Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 1039: Find the Nguyen family

   Chapter 1039 Find the Ruan Family

After   , Zhao Guangyuan drove He Xiuqing to Shanhe Village in a small truck.

   He deliberately wanted to let He Xiuqing know that she is now his Zhao Guangyuan's woman, and Ruan Aizhou has long since been impossible!

   In the past two years, Zhao Guangyuan's minivan has gotten a lot older.

   There were a lot of problems, and he didn't have the money to fix it.

   The car was driving on the road, and the sound was very unpleasant. However, Zhao Guangyuan is used to it, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with this car.

   The county seat is a little far from Shanhe Village, but it is much faster to drive.

  He Xiuqing was sitting in the car, tears kept flowing. Zhao Guangyuan felt bored when he saw it, and scolded her in anger, making He Xiuqing even more aggrieved.

   But she forgot that she is no longer the beautiful and elegant intellectual woman she used to be.

   In the past, she cried like a pear blossom with rain, but now she is a yellow-faced woman, where can I watch it when I cry?

   Seeing that he was about to reach Shanhe Village, Zhao Guangyuan roared at her displeasedly: "Wipe your tears for Lao Tzu!

   is coming soon, who do you want to show this look?

   Following Lao Tzu made you feel wronged, didn't you? Is daddy not good to you? Is it lack of food for you or lack of clothes for you?

   You just want to find your ex-husband? Did you cry like this on purpose to show him? You are not cheap! "

   He Xiuqing was even more aggrieved, but when she looked at Zhao Guangyuan's arm with blue veins, she was afraid.

   If Zhao Guangyuan got angry, he would really do something to her!

   Even in that kind of thing, he is not relentless!

   She regretted it.

   She really regretted it.

   If she knew that Zhao Guangyuan was such a person, she might as well stay at the Ruan family.

   Even if you follow Wang Jin to school, you will be better than now!

   What is the difference between her now and Sun Ximei in the past?

   I hate that she, an educated youth, actually lived to be the woman she once looked down on the most!

   Soon, the pickup truck drove into Shanhe Village.

  The villagers watched curiously.

  He Xiuqing had been sitting in the car, but now her appearance has changed drastically, and the villagers did not recognize her.

   Seeing that the pickup truck drove to the door of Ruan's house, the villagers were very curious.

   "Who is this?"

   "It looks like he's here to find the Ruan brothers."

   "Could it be a friend Ruan Aihua met outside?"

   "I don't know, just look at it."


  He Xiuqing sat in the car and listened to the villagers' discussions, her mood became extremely complicated.

  I am glad that no one knows her, and I am sad that she has become such a ghost now.

   Zhao Guangyuan simply got out of the car, walked to the door of Ruan's house, and slapped the wooden door angrily.

   "Is anyone there? Open the door quickly!"

   At this moment, Ruan Tang and Fengyi arrived.

  The two came back from the back mountain.

  Fengyi likes to draw and thinks the scenery on the back mountain is good, so Ruan Tang took her to sketch.

   Zhao Guangyuan brought He Xiuqing to Shanhe Village. After 008 found out about this, he immediately notified Ruan Tang. She was afraid that her family would suffer, so she rushed back with Fengyi.

  The villagers who were watching the lively saw them and took the initiative to make way.

   Ruan Tang heard Zhao Guangyuan slam the door loudly, and the anger in his heart ignited.

   She said simply: "You are here to find Zhao Yuting?"

   Zhao Guangyuan squinted at her and said bluntly, "Where is she? Hand her over!"

   Ruan Tang sneered: "She should be in the city health center right now. If you want to find her, just go there."

   "The city health center? How could she be there?" Zhao Guangyuan's eyes flashed, and he suddenly asked, "Did you beat her?"

   (end of this chapter)

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