Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1022: Nguyen Ai Chau's worries

   Chapter 1022 Ruan Aizhou's worries

   Ruan Aizhou was very confused when he heard that Zhao Yuting was back.

   But he quickly thought of Ji Wanying.

   Thinking of Ji Wanying's attitude, Ruan Aizhou suddenly became worried.

   He really wants to live a good life with Ji Wanying now, but Ji Wanying doesn't seem to mean that.

   Zhao Yuting ran back at this time, couldn't it be because of He Xiuqing?

   Could it be that He Xiuqing didn't want to live with Zhao Guangyuan, but wanted to live with him?

   He had heard that after He Xiuqing married that Zhao Guangyuan, he could do any housework in the Zhao family.

   also gave birth to five daughters to Zhao Guangyuan!

   Thinking of this number, Ruan Aizhou couldn't help shivering.

   is really scary!


   I gave birth to two babies last year, and this year I gave birth to three more. There is no one to take a breath in between. How do you raise so many babies?

  Although he also has two sons, Zhao Yuting was several years old when Ming Gong Mingjian was born.

   Even if He Xiuqing values ​​Zhao Yuting's daughter more, he still has his mother and sister-in-law to help him.

   That Zhao Guangyuan is different.

   I heard that he originally had a daughter, but after He Xiuqing became pregnant, his daughter went to live with his uncle and never came back.

   In addition to Zhao Guangyuan and his wife, there are only He Xiuqing and Zhao Yuting in the Zhao family.

  After He Xiuqing became pregnant, some housework could not be done, so Zhao Yuting had to do those housework.

   Later, He Xiuqing gave birth to twin daughters, which made the Zhao family's life even more difficult.

   But that Zhao Guangyuan is a lunatic, and He Xiuqing was pregnant again not long after she gave birth.

   This time, it was even scarier, giving birth to triplets!

   are still girls!

   Now there are five female dolls in the Zhao family, and I don’t know how sad life is.

  He Xiuqing was afraid that it wouldn't feel good either.

   Does she really want to come back?

   That's not possible!

   When Ruan Aizhou thought of this, he wanted to turn his head into a rattle, and even wanted to hide!

   He doesn't want to see Zhao Yuting and He Xiuqing at all now!

  He Xiuqing has given birth to five daughters to Zhao Guangyuan, where can he come back?

   However, I heard that Zhao Guangyuan always wanted a son, and He Xiuqing gave him five daughters, but he may not like it.

  If he separated from He Xiuqing and He Xiuqing brought his five daughters to him, wouldn't he be crazy?

   Ruan Aizhou felt that his brain was about to explode when he thought of this possibility.

   Suddenly, he saw Ji Wanying.

   Seeing Ji Wanying staring at him, Ruan Aizhou suddenly felt a strong sense of unease, so he quickly said, "Don't worry, I divorced He Xiuqing early, and I have forgotten her."

   After a pause, he couldn't help but add, "Zhao Yuting may not have come to find me, and she never came back, maybe she made a mistake."

   "I know." Ji Wanying smiled lightly, "Although you are honest, you are not a fool. Even if He Xiuqing really came back to you, you would not agree to come."

   Five dolls waiting to be fed, Ruan Aizhou will raise them unless he is stupid!

   Ji Wanying has been with him for two years, how could she not know him?

   However, they had a fake marriage at the beginning, and she and Ruan Aizhou have been living in separate houses for the past two years.

   Rather than a husband and wife, it is better to say that they are sisters and brothers.

   Although Ruan Aizhou is older than Ji Wanying, Ji Wanying is much more mature than him. Ruan Aizhou is a younger brother in front of Ji Wanying.

   Ji Wanying knew what he was thinking, but she really didn't plan to live with Ruan Aizhou all the time.

   (end of this chapter)

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