transferred back? Why didn't we know?"

"I haven't been transferred back. Today, I was entrusted by the Political Department of the Municipal Bureau to make a temporary guest appearance as the chief director of the commendation ceremony."

"Director Zhang, no, Mr. Zhang, can you please take a photo with us old colleagues and comrades?"

"Jiao Yang, stop making trouble. The leader will arrive soon. I'm busy."

In Box 303 of Fugui Hotel in Liangzhuang Town, Sigang City, Cheng Wenming, who had not returned to his hometown after lunch, was whipping eggs with the former Liangzhuang Township Chairman Malaysia and two other Liangzhuang veteran cadres who were treating them today.

He has an aloof status in the city bureau. Even though he has been relegated to the second line, everyone still calls him "Cheng Zhi", and Wang Yan and Ren Dasha call him "Old Cheng".

But in front of Chairman Ma and other Liangzhuang veteran cadres, he can only be "Xiao Cheng".

He would accompany Comrade Ma until whatever time he wanted to play, and he could not show even a trace of impatience.

Lao Ma threw down a small straight, raised his head while holding his reading glasses and asked: "Wen Wenming, I heard that the Linghai Public Security Bureau is holding a commendation ceremony today. Even Wang Yan and Li Zheng have gone, why don't you go?"

"It's not like you're praising me. What am I going to do?" Cheng Wenming knocked on the table to indicate that he should stay still.

The old stationmaster of the former Liangzhuang Water Conservancy Station asked curiously: "They didn't invite you?"

"Please, they were the ones who made those phone calls during lunch. After a few days of rest, I won't join in the fun. Why don't I stay at home and cook eggs with you guys."

"Wenming, I'm not talking about you. If you had been so sensible back then, you wouldn't have become the deputy detachment leader."

"Chairman Ma, you are right to criticize me. The only reason I suffer is because I am not sensible and do not know how to behave, hahahaha."

"Thank you for being able to laugh, a pair of K's, do you want it?"

"If you don't move, pass."

It's really a bad hand. It doesn't have a single bomb. It doesn't even have a big king or a small king.

Cheng Wenming didn't like egg-breaking in the first place, but now he had to be complained about by three veteran cadres, and he could only listen to it honestly.

He was feeling depressed when his wife opened the door and walked into the box with freshly boiled water. She reminded him, "Cheng Zhi, your cell phone is ringing. Someone is calling you."


"Don't move, I'll get it for you."

Mrs. Fu put down the teapot, walked over and helped unplug the mobile phone that was charging in the corner, and brought it to him.

He looked at the caller ID and couldn't help but smile: "Chairman Ma, this is a call from Han Bang, will you answer it?"

"Isn't this nonsense? Hurry up and pick it up!"

"Okay, right away."

Cheng Wenming turned on the call button, thought about it and clicked on the speakerphone again, and said half-jokingly: "Reporting to the leader, I am accompanying Chairman Ma, Station Manager Liu and Party Secretary Wang to beat eggs on your behalf. Chairman Ma just talked about you, I plan to wait until the epidemic is over before organizing a group trip to the capital for a few days.”

It’s true that people can’t change their nature. They’ve already put on white shirts and are still talking as freely as before.

Chairman Ma cursed secretly and immediately grabbed the phone: "Xiao Han, don't believe Madman Cheng, he just knows how to talk crazy. You and Xiaolei are so busy at work, how can we bother you."

"What do you mean by disturbing me, Chairman Ma? I look forward to your coming every day. Now that the high-speed rail is connected, it's very convenient to go back and forth."

"The high-speed rail is open, so it's very convenient to go back and forth, but you are too busy with work and don't have time to come back and visit."

"Work for a few more years, and when I retire, I will take Xiaolei back to accompany you guys fishing and catching eggs."

"Nonsense, you are so young, you can work for as many years as you can. Besides, your level is at that level, and the age at which you have to step back and retire is different from us."

Chairman Ma knew that "Korean Strike" was very busy and would not make this call for no reason. He waved to the two old guys who couldn't wait to say a few words to "Korean Strike" and handed the phone back to Cheng Wenming.

Cheng Wenming took the phone and grinned: "Chairman Ma, they are too embarrassed to bother you. I'm sorry, and I have plenty of time now. Old leader, can you help me get two tickets for this Spring Festival Gala like you did before?"

Chairman Ma suddenly frowned, thinking why this kid doesn't have a long memory and always puts "Han Bing" in trouble.

"Han Chong" on the other end of the phone knew very well that "Crazy Cheng" didn't really want to come, and he didn't ask for the ticket for himself, so he agreed: "There should be no problem."

"What do you mean should? Air tickets and train tickets are very tight during the Spring Festival travel period. If you don't give me accurate information, how can I book tickets in advance?"

"It's okay."

"Then thank you in advance."

"You're welcome, that's right. Lao Cheng, by the way, I've done everything you asked me to do. But Wang Yan said that you didn't go to Linghai to attend the commendation ceremony today. Do you have a problem with me?"

Cheng Wenming put down his cards, lit a cigarette, and muttered: "I was shot in the heart and almost died. Why did I get a grade two? Of course I have an objection!"

"Lao Cheng, you are a veteran comrade of the police. You should know that evaluating heroes and models is not about first-class or second-class merit. It is a commendation for all the achievements of a policeman since he joined the work, rather than for the contribution made by the policeman in a certain case. Commendation.”

"I understand this truth, but what do you think of the heroes and models in recent years?"

"What do you mean, you have opinions on our work?"

"Don't be upset after I told you. Not only do I, Cheng Wenming, have opinions, but many old comrades also have opinions. On Women's Day, one comment will be one batch; after the major security operations are over, another batch will be awarded;

I heard that dozens of police officers who were previously rated as 'National Advanced Workers' but were not commended as heroes and models by the Ministry of Public Security were also awarded the title of Level 2 Heroes and Models. "

Cheng Wenming smoked a cigarette fiercely and said unhappily: "Either we won't award it, or we will award it to dozens of people, many of whom are publicized. If this continues, these heroes will become less and less valuable!"

Today's heroic models cannot be compared with the earliest batches of heroic models, and their gold content is indeed not as high as those of the earliest batches.

But if you don’t judge it that way, others will judge it!

For example, the Ministry of Justice also has the right to award prison police officers who have made outstanding contributions the honorary title of first- and second-level heroic models in the national judicial administration system. Another example is that the Ministry of Emergency Management still has the right to award first-level heroes and second-level heroes in the national emergency management system.

"Han Chong" really didn't know how to explain it, and suddenly he regretted making this call, and said angrily: "I'm going to chat with Chairman Ma and the others as long as I'm talking about work. I have something else to do, so I'll hang up first."

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