Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1037: Zhao family farce 3

   Chapter 1037 Zhao Family Farce 3

  He Xiuqing looked aggrievedly at the back of Zhao Guangyuan leaving, and finally said nothing.

   She went out to find it by herself?

   She looks like a ghost now, how dare she go out to meet people?

   When she gave birth to twins before, her belly was stretched and some couldn't be taken back.

   She originally thought that after the confinement period, she would do a good job of exercising, and try to get her stomach back and restore her figure as soon as possible.

  Who knew that Zhao Guangyuan was full of sons.

   She had just given birth, and Zhao Guangyuan took her to continue making people.

   As a result, she became pregnant again, with triplets.

  Belly grows bigger!

   Now the baby is born, but it's like there is a meat bag hanging on her stomach, and she can't take it back.

   She was about to die in a panic, but the five girls were like debt collectors, twenty-four hours a day, they had to be noisy for twenty hours.

   Zhao Guangyuan couldn't afford a servant, and the dead girl Zhao Tiantian hid in her uncle's house and refused to come back to help take care of the children.

  The old woman at home stared at her all day, and she couldn't find time to exercise.

   Now that the child has been born for three months, her belly is still like a ghost, and it is confiscated.

   She didn't dare to look up at her stomach when she was taking a bath.

   How dare you go out?

   Even with clothes on, her belly was too big to cover.

   Not only on the stomach, but also on the face, I have to use a thick powder to barely cover it.

   But Zhao Guangyuan didn't buy her rouge gouache at all, saying it was a waste of money.

   She didn't dare to buy it by herself, so she could only hide at home all day and didn't dare to go out.

   It's getting dark now, Zhao Guangyuan actually asked her to go out to find someone, how did she get out?

  The more He Xiuqing thought about it, the more wronged he became, and he was really worried about Zhao Yuting, so he could only sit at home and wait.

   Who knew that Zhao Yuting didn't come back until midnight.

   With her children, she can't sleep well every day, and she doesn't have enough energy at all.

   In the end, I had no choice but to go back to sleep.


   Zhao Yuting never came home.

  There is a telephone in the hospital, but she refuses to even make a phone call.

   Now she just wants to get out of the fire pit of Zhao's house, where would she want to call back and let Zhao Guangyuan and He Xiuqing know that she is in the city?

   So He Xiuqing didn't wait for Zhao Yuting to go back the next day.

   On the third day, she couldn't sit still.

  At this moment, Zhao Guangyuan also heard news that Zhao Yuting had returned to Shanhe Village!

   He was instantly furious, and when he got home, he lashed out at He Xiuqing.

   Zhao Guangyuan looked at He Xiuqing and sneered: "He Xiuqing, your daughter is very capable? I thought I was having a bad time here, so I went back to Ruan's house to find her cheap father!"

  He Xiuqing's face changed greatly: "What do you mean? Tingting went back to Ruan's house? This is impossible!"

   She knows her daughter, Zhao Yuting was raised by her, she knows nothing about her best temperament.

   With Zhao Yuting's heart above the sky, how could she go back to Ruan's house and let that dead girl Ruan Tang make a joke?

   She can't go back.

   Zhao Guangyuan didn't think so.

   Since the birth of five daughters, he has been tossed a lot in the past two years.

   Raising children is too expensive.

   But there are still five girls, they are simply doing business at a loss!

   Zhao Guangyuan felt that he had lost a lot of money, but he didn't want to give his daughter to someone else to raise him. He couldn't afford to lose this person!

  If he sends his daughter out, wouldn't he tell others that Zhao Guangyuan is so useless that he can't even raise his own daughter?

   Where would he want to?

   As his money became more and more difficult, his temperament also became sensitive.

   for fear that others will look down on him.

   (end of this chapter)

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