Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1035: Zhao family farce 1

   Chapter 1035 Zhao Family Farce 1

  The Zhao family is making a fuss right now.

  Because there are too many daughters in the family, even if Zhao Guangyuan dislikes him, he can't watch his daughter starve to death.

   So every day at noon, he would go home to take care of his five daughters who were waiting to be fed, and by the way he would also keep an eye on He Xiuqing and Zhao Yuting, lest they be lazy and abuse his own daughter.

   As a result, when I got home at noon today, Zhao Yuting didn't come back!

   Zhao Guangyuan was angry at that time.

   But he didn't rush to get angry, but first called the fertilizer factory and asked to see if Zhao Yuting stayed in the factory to work overtime.

   As a result of this question, I found out that Zhao Yuting asked for leave in the morning and left early, and was not in the factory at all!

   Zhao Guangyuan's anger was instantly ignited when he heard such news.

   He was so angry that he questioned He Xiuqing, wanting to know where Zhao Yuting went to fool around.

   However, He Xiuqing was not clear at all.

  Because Zhao Guangyuan's voice was too loud, he woke up the five girls as soon as he shouted a few words.

   The five people burst into tears at the same time, and the Zhao family suddenly became lively.

   Zhao Guangyuan was helpless and could only endure his anger to coax his daughter.

   After finally coaxing his five daughters to sleep, he didn't dare to make a fuss.

   After lunch, he hurried out to earn money again.

   After getting off work in the evening, he came home and found that Zhao Yuting hadn't come back!

   Now he was completely pissed.

It was only after the lesson at noon that he did not dare to question He Xiuqing loudly, so he dragged her to the yard and asked her in a low voice with a gloomy face, "What happened to your daughter? How long has it been? Home! What does she want to do?"

  He Xiuqing had a bitter face, she was actually worried, but Zhao Yuting didn't tell her anything when she went out in the morning, she has no idea where Zhao Yuting went!

  He Xiuqing tried her best to think about it, and felt that something was wrong with Zhao Yuting's expression in the morning, and she didn't know what happened.

   And she never went back to work in the factory and never went home. Where did she go?

   Couldn't be an accident, right?

  He Xiuqing was worried, so she whispered, "I don't know where Tingting went. She's a girl, so she's not being deceived, right?"

   Zhao Guangyuan sneered when he heard this, and said with disgust, "Liar? She looks like a ghost now, making people feel like vomiting, who would lie to her?"

  He Xiuqing has always regarded Zhao Yuting as the top of his heart. How can he feel good when he hears this?

   However, when she thought of Zhao Yuting's face, she felt that her heart was cut by a knife.

He Xiuqing said dissatisfiedly: "Can you blame Tingting? She was not harmed by that Wang Zhaodi! At first, Wang Zhaodi forced her to eat the pill, and then Tingting started to have acne on her face, it must be the pill. The problem!"

   Zhao Guangyuan sneered again: "What if it's the problem with the pill? Wang Zhaodi has long disappeared, and even the public security bureau can't find her, can you find her?"

   Zhao Yuting is very good at coaxing people. She is beautiful and quiet. At the beginning, he thought about Zhao Yuting as his daughter.

  Who knew that Zhao Yuting was a disaster!

   She provoked Wang Zhaodi and turned into an ugly monster. If she didn't wear a mask, she would scare people to death!

   If it weren't for the small number of people in the family, He Xiuqing needed someone to take care of her because of her pregnancy in the past two years, and she would have to spend money to hire a servant. He would have driven Zhao Yuting out long ago.

   In the end, Zhao Yuting actually ran away before he chased him away!

  Where did she go?

   (end of this chapter)

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