Veteran new police officer

Chapter 541 Everyone gets the stolen goods

While Cheng Wenming was "inspecting" the work of the Special Situation Squadron, Jiang Zhengfei was treating Zhao Hailin, who had not found a job in the past few days, to a small restaurant for dinner. He planned to play mahjong together after eating and drinking.

The main reason why I invited Zhao Hailin instead of other poker players was that they were all relatively young and had a common language. Furthermore, his character is as good as his brand. Zhao Hailin's brand is so good, so his character will not be bad.

When going out, rely on friends. For Jiang Zhengfei, there are many friends and many paths.

He held the bottle and asked, "Brother Zhao, you really don't want to drink?"

"I don't know how to drink. I have never drank liquor."

"How about a bottle of beer?"

"I don't even drink beer. I get drunk as soon as I drink it. I have to play cards in the afternoon."

"Okay, let's eat more food."

I made an order yesterday morning. My friend took the goods away in the morning and planned to ship them out today. Jiang Zhengfei had some money in his hand and was more generous than before. He specially bought a box of cigarettes worth more than 20 yuan and lit four. vegetable.

In fact, in the past few days, Zhao Hailin had noticed that Jiang Zhengfei looked at his mobile phone from time to time while playing cards, and he could basically conclude that he was contacting the buyer through QQ.

But this has little to do with him, because his mission is to play mahjong with Jiang Zhengfei, so as to prevent Jiang Zhengfei from running around. Otherwise, Binjiang is so big and there are so many cars on the road that it would be difficult to keep an eye on him.

While he was eating and wondering when the plainclothes detectives outside would take action, Hu Guangsheng loaded all the express packages to be delivered today on an electric tricycle, walked to the front, opened the cab door, took out a small package, and walked in The hall smiled and said: "Sister Chen, I almost forgot, there is a courier here."

The elder sister sitting behind the desk glanced at the tracking number posted on it, raised her head and asked, "Is it yours?"

"Well, send some tea to a friend."

"Okay, I'll scan it."

The eldest sister picked up the terminal and scanned it, and was about to throw it on the pile of packages to be sent today. Zhang Mengcheng, Xu Haoran and others who had been staring at it for several days walked in.

"Hello, we are from the Public Security Bureau!"

Zhang Mengcheng showed his ID and confirmed that the criminal policeman who came in with him was holding a law enforcement recorder. He picked up the package and asked, "Is this package yours?"

Hu Guangsheng was stunned and said subconsciously: "It's mine, what's wrong?"

"What's inside?"


"Think it through before talking."

"What a tea."

"To whom?"

Hu Guangsheng then noticed that there were people behind him, and two of them even held his arms. He suddenly realized that there might be something wrong with the package, and was so frightened that he could not speak for a while.

The elder sister who received the package was also frightened and said anxiously: "Comrade police, Xiao Hu is our courier."

"I know." Zhang Mengcheng didn't have time to explain to her. He stared at Hu Guangsheng and said seriously and solemnly: "Tea leaves, okay. You'll know if they are true or not."

Xu Haoran put on his gloves, took a wallpaper knife, cut open the tape, and opened the outer packaging. After thinking about it, he found another plastic bag, tore open the tea packaging, and gently poured out the tea inside.

The tea leaves look cheap at first glance. They are all broken stems and powder, and have almost no aroma that tea leaves should have.

At this time, a small white bag that looked a bit like desiccant fell out of it.

Xu Haoran picked up the white pouch, took out an evidence bag from the pocket, carefully opened the white pouch, poured the crystals inside into the evidence bag, and then raised it to his nose and smelled it. It was indeed a familiar smell.

Seeing him nodding slightly, Zhang Mengcheng immediately turned around and asked: "Hu Guangsheng, it seems that you are determined not to die until you reach the Yellow River. Tell me, what is this?"


"You really don't know your stuff or you just pretend you don't know!"

"I...I...comrade policeman, these things are not mine. I sent them for others. I really don't know what they are..."

"Didn't you just say yours?"

"That's what I said. I really sent it for someone else. I don't know the recipient at all."

"Who sent it for?"

"Jiang Xiaofei, he is my friend and he shares a house with me."

"How long has it been since you were still honest!"

When Hu Guangsheng realized that the contents in the plastic bag were probably drugs, he was immediately frightened to death. He cried and said: "Comrade police, please believe me. This thing really belongs to Jiang Xiaofei. If you don't believe me, I will take you to arrest him. I will go with you." Confront him!"

It seems that he really didn't know that he was sending methamphetamine, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have to bear legal responsibility, because as the recipient of the express package, he not only didn't look at Jiang Xiaofei's ID card, but he didn't check what was in the package. , and also help others send it.

Zhang Mengcheng signaled his brothers from the Criminal Police Brigade of Chonggang Branch to handcuff him first, then took out his mobile phone and called to report to Ren Zhi and Wu Da.

After confirming that everyone at the Express Logistics Distribution Center had obtained the stolen goods, Ren Zhongnian didn't want to wait any longer. He immediately opened the door and got out of the car with Wu Da and others, crossed the road and walked quickly into the small restaurant.

Jiang Zhengfei was busy bragging with "Brother Zhao" and didn't notice that several more customers came in.

Zhao Hailin only knew that there were plainclothes detectives outside, but he didn't know that they were the ones who had just come in. They were holding chopsticks and preparing to pick up food when a burly man suddenly grabbed the shoulder of his card player: "Jiang Zhengfei, you made it easy for us to find you! "

At this time, someone grabbed his shoulders from behind: "Don't move, we are from the Public Security Bureau!"

Jiang Zhengfei, who had been using the pseudonym "Jiang Xiaofei" before, was suddenly called "Jiang Zhengfei" and claimed to be from the Public Security Bureau. Jiang Zhengfei's legs were so frightened.

Thinking of "Boss Han"'s explanation, Zhao Hailin ignored the excitement and pretended to be wronged and shouted anxiously: "Comrade police, we are good people, what on earth do you want to do?"

"Good man? Stand up!"

"Handcuffs, get another cuff."

"Boss, how much did this table eat?"

Several migrant workers who ate here had never encountered anything like this before. Some were too scared to say a word, while others were more courageous and wanted to take pictures with their mobile phones.

Hou Wen quickly stopped. Ren Zhongnian did not want to have long nights and dreams, so he, Wu Da and others took the two suspects out of the small hotel and put them into the two cars that had just arrived.

Liu Beibei was sitting in the car across the street, watching the "VIP client" being arrested. Next, he would take the "client" to the rental community to search, and then he would be taken to the case handling center to receive supervision from the criminal police detachment and the anti-drug team. The "three-trial trial" between the detachment and the Criminal Police Brigade of Chonggang Branch was not to mention how exciting it was.

Seeing that her partner was packed into the Chonggang branch car like a suspect, she quickly picked up her mobile phone and dialed the number of her immediate boss.

"Boss, the VIP customer has been arrested. Our business is almost over. I will return to the company later."

"Where's Lao Zhao?"

"I made an agreement with Wu Da from the Chonggang Branch to send him to the case handling center for a day and then let him out tomorrow. After all, acting requires a complete set, and the client will definitely not be able to play mahjong in the future. He has to go to the alley when he has time. It’s a mahjong parlor.”

It's not pleasant to stay in the three rooms of the case handling center (waiting room, interrogation room, interrogation room). She actually wants to send her partner in and stay there until tomorrow!

Han Xin couldn't help but remember that she seemed to have treated her mistress in the same way at that time, and couldn't help but smile: "This arrangement is safer, but sending Lao Zhao in is not my skill."

Liu Beibei's eyes lit up: "Yes, thank you boss, I know how to deal with that scumbag."

"what do you know?"

"Find an opportunity and send him in!"

Although she felt that this apprentice had a high level of understanding and did not need to be taught many things, Han Xin still straightened her face: "Are you kidding? That's our colleague."

The more Liu Beibei thought about it, the more excited she became. She snickered and said, "Old Zhao can go in, why can't he go in? This is a work requirement!"

"I need you, damn, come back quickly and I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

"Boss, are you planning to celebrate our success? But Lao Zhao can't come out today, so maybe tomorrow."

"What are you celebrating? What kind of credit is this?"

Han Xin asked in return, looking up at Cheng Wenming who was smiling and saying nothing, and explained: "It's not me who is treating you, but the handsome guy from the Party Style and Government Style Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission."

Liu Beibei asked in confusion: "Didn't they treat us to a supper last time? Why do they treat us again?"

Han Xin didn't want to go around in circles with her, nor did she want her to make too much trouble, so she said bluntly: "I have a good impression of you. Xiaoyue, I and even Sister Wang are all in your company. You can think of it as a blind date!" "

Liu Beibei chuckled and said, "Boss, are you saying Jiang Limin wants to chase me?"

"Mr. Liu, you are the instructor of our squadron and represent the image of our squadron. Isn't there a boy who likes you? How serious is this? Can you be more reserved?"

"You want me to pretend to be a lady?"

"You are a lady to begin with. I have already made a promise for you. No matter whether it works or not, just finish eating first."

It's a good thing that someone is pursuing you. Liu Beibei felt happy. After thinking about it, she asked with a smile: "Boss, since he wants to pursue me, why didn't he call me and send me a WeChat message? He actually told you and Sister Wang in a roundabout way that he also planned to What kind of blind date is this? Isn’t this too old-fashioned?”

"This shows that they are more introverted and shy, and it also shows that they really like you, otherwise they would never be so formal."

"Think about it, unlike that scumbag who is secretive and afraid of being known by others."

"It's good that you know. This matter is settled. You can consider dating her first. If you really don't feel it and don't want to date her, then give me the right words after dinner and I will help you decline her. She is in her twenties. I can’t afford to delay.”

At this time, Jiang Zhengfei had been taken to the rental community.

Ren Zhongnian was a tall man. He dragged him into the living room like a chicken and said coldly: "Jiang Zhengfei, you don't know me, but I know you. Not only have I been to your hometown and met your family, but I also I passed by the abandoned elementary school where you used to work in Zhejiang Province, and met your 'boss' and two 'colleagues'. In short, don't take any chances now, and first explain honestly where the things are hidden. "

Jiang Zhengfei didn't dare to take any chances. In fact, the house was so big. Even if he didn't tell him, he would be searched. He could only say: "Under the bed."

"which room?"

"This room."

"That's right."

Ren Zhongnian took him into the room, looked at a cardboard box that Hou Wen took out from under the bed, leaned over and looked at three large packages of about three kilograms of methamphetamine hidden in the cardboard box, and turned around and asked: "Tell me, what are you talking about?" What's going on with Yang Qin? You two were fine, why did you abandon her and run away quietly?"

Not only had he sold drugs, but he had also participated in drug production. Jiang Zhengfei knew very well what kind of fate he was about to face, and said tremblingly: "She...she...she loves vanity, and she only knows how to eat well, use well, and wear well." , always asking me for money and threatening me..."

It's similar to Han Xin's previous analysis. The only regret is that Han Xin can't remember it now.

While Ren Zhongnian was filled with emotion, Jiang Zhengfei said anxiously: "Comrade police, I will tell you everything, but I really didn't kill Yang Qin. I only found out later that she had been killed."

"Then do you know who killed him?" Wu Da asked while the iron was hot.

"I don't know. I don't know how she died, and I don't dare to ask."

"So where did all this meth come from?"

"Brought from the factory."

"So it's inventory."


The murder case was actually settled long ago, and it was indeed not a homicide.

As for whether the seized drugs are in stock, it is not difficult to check.

Ren Zhongnian and Wu Da did not want to arouse onlookers from the community residents, so they asked Hou Wen and others to search carefully, then took the suspect and took the newly seized drugs straight to the Chonggang Branch Case Handling Center.

Who did the suspect sell the drugs to? Although the subsequent in-depth investigation had nothing to do with the Special Situation Squadron, the whereabouts of the suspect was discovered by the Special Situation Squadron. Ren Zhongnian felt that it was necessary to tell Han Xin.

Han Xin was very happy after it was confirmed that three kilograms of methamphetamine had been seized.

At least the summary materials for this month are easy to write. For example, I assisted the Criminal Police Detachment, the Anti-Narcotics Detachment, and the Chonggang Branch in cracking a drug case, and seized a few kilograms of methamphetamine.

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