Chapter 1023 Is it rebirth?

   "Whether it's her or not, since I didn't find her, let's pretend I don't know." Ji Wanying paused when she said this, "If you're worried, you can also look for it."

   Ruan Aizhou hesitated for a moment, then shook his head: "Forget it, what if it wasn't her? Besides, she's so old and went to someone else's house. I can't take care of her now."

   Even if he wants to discipline Zhao Yuting, it depends on whether Zhao Yuting is willing or not, right?

   Ruan Aizhou didn't want to cause trouble for himself anyway.

   He heard that Ji Wanying obviously didn't care much about his attitude, so he didn't want to care about Zhao Yuting's affairs.

   What if he takes care of it and Ji Wanying doesn't want him?

   Ruan Aizhou said again: "It's good that you and I know about this. Don't tell your parents and them first, lest they get upset."

   When Ruan Tang was in high school two years ago, Zhao Yuting and He Xiuqing had trouble with Ruan Tang.

   He didn't know about this at first. Later, when he went to the county town to send mushrooms to his eldest brother and the others, Jiang Chunshui told him specifically.

   At that time, he was very sorry, and the only remaining affection for He Xiuqing and Zhao Yuting in his heart also faded.

  The two sons are still living with the elder brother and sister-in-law. He Xiuqing and Zhao Yuting are still going to trouble Ruan Tang. What do they think about the elder brother?

   He didn't understand, what was going on with the mother and daughter, why couldn't they get along with Ruan Tang!

   Ruan Tang didn't do anything to them!

   Ruan Aizhou became more upset the more she thought about it.

  Ji Wanying was not surprised. She smiled: "Well, let's not talk about it. Since she didn't come here, maybe it's just a coincidence, and she didn't come to you on purpose."

   Ruan Aizhou nodded: "It must be so!"

   He wished that Zhao Yuting hadn't come to him!

   Ji Wanying went to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

   Ruan Aizhou looked at the direction of the gate and went to work.

   Neither of them planned to talk about this, so as not to upset Jiang Chunshui and the others.

   didn't know, Ruan Tang already knew.

   When those good people came to inform Ruan Aizhou, 008 heard it and notified Ruan Tang immediately.

   Ruan Tang was surprised on the spot when he heard it.

   She thought it was strange.

   Zhao Yuting suddenly returned to Shanhe Village at this time, but didn't come to Ruan's house again.

   Then what did she come back for?

   Is there anything special today?

   To say that it is special, it is Jiang Tianyu.

  Is it possible that Zhao Yuting knew that Jiang Tianyu would appear?

   Thinking of this possibility, Ruan Tang couldn't sit still.

   She wore it back herself, so what happened to Zhao Yuting?

  Is it possible that Zhao Yuting is also "reborn"?

   Ruan Tang thought that he might not feel at ease, so he immediately gave 008 the task to send mechanical flies to find Zhao Yuting.

  008 made a very snapshot.

When the    mechanical flies left, Ruan Tang was still wondering if the villagers might have made a mistake.

   However, when the mechanical fly found Zhao Yuting, she could no longer deceive herself.

   That woman is indeed Zhao Yuting!

   She is really back!

   Not only that, she also went directly to the back mountain!

   Ruan Tang wouldn't believe it if it wasn't for Jiang Tianyu!

  So, something must have gone wrong with Zhao Yuting!

   I just don't know if she is reborn or what is going on.

   Ruan Tang was desperate to figure this out, so the mechanical fly flew in front of Zhao Yuting and slapped her in the face.

   She wanted to observe Zhao Yuting's expression.

   What a person thinks in his heart always shows something in his expression.

   (end of this chapter)

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