Chapter 1021 The news spreads

   Today Ruan Aihua’s family returned to the village, and many villagers were talking about it.

   Seeing that both the Ruan brothers got into the car, many villagers felt sour in their hearts.

   So after someone recognized Zhao Yuting, they told them about it.

   After the other villagers heard it, they started talking.

   It didn't take long for most of the villagers to know about Zhao Yuting's return, and they even speculated on the purpose of her return this time.

   Most people think that Zhao Yuting must have heard that the Ruan family is living well now, so she wants to come back.

  The proof is that Zhao Yuting is riding a tattered bicycle!

   Everyone is from the same village, who doesn't know what kind of life He Xiuqing and Zhao Yuting lived in Ruan's house?

   Secretly mocking Ruan Aizhou for being a fool, there are many people who have become green kings.

   After all, He Xiuqing gave birth to a baby only seven months after he married Ruan Aizhou.

   This matter can’t be hidden, who doesn’t know about it in the village?

   Even if the Ruan family said that He Xiuqing was born prematurely, there are still many people who don't think so behind their backs, thinking that He Xiuqing's belly is already big.

   However, looking at Ruan Aizhou's attitude towards He Xiuqing and Zhao Yuting, many people think that Zhao Yuting is Ruan Aizhou's seed, but Ruan Aizhou and He Xiuqing slept before they got married.

   For this reason, they often mocked He Xiuqing shamelessly behind his back.

   Later, Ruan Aizhou divorced He Xiuqing, and asked He Xiuqing to take Zhao Yuting away.

   Even though the news that Zhao Yuting was not her biological person did not spread, the villagers guessed it to some extent.

  If Zhao Yuting was Ruan Aizhou's seed, how could He Xiuqing take him away?

   This is too obvious.

   Later, Ruan Aizhou and Ji Wanying served wine and took the lead in planting mushrooms, which made many people in the village earn money.

   Even if everyone has any thoughts in their hearts, they are embarrassed to say it in front of Ruan Aizhou.

   Now Ruan Aihua's family came back in a van, and Zhao Yuting also ran back on a broken bicycle. It's a gossip at first glance!

   So many villagers were excited.

   All eyes are hot, all waiting to see a good show.

   There were even a few people who were watching the fun and didn’t think it was a big deal. They went to Ruan’s house to report the letter, wanting to see if Zhao Yuting was there.

   Zhao Yuting was naturally absent, she went directly to the back mountain, how could she be at Ruan's house?

   But even so, the news of Zhao Yuting's return shocked the Ruan family.

   When Ruan Aizhou heard the news, his expression changed on the spot.

   It was Ji Wanying who reacted quickly, made an excuse to send the messenger away, and then closed the door again, so as not to let people see the excitement, and she didn't know how to spread the word behind her back.

   She closed the door and turned to go back, only to see Ruan Aizhou looking like she couldn't let go, and she murmured, "Why is she back at this time..."

   Ruan Aizhou actually thought this time was too coincidental and suspected that Zhao Yuting did it on purpose.

   In the past two years, he actually seldom thought about He Xiuqing and Zhao Yuting.

   Zhao Yuting has changed her surname, and she is not his own daughter, and he is not stupid.

   As for He Xiuqing, don't worry about it.

   Everyone has remarried, can he still get them back?

   Besides, he has been with Ji Wanying day and night for the past two years, although he was not used to it at first, but after a long time, he felt that Ji Wanying was better.

   It's a pity that Ji Wanying doesn't seem to have any interest in him.

   (end of this chapter)

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