Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1036: Zhao family farce 2

   Chapter 1036 Zhao Family Farce 2

   Zhao Guangyuan couldn't figure out where Zhao Yuting went.

  Thinking that the five daughters who are waiting to be fed at home can't be left unattended, and he also needs Zhao Yuting's monthly salary to support her daughters.

   Zhao Guangyuan asked He Xiuqing: "Zhao Yuting is your daughter, where did she go, don't you mother know? You didn't say it on purpose, did you?"

  He Xiuqing was aggrieved and cried for a moment: "I'm so worried now that you still say such things! Tingting didn't tell me when she went out, how would I know?"

   Zhao Guangyuan looked at her for a while, and seeing that she didn't seem to be lying, he asked again, "You really can't think of where she will go? Think again."

He Xiuqing shook his head: "I really can't think of it, why don't you go directly to the factory and ask? I'm really worried to death. Tingting is a big girl, she is alone outside, in case something happens How to do?"

   Zhao Guangyuan hesitated for a while, but rode his bicycle to the fertilizer factory.

   His minivan is still there, but after having five daughters at home, the expenses are too high. Now he doesn't dare to drive around like he used to, so he can only save as much as possible.

   Driving to the fertilizer factory, it costs a lot of oil to go back and forth, but it’s all money!

   is still the most economical way to ride a bicycle.

   However, the speed of the bicycle is also slow.

   Zhao Guangyuan rode his bicycle to the fertilizer factory. When he came back, it was already two hours later and it was dark.

  He Xiuqing has been waiting anxiously at home. She was worried about Zhao Yuting, so she forgot to breastfeed her three daughters.

  The remaining two older daughters are over one year old and have been weaned, and they eat rice flour paste and malted milk.

   But malted milk is not cheap, so I don’t dare to add too much every time, I can only add a little bit to add flavor.

   Today, He Xiuqing forgot to breastfeed the baby, and the three youngest daughters were hungry and crying.

   They are too young now, far from the age to be able to make sense.

   Naturally, when he was hungry, he screamed loudly, reminding He Xiuqing not to starve them to death.

   But as soon as the three little ones cried, the two older ones started to cry.

   Zhao's house was even more lively.

   Even if Mrs. Zhao Guangyuan helped coax the children, she and He Xiuqing alone would not be able to coax five girls.

   So when Zhao Guangyuan came back on his bicycle, he heard his daughter's cry from afar.

   He suddenly felt that his head was big, and the anger in his heart ignited again.

   He rode his bike out, sweating all over from exhaustion.

  He Xiuqing is better, stay at home, you don't have to go out and run, and you can't even bring your daughter!

   How on earth is she a mother?

   The more Zhao Guangyuan thought about it, the more dissatisfied he became. He rushed into the house and couldn't help roaring at He Xiuqing: "How did you bring the children? As soon as I came back, I heard them cry all the way. What the **** did you do!"

   As soon as the words fell, the five girls burst into tears again.

   His old lady frowned and said displeasedly, "You can't say a few words. It took a long time to coax the child, and you made me cry again."

   Zhao Guangyuan was a dutiful son, and he didn't dare to refute him when she scolded him, so he just stared at He Xiuqing with fierce eyes.

  He Xiuqing was a little scared, but when she thought of Zhao Yuting, whose whereabouts were unknown, she still summoned up her courage and asked, "How did you ask someone to ask? Where did Tingting go?"

   "How does Lao Tzu know where your worrying daughter ran off to?" Zhao Guangyuan said angrily, turned around and walked out, "I want to know where you can find it yourself!"

   (end of this chapter)

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