Veteran new police officer

Chapter 542 Busy New Year’s Day

When Liu Beibei returned to the company, Han Xin ordered takeout and invited her and Cheng Zhi to have dinner together.

Cheng Wenming likes this kind of atmosphere very much, and indeed likes to interact with young people.

I heard that Han Keng would take turns on duty with this little girl assigned by the intelligence command center. He held up his chopsticks and smiled: "It's very tiring to work two shifts. Besides, no one can be safe. Such an arrangement is too stressful. Count me in."

Normally, Han Xin would not be able to ask for it.

But these are not normal times. As the Discipline Inspection Commission has put forward new requirements to "normalize" the collection of clues about disciplinary violations, the team members' current work is to "combine" the public security and Discipline Inspection Commission.

For example, when passing a big hotel or high-end restaurant at night, you have to go to the parking lot to see if there are any official vehicles. If time permits, you can even sneak in and listen to the wall.

And in a few days it will be New Year's Day, and soon after New Year's Day it will be Spring Festival.

The notice issued by the Commission for Discipline Inspection a few days ago was to further implement the spirit of the eight central regulations, strictly prevent the resurgence of the "four styles", continue to do a good job in correcting discipline and discipline during the New Year's Day and Spring Festival, and ensure a clean and upright atmosphere during the New Year's Day and Spring Festival. important measures.

The "Special Service Squadron" is now an important auxiliary force in party style and government discipline enforcement. If Madman Cheng joins, it will not be able to keep secrets. Han Xin was not sure how to decline politely, but the cell phone plugged in for charging suddenly rang.

Liu Beibei didn't care about eating anymore, so she quickly unplugged the phone, looked at the caller ID, and handed it to Han Xin: "Boss, Sister Wang is looking for you."

"Cheng Zhi, let me take a call first."

"Take it."

Cheng Wenming was almost done eating, so he picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth.

Han Xin answered the phone, walked to the window and looked at the municipal government building opposite, and asked with a smile: "Master, what's the matter?"

Wang Xiaohui has been busy all morning and hasn't eaten until now. She puts her mobile phone in her neck and packs the materials on the table while smiling: "Didn't you say in the morning that you would take turns with Beibei on duty? Are there some situations where I don’t have the authority to inquire?”


"I reported to the leader, who arranged for Lei Xinghua, deputy director of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of your municipal bureau, to contact you. I just had a phone call with Director Lei, and he said he knew you and had handled cases with you."

"Really?" Han Xin couldn't remember for a moment, and she really had no impression of Deputy Director Lei of the Municipal Bureau's Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office.

Wang Xiaohui suddenly remembered that the cheater had lost a lot of memory due to brain damage, and it was irreversible. No matter how much he recalled it, he couldn't remember it. She quickly said: "Do you have time around 3:30 in the afternoon? If you have time, come over with Beibei." Have a meeting.”

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "Where are we going to have the meeting?"

Wang Xiaohui raised her head and looked through the window at Zhongnan City not far away: "Come to our Party Style and Government Style Room. It's not far from your company, just a few steps away."

Han Xin asked: "What meeting are you having?"

"We will meet to discuss the work during the New Year's Day." Wang Xiaohui thought for a while, then smiled and said: "If you and Beibei have time, I will call Director Lei of the Discipline Inspection Commission of your municipal bureau and ask him to come over and meet you. A face."

The job being discussed needs to be kept confidential.

Han Xin smiled apologetically, walked over, opened the door, and came to the office next door: "Master, you mean you have to work overtime on New Year's Day?"

Wang Xiaohui said confidently: "The holidays are not only the peak time for gatherings and banquets, but also our busiest time. You should know this."

Although Han Xin has never seen it, she has heard of it more than once.

It is said that one year at the end of the twelfth lunar month, the Discipline Inspection Commission even teamed up with the traffic police to inspect cars at highway intersections. As long as they saw the city's official cars, they would stop and inspect all of them. Whenever you meet a public official in this city, open the trunk of the vehicle and check whether there are high-end tobacco, alcohol or other gifts. If there are any gifts, ask them where they came from and where they are going to be sent!

However, Han Xin was not very concerned about how they enforced discipline, but smiled and said: "Master, you should also know the situation of our squadron. Now we can't guarantee one day off every week. It's hard to have a holiday but let people Working overtime, how do you want me to talk to the team members?"

"There is overtime pay!" Wang Xiaohui was confident.

Han Xin likes to deal with reasonable people and couldn't help but ask: "How much does it cost per day and when can it be cashed out?"

The Party Style and Government Style Office only has office funds and no budget for this aspect.

However, the situation of the "Special Service Squadron" is quite special. Wang Xiaohui couldn't help but laugh and said: "Based on the subsidy for performing nursing tasks, our Director Hu will help you coordinate with the detention management center and the leaders of your detachment."

Han Xin was amused: "Master, you are using our retention care funds to ask us to do your private work for you!"

"You can't say that. If we don't issue a certificate to you, no matter how much money is in your city bureau's account, you won't get a cent."

"But this is overtime work. According to regulations, shouldn't we be paid three times the salary? Besides, my people don't need to eat? More than a hundred yuan a day is not enough for the team members to eat while working overtime!"

"Meals are ours, and they are calculated as food subsidies for business trips, but we need to provide invoices."

"We can't go to a big hotel. Where do you want me to find an invoice for you?"

"If I can't find the invoice, there will always be a receipt, right? Han Xin, for Xiao Yue's sake, please help me. I'm completely relying on you..."

I go!

She is actually as cute and coquettish as Lan Doudou!

Han Xin was made dumbfounded: "Master, your business is my business, and I can work voluntarily. But the problem is that you are asking not just me for help, but the entire squadron."

Wang Xiaohui made up her mind to make more achievements, and her leader was also very supportive. She said with a grimace: "You help me do the work of brothers and sisters, and we have already made some achievements. If we can continue to work hard, we can make more achievements." If you get good grades, I can confidently help you fight for bonuses with your leaders!"

"Master, you can't give me a bad check."

"Don't worry, our performance leaders can see it! I almost forgot that the clues about the Construction Bureau's alleged acceptance of food from management service recipients have been handed over to the Third Supervision and Inspection Office, and it is expected to be verified soon."

"Okay, I'll do the team members' work first, but you can't lie to me!"

"I won't lie to you when I lie to anyone. Let's do this for now. See you at 3:30 in the afternoon."

After hanging up the phone and returning to the boss's office, Liu Beibei was the only one left.

"Where is Cheng Zhi?" Han Xin asked subconsciously.

Liu Beibei packed up the fast food box and said with a smile: "Cheng Zhi said it can't affect our work and will go back first. I planned to drive him to him, but he said no."

"Did you say anything else?" Han Xin asked.

Liu Beibei thought for a while, turned around and said with a smile: "He should have guessed who called you. Maybe he didn't want to get into our muddy waters, so he didn't mention helping us on duty."

Han Xin sighed softly: "That's fine, otherwise I wouldn't know how to explain to him."

"Boss, what does Sister Wang want from you?"

"Let us go to their place for a meeting on time at 3:30."

Han Xin paused and added: "Don't you have a police pass? There are many situations that cannot be checked while on duty. She has helped us report to the leader of the Discipline Inspection Commission and plans to arrange for Deputy Director Lei of our Municipal Bureau's Discipline Inspection Commission to connect with you."

"Thunder Lord, I know him!"

"What Thunder God?"

"It's Director Lei of the Discipline Inspection Commission. He always has a straight face and is afraid of everyone he sees."

The deputy director of the Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Office, even if he smiles every day, he will still be afraid of everyone, and he might be nicknamed the Smiling Tiger.

Han Xin was not surprised. She was strong and had nothing to be afraid of. Instead, she held her cell phone and forwarded several numbers to her: "If you need to inquire about the actions of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, please contact Director Lei. From our public security side, You can contact your old unit, or you can call Zhang Da from the Criminal Police Detachment or Hou Wen from the Anti-Narcotics Detachment.

If you find clues to a security case, you can also directly contact the security brigade of Chonggang, Changzhou and Development Zone bureaus. You have been working at the 110 police station for so long, so you don’t need to teach me these things. "

Liu Beibei looked at the several contact information he had just received on his phone and thought to himself, I will not contact that scumbag.

You won't give him a chance to apologize, let alone talk about work with him, just let him go for a while!

When the squadron does more work and makes more achievements, and submits a satisfactory report card to the superiors, but Director Chen is clueless, let’s see how Director Chen will deal with him...

Han Xin didn't know what she was thinking, and continued: "Sister Wang asked us to work overtime during New Year's Day, but the Commission for Discipline Inspection just organized a surprise inspection and issued a notice. I don't think there will be much gain from going to the hotel to listen to the wall. "

As an instructor, Liu Beibei knew that both sides of the squadron needed results, and asked eagerly: "What should we do?"

"Adjust the next work plan. Starting from tomorrow, when you pass by large shopping malls and supermarkets, go in and pay attention to whether there is any unit or individual applying for a recharge card, which is the kind of card that gives gifts. Of course, when you pass by a restaurant at night Still pay attention.”


At the same time, Jiang Yue, who had gone home for lunch and was about to take a break and go back to work, was looking at Xu Linlin in surprise when she just came to the door.

"You're going to get married anyway. Is it too late to take wedding photos, book a hotel, and send out invitations?"

"I got pregnant unexpectedly, and both my mother and his mother knew about it. Both of us want children. I...I can't bear to fight. What else can I do if I don't get married."

Xu Linlin was nervous but also a little happy. After thinking about it, she said with an embarrassed look: "As for the wedding photos, don't worry about taking them. The hotel has also been booked, and it's in the banquet hall on the third floor of Linghai Hotel."

Jiang Yue couldn't help but touch her belly and asked with a smile: "Yes?"


"Then you have to be careful from now on and don't dance anymore."

"I know."

Teacher Xu was going to get married to Li Yijun soon. Jiang Yue was happy for her from the bottom of her heart, but thinking of something the little bully of Linghai Village said a few days ago, she suddenly said with a grimace: "Arrange it on New Year's Day. We will definitely attend your wedding tonight, but we have already promised to others."

Xu Linlin subconsciously asked: "What did you promise to others?"

Jiang Yue took her hand and said helplessly: "Your cousin's colleague also arranged to get married on New Year's Day, and also arranged it in the evening. We have already agreed to it."

Xu Linlin was unhappy. She pouted and asked, "Is it important that someone else gets married, or that I get married? Is he my brother? Are you my sister-in-law?"

"His colleague is from outside and doesn't have any relatives or friends in Binjiang. These colleagues in the work unit are the man's relatives and friends. They have to help others support the man's face. It would be bad if he doesn't go...Linlin, don't be anxious first. If it really doesn't work, let's both be together." Run, show up first, send blessings, and then come back quickly to attend your wedding."

"We have many relatives and friends here, so we probably won't be able to get there early. If they have a party over there early, we should be able to make it in time."

"It's definitely in time. By the way, what gift do you want, or should I just give you a big red envelope?" Jiang Yue asked with a smile.

Xu Linlin chuckled and said, "Of course it's a big red envelope!"

Although she is the cousin of the little bully in Linghai Village, she is better than her own sister. Jiang Yue felt that as a sister-in-law, she should be generous, so she agreed: "No problem, we will give you both of our wages this month."

"I'm just kidding you, that's all."

Xu Linlin took out her mobile phone, looked up the list of relatives and friends she had compiled all morning, and talked about something very important to the Han family: "My aunt, your mother-in-law, will definitely attend. Not only will Da Hanlu come, but she will also I want to be the bridesmaid. Mr. Han and your little mother are very good to me and are my investors. There is no way I won’t invite them.

Your parents-in-law on both sides will come anyway, which is embarrassing just thinking about it. Moreover, Li Yijun and I will definitely not be able to take care of it at that time. I can only leave the reception to you. Your family members will be responsible for the reception for me! "

Family relationships are relatively complex, and how to receive the elders on both sides is definitely a headache.

However, Jiang Yue was more concerned about being the bridesmaid and asked eagerly: "Da Hanlu comes back to be the bridesmaid, what about me?"

Xu Linlin frowned: "It's not that I don't want you to be the bridesmaid. The main reason is that Li Yijun wants to invite the leaders and colleagues of the unit, plus your parents-in-law on both sides, so you can't go without someone to say hello..."

Thinking of this person, she was afraid of comparison. It was really stressful for her to be the bridesmaid. Jiang Yue chuckled and said, "Okay, I won't be the bridesmaid. I will be responsible for helping you greet the guests."

"thank you."

"As a family, I have nothing to thank you for. By the way, will Xiao Hanlu come back?"

"Xiao Hanlu can't come back. Their school is strictly controlled. They can't leave the city during New Year's Day, let alone leave the province."

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